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In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many questions about insurance coverage. Because each policy is different, it is very difficult to generalize about insurance coverage. However, one thing we know to be true is that policyholders or insureds will be advocating for losses, primarily business losses, to be covered, while the insurance companies will be arguing the insurance policies preclude coverage either due to policy definitions or due to policy exclusions ...

Ellex Klavins | April 2020

Associate Partner Sarmis Spilbergs and Associate Mikijs Zimecs have prepared a sample of a Privacy Policy that may help employees to process data related to COVID-19 in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation ...

Deacons | July 2021

In JML-Craft Pty Ltd v China Ping An Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Ltd, HCCT 27/2021, the subcontractor (P) applied for an interlocutory injunction to restrain the main contractor (D2) from making any further demand under a surety bond (Advance Payment Bond) and receiving any payment under it pending disposal of the action, on the grounds that the demand was made fraudulently and/or in bad faith, knowing that it was not entitled to make the demand under the Advance Payment Agreement and/

Hanson Bridgett LLP | January 2021

In a scenario that has played out across the country for nearly a year now, a group of restaurants based in Ohio were ordered by government authorities to close their on-site dining operations to abate the spread of the coronavirus. However, when the restaurants sought insurance coverage for their loss of business income, their insurer, Zurich American Insurance Company, denied coverage. Last week, the U.S ...

Imagine the effect on the privatization effort and the stability of the workers’ compensation insurance market in West Virginia if the standard workers’ compensation insurance policy1 was held to give an insured employer coverage for “deliberate intent” claims even though the insured employer did not inquire about, request, or pay for such coverage.2 Imagine the risk management implications and the effect on premiums for workers’ compensation insurers ...

To the average person, what constitutes an “accident” is likely clear. If someone trips and falls—in most instances, it would be considered an accident. If someone bumps her head getting out of a car—it’s probably just an accident. And if someone were to drop something heavy onto his foot—it would likely be deemed a careless accident ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | October 2019

On 3 October 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) published its groundbreaking ruling in case C-18/18 establishing that the EU enables national courts to order information societies such as Facebook to remove defamatory information. This also encompasses equivalent versions of previously declared illegal information. In doing so, the ECJ effectively held that EU law does not preclude injunctions issued by national courts from producing worldwide effects ...

Bribes of $40,000 stuffed in envelopes, a flight to Europe solely to retrieve a briefcase full of cash, and a $10 million payoff to secure votes for choosing the World Cup host country are among the allegations in the recent indictment against FIFA representatives and related business associates. The indictment contains charges of racketeering, wire fraud and money laundering arising out of alleged kickbacks and bribes that the defendants gave or received ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2020

There has been an increase in the number of businesses seeking to exploit coronavirus for commercial gain, often in breach of relevant advertising and consumer regulations. What can you do to make sure your advertising practices are above board? Background A surge in the demand for products related to coronavirus, such as facemasks and hand sanitiser gel, has led to a range of issues, particularly in relation to responsible advertising and fair pricing practices ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

In the context of the Coronavirus outbreak worldwide, business and entrepreneurs are busy developing strategies and practical ways to mitigate and manage the risks associated with disruptions that may be caused as a result of the outbreak ...

PLMJ | March 2020

The Coronavirus, COVID-19 has raised numerous important legal issues. However, one issue has assumed an even higher profile with the recent classification of the virus as a pandemic. This is the question of what claims can be made under the different insurance products on the market to cope with the losses, whether direct or indirect, that Portuguese businesses have been facing ...

PLMJ | February 2021

The judgment of the United Kingdom Supreme Court On 1 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), the body that oversees the insurance industry in the United Kingdom, announced that it wanted to obtain a ruling from the English courts on the meaning and effect of the sample of business interruption clauses that it selected from eight insurers in particular ...

PLMJ | December 2020

The world is desperately seeking a vaccine and treatments against COVID-19 and the answer will also be found in intellectual property. For this reason, PLMJ and Inventa International have joined forces toprepare a Digest on these issues that is continuously updated ...

Heuking | March 2020

The coronavirus is currently causing a lot of uproar. Many companies are reviewing their risks in case of infection or are trying to mitigate damage caused by canceled events and trade shows ...

TSMP Law Corporation | February 2019

From re-sharing cat videos to creating memes, tweaks in our three-decade-old Copyright Act will help clarify what’s permissible and what’s verboten as we continue to indulge in our insatiable appetite for social media. Chinese New Year Eve, 2019. Social media was ablaze with a viral video (YouTube link) of an altercation between a Malay Gojek driver and his Chinese passenger objecting to a route that would incur ERP charges ...

A raft of new legislation outlined in the Queen's Speech has been predictably derided as being unachievable in the limited parliamentary time available before the election.  However, the Government's Digital Economy Bill which was published last week, appears to have a certain amount of cross party support and may therefore make it to the statute book ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

One of the main rationales for using a cash box structure is that equity securities issued by PLC are issued for a non-cash consideration so that the statutory pre-emption provisions set out in the UK Companies Act 2006 do not apply. The issue can therefore take place without the timing implications of seeking shareholder approval to disapply the pre-emption rights or conducting a pre-emptive issue ...

Buchalter | April 2020

The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the manufacturing, transportation and supple chains underpinning countless aspects of trade and commerce on a global basis. Additionally, the shelter-in-place orders have caused nonessential businesses to shut down, resulting in many of them being unable to meet their contractual obligation. Force Majeure Whether coronavirus can be considered a force majeure depends on the wording of the provision ...

It behooves construction professionals, be they materials manufacturers, general contractors, or lower-tier subcontractors, to carry some form of commercial general liability insurance (“CGL Insurance”). Having such coverage alleviates some of the potential risk and financial exposure a construction professional carries on a particular project. That is, of course, unless the construction professional gets sued and the insurer refuses to pay ...

MinterEllison | July 2018

Earlier this year, the government released a proposal paper: Extending Unfair Contract Terms Protections to Insurance Contracts outlining a model to extend unfair contract term (UCT) provisions to insurance contracts regulated under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) (IC Act) for consultation. The consultation period closes on 27 July. A high level summary of the proposed model is below ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2021

The Electronic Communications Code was subject to a wholesale re-write in 2017, with the intention of facilitating the faster roll-out of the UK’s digital communications infrastructure. Three years on, the government has commenced a consultation on proposals to revise aspects of the Code to ensure it is fit for purpose ...

Dykema | March 2020

We regularly work with financial institutions to navigate the challenges of implementing, maintaining, and using security procedures for commercial customers’ use of treasury management services. Security procedures are an integral part of the relationship between the financial institution and its commercial customers ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2009

Lenders who take legal charges over real property usually require their interest to be 'noted' on the insurance policy covering the property. However, this may not give them the protection they require, especially in the current economic climate. It is quite appropriate that lenders want to be certain that insurance arrangements covering a property used as security are satisfactory ...
