[!<CDATA[ This term the Supreme Court is set to resolve a circuit split over the extent of a federal district court’s power to order a person “who resides in or is found” in its district “to give testimony or statement or to produce a document or other thing for use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal” pursuant to 28 U.S.C Section 1782(a) ...
The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan has set the country's women's rights back 20 years. This is why we should care. “All I could see around me were the fearful and scared faces of women and ugly faces of men who hate women, who do not like women to get educated, work and have freedom. Most devastating to me were the ones who looked happy and made fun of women.” – The Guardian, 15 August 2021 ...
The objectives in brief The Government would like to see the aquaculture industry grow, provided that it can do so in a sustainable manner. Statistics produced by the Directorate of Fisheries show that Norway produced and sold a total of just under 1.5 million tonnes of rainbow trout, trout and Atlantic salmon in 2020 ...
The UK Government has announced that businesses will have a further year to start using the UKCA marking for goods placed on the GB market, extending the deadline to 1 January 2023. What is a UKCA mark? The UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking is the new UK product marking that is used for certain goods that are placed on the GB market and covers most goods which previously required the EU CE marking, known as ‘new approach’ goods ...
May 2021 saw the election of seven ‘Metro Mayors’ outside London, underlining the government’s renewed enthusiasm for devolving powers beyond Westminster as part of its ‘levelling up’ agenda. The powers of each Mayor and Combined Authority vary but a common thread is the use of devolved planning powers to accelerate housing delivery ...
Important new legislative changes impacting federally regulated employers will come into effect in 2021: the Pay Equity Act and a minimum wage requirement. Details on both these measures and how that will affect employers are examined below. Pay Equity Act The federal Pay Equity Act comes into effect on August 31, 2021. The Act applies to federally regulated employers who have 10 or more employees ...
Key Points Ninth Circuit reaffirms the “significant nexus” test for determining whether filling certain wetlands in 2007 violates the Clean Water Act The narrower test for determining the Clean Water Act’s jurisdiction under the 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule did not apply since it postdated the 2007 filling of the wetlands ...
Despite the cannabis industry’s explosive growth, many financial institutions have been hesitant to transact with cannabis-related businesses given the ambiguity created by divergent state and federal cannabis laws. The SAFE Banking Act seeks to remove these ambiguities at the federal level and pave the way for more financial institutions to serve the cannabis industry ...
On August 20, 2021, the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (the “PIPL”) was officially promulgated, which will come into effect on November 1, 2021. The PIPL will become the first systematic and comprehensive law in China that focuses on the protection of personal information ...
Arbitration Rules 2021The Asian International Arbitration Centre (“AIAC”) launched its latest edition of the AIAC Arbitration Rules (“AIAC Rules”) on 1 August 2021. The AIAC Arbitration Rules 2021 (“2021 Rules”) streamline proceedings and embrace the needs of a fast evolving disputes climate ...
Japan has a history of investment and joint ventures in India. Foreign direct investment from Japan increased to USD35 billion between 2000-2020, with USD10 billion worth of inbound mergers and acquisitions in 2015-2020 alone. Factors including geopolitical realignments in Asia, excess global liquidity and a new, incentive-based manufacturing regime in India mean that the economic relationship between India and Japan in high-value manufacturing is likely to expand further ...
On August 18 th , 2021, Law No. 21,362 (the “ Law ”) was published in the Official Gazette. The Law introduces several modifications to different other laws in connection with the labeling, advertisement, and sales of gluten free foodstuff products. Firstly, the Law modifies Law No. 20,606, commonly known as Labeling Law ...
Home Quarantine Now Possible for Ex-Patriates Imagine having the permission to work in a foreign country and yet being unable to do so as you are prohibited from entry. That has been the dilemma faced by many ex patriates who hold Employment Passes but have been unable to enter Malaysia due to the current restrictions in place ...
The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury, and the Office of Personnel Management recently issued an Interim Final Rule (IFR) implementing portions of the No Surprises Act enacted in December 2020 ...
Under the GDPR, transfers of personal data are permitted without restriction to countries that the European Commission (the "EC") has assessed as providing an "adequate" standard of protection for personal data. The current list of countries considered "adequate" is Andorra, Argentina, Canada (for commercial organisations), Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Israel, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland and Uruguay and the United Kingdom ...
Superintendence Resolution Nº 000170-2021-MIGRACIONES, published last August 6, provides for the repeal of Superintendence Resolution Nº 000104-2020-MIGRACIONES (hereinafter, Resolution 104) and provides the following measures: Extension of term.-The term of temporary or resident migratory statuses granted from March 16, 2020, which expired during the validity of Resolution 104, is extended until the entry into force of this resolution ...
On August 6th of 2021, Law No. 21,363 (hereinafter the “Law”) was published in the Official Gazette. The Law introduces modifications to Law No. 19,925 about expenditure, commercialization and production of alcoholic beverages, and other associated Laws, establishing different limitations to the advertising of alcoholic beverages, as well as the obligation of including warnings about harmful consumption in the container of these kind of products ...
Last year, we reported on the important decision of the Royal Court of Jersey in April 2020 in Re Grundy [2020] JRC 071, which case our firm presented to the Royal Court and which demonstrated the flexibility of the remedies available under Jersey law where a successful application to set aside the exercise of a fiduciary power on grounds of mistake and/or inadequate deliberation is made (No re-writing history: the flexibility of Jersey’s remedies for mistake and inadequate deliber
Like many other governments, the Government of Quebec decided to invest in infrastructure to help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and stimulate Quebec’s economy. A significant number of investments will be made in the transportation sector, and the government wants to accelerate the realisation of several previously announced transportation infrastructure projects in the greater Montréal area ...
The data protection landscape has seen significant change and more is expected. What does that mean for charities specifically? On our 8 July, 2021 webinar Shoosmiths’ Partner, Sarah Tedstone, identified areas with significant change already and where action will be needed in the next few weeks and months to stay compliant ...
Key Points Governor Newsom signed into law Assembly Bill (AB) 133, which creates a $750 per day civil money penalty for skilled nursing facilities (SNF) that do not comply with a transfer, discharge, or readmission hearing decision within three calendar days. AB 133 also requires an SNF to submit a certification of compliance to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), attesting it has complied with the hearing officer's order ...