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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. While the following CMS recommendations and guidelines identify nursing homes as the target recipients, they are applicable to all facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds, and are therefore subject to CMS's oversight ...

  Do I have a COVID-19 business interruption claim? Particularly if you operate in the leisure, retail or hospitality sectors, your business has likely suffered significant financial losses from the disruption caused by COVID-19. In trying to alleviate the impact of those losses, you might have identified that your business’s insurance policy offered cover for ‘business interruption’ (or ‘BI’) ...

Does your organization’s insurance program provide any protection from the economic disruption caused by the novel coronavirus pandemic? What steps should you take to assess and protect that insurance coverage? The Bradley Policyholder Insurance Coverage team has provided an informative webinar addressing insurance coverage and claims adjustment for event cancellation, business interruption, and third-party claims stemming from the pandemic ...

Garrigues | June 2020

Preparation of financial statements and corporate income tax, recommencement of time periods, remote trials, gradual return to workplaces, insolvency proceedings and compliance with criminal law In a new edition of our COVID-19 Special Newsletter, we examine the key new legislation approved over the past two weeks in all areas of business law ...

DFDL | December 2020

 Regional Insights [VIDEO] Salary Arrangements & Restructuring in the Time of COVID-19: Market Views & Legal Implementation Watch our latest video to gain a clearer view on the salary arrangement options available to human resources departments in light of the disruption caused by the COVID-19 global pandemic ...

Following the August 8, 2020 Presidential Memorandum directing the Treasury Secretary to defer the withholding, deposit, and payment of certain payroll taxes, the Internal Revenue Service released Notice 2020-65 late Friday, August 28. The brief notice gives necessary but sparse guidance on implementing the Presidential Memorandum. We expect (and hope for) further guidance soon ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2020

Upon the ongoing spread of coronavirus disease (“COVID-19”) pandemic, the Indonesian Government has declared the COVID-19 as a national emergency situation. Following the nation’s COVID-19 emergency, the Indonesian Government have issued sets of regulations and policies in various sectors in order to control and mitigate the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Asters | March 2020

  On 18 March 2020, the President of Ukraine signed a new law that introduces social tax, land, and property tax incentives during  the quarantine period to include tax exemptions, postponement of tax audits and possibility to postpone tax payments. By possibility of postponement we mean that statutory deadlines for payment are not changed, but payment can be delayed with no penalty and interest ...

COBALT | June 2020

Does the State plan to keep special support measures in the field of taxation for taxpayers after the end of emergency situation? Yes, on 10 June 2020 the Law on Overcoming the Consequences of the Spread of Covid-19 Infection came into force, by which, inter alia, the following measures are maintained ...

COBALT | April 2020

In March, the Estonian Government decided to implement first steps to help the employers in order to avoid lay-offs and introduced also few other reliefs to support the companies. Below you can find summaries of these measures. Relief measures for employers Compensation of salary The Estonian Government approved the relief measures for the employees subject to salary cut ...

COBALT | April 2020

It has now been announced that from Monday, 6 April 2020 employers will be able to apply for compensation payment from the state budget for March. The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund has explained by now the technical aspects of filing applications and responded to the more frequent questions asked by employers about applying for compensation. Below you will find a brief overview of how to apply for compensation as well as some practical explanations and suggestions ...

Ellex Klavins | December 2020

I Banking and Finance The Government of Latvia has approved a business support program that provides for financial measures ensured in cooperation with state development agency Altum. The program is planned to continue until mid-2021. Depending on individual needs, companies, regardless of industry, can use six crisis alleviation programs: Working capital loan – a liquidity support for companies, whose activities have been affected by Covid-19 ...

Veirano Advogados | March 2020

The new virus COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is spreading exponentially all over the world, also in Brazil. The outbreak is affecting the way in which our clients and their clients conduct their businesses, and the behavior of each and every one of us drastically. The virus is not only tragic for those, whose health is being affected, but also for large parts of the economy, such as the tourism industry, airlines and general retail (other than nutrition-related) ...

Deacons | June 2020

In light of the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Government of Hong Kong has taken historic measures to restore confidence and liquidity to the economy. Such measures have taken the form of direct subsidies for both employers and employees, individuals and bodies corporate. A salient issue to consider was, however, whether such subsidies would be chargeable to tax ...

Dykema | March 2020

Gilda Radner’s character Rosanne Rosannadanna always ended her routines on Saturday Night live by saying, “It’s always something.” She might well have been talking about COVID-19, the effects of which are just beginning to be felt throughout the world. Schools are closed, supply chains may be cracked, travel is slowing and events are being postponed or canceled outright, with more impacts probably to come ...

This 28th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation, includes a number of updates on the mounting number of business interruption coverage disputes -- including a claim against a broker whose alleged failure to obtain infectious disease coverage left the insured without coverage for COVID-19-induced losses ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2020

  In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak and the World Health Organization’s declaration of this coronavirus as a pandemic, employers of all sizes have serious, and somewhat unprecedented, issues to consider. Fortunately for most employers, workers’ compensation may not be one of them ...

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many questions about insurance coverage. Because each policy is different, it is very difficult to generalize about insurance coverage. However, one thing we know to be true is that policyholders or insureds will be advocating for losses, primarily business losses, to be covered, while the insurance companies will be arguing the insurance policies preclude coverage either due to policy definitions or due to policy exclusions ...

The Supreme Court while hearing Suo Motu Writ (Civil) No.5/2020 on 6thApril 2020 has, in exercise of the powers conferred by Article 142 of the Constitution, directed that: i ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | March 2020

Czech Government Approves Mitigation Measures Related to Coronavirus Emergency UPDATED   In connection with the coronavirus emergency, the Czech government has approved a liberation tax package aimed at mitigating the consequences of the emergency ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2020

Key Points IRS releases new COVID-19 relief for Qualified Opportunity Funds Taxpayers granted significant postponement of various timing requirements to ensure compliance with IRC section 1400Z-2 The IRS released Notice 2020-39 on June 4, 2020, providing significant relief for investors in qualified opportunity funds (QOFs) ...

The key Direct tax changes as announced by the Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt ...

TSMP Law Corporation | June 2021

Fast becoming the Monaco of the East, Singapore is luring global UHNWIs to set up family offices here due to its wealth-friendly tax and regulatory regime, and its position at the global economic growth epicentre. Sergey Brin (net worth: US$104 billion). Google’s co-founder and the world’s ninth-richest person set up a branch of his single family office (SFO), Bayshore Global Management, in Singapore to manage his local assets late last year ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2020

The Tax Court of Canada (the “Court”) recently upheld the deductibility of carrying charges incurred in connection with an issuance of shares.  In so doing, the court upheld the tax benefits arising from a common financing practice. In addition, the Court reiterated the principle in tax matters according to which, save in exceptional cases, the legal relationships established by one or more taxpayers must be respected ...
