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Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

Following the important judgment rendered by the Court of Appeal on August 2, 20121, the Court has ruled once again, on September 27, 20122, on the exclusions for gross fault with respect to professional liability insurance. In addition, the decision confirmed, as provided in the Civil Code, that an intentional fault is never covered. THE FACTS After their mother’s death, Pierre Audet and Marie Audet ("the Audet") hired Jacques-André Thibault ("Thibault") to manage their assets ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2012

Following the important judgment rendered by the Court of Appeal on August 2, 20121, the Court has ruled once again, on September 27, 20122, on the exclusions for gross fault with respect to professional liability insurance. In addition, the decision confirmed, as provided in the Civil Code, that an intentional fault is never covered ...

Procuring and implementing an ICT system within an organisation can be a stressful task. High profile failures in both the public and private sectors hit the headlines all too often. The National Audit Office's report last month on the £6.2bn NHS IT upgrade in England put many of the challenges firmly in the spotlight. In the heat of the procurement process it is easy to forget some basic procurement principles ...

Heuking | March 2019

On 13 March 2019, the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in Baden-Württemberg (LfDI BaWü) published the latest version of his guidebook on employee data protection. In this brochure, the LfDI BaWü offers an insight into his work and explains his opinion regarding the various points of view surrounding employee data protection ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2002

In the buzzword-compliant society that we live in, one of the loudest buzzes these days is Privacy. Start-up companies trumpet their privacy protecting software. Privacy consultants are starting to dot the landscape. Companies are employing Chief Privacy Officers. The Federal Trade Commission is bringing charges and levying fines against companies for privacy violations ...

TSMP Law Corporation | June 2018

Privacy is Dead - But we never wanted it anyway, muses Adrian Tan. Over the past few weeks, our inboxes were bombarded by emails about privacy. Companies wrote to us, in a state of panic, because of the General Data Protection Regulation. That is a new European Union law that recently came into force. Among the many things that the GDPR does is to regulate the export of personal data outside the EU ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2021

All indications are that the evolution of privacy laws and their impact will continue to evolve, perhaps even at a greater pace, in 2021. In celebrating Privacy Day, January 28, 2021, we would like to share four things businesses should be keeping their eyes on, and planning for, in 2021. 1. Significant changes to privacy legislation in Canada. Canadian federal and provincial governments have tabled and proposed sweeping changes to privacy laws in Canada ...

Deacons | April 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many employees working from home, and brought about a need for a more collaborate meeting culture in place of physical meeting and travelling. Online meetings using video conferencing systems empower businesses to stay connected with their clients, and interact and collaborate with their employees working remotely via the Internet ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

As soon as we began to shelter-in-place during the COVID-19 crisis, most of us also started to hold virtual meetings, both professional and personal, as a better, more satisfying way to connect. For this, we turned en masse to a handful of video conferencing platforms. However, while we can all agree that these services help us do our jobs and stay in touch with loved ones, these services raise many novel privacy and security concerns ...

Carey | January 2022

The possibility of having, in the short term, a new statute on personal data protection, which updates the current regulation of Law No. 19,628 on the protection of private life, is rather unlikely. Bulletin 11144-07, which modifies said Law, remains at the initial legislative stage in the Chamber of Origin, therefore it is not feasible to foresee the approval of this bill in the medium term. On the other hand, the recent publication of Law No ...

Heuking | September 2019

In its decision of 8 August 2019 (Ref.: 29 W 940/19), the Munich Higher Regional Court commented for the first time on the German Act on the Protection of Business Secrets (GeschGehG). In court proceedings in which claims arising from the law which came into force at the end of April 2019 are asserted, urgency should not be presumed pursuant to Section 12 (2) German Law against unfair competition (UWG) (analogously) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2022

Entrepreneurs and investors in cryptocurrencies and other digital assets may finally receive guidance and clarity from the federal government ...

Texas operators and service companies need to carefully consider how a recent trend in Texas law affects the availability of insurance coverage - for themselves and their counterparties - for contractual liability. Most general liability policies, which insure claims for bodily injury and property damage, exclude coverage for liability assumed under a contract, unless the liability either exists in the absence of the contract or was assumed in a defined “insured contract ...
