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Buchalter | September 2021

September 29, 2021 By: Jennifer Guerrero The California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”) established a new state privacy regulatory agency, the California Privacy Protection Agency (“Agency”), which is responsible for issuing regulations implementing the CPRA (along with enforcement authority) ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | September 2021

Summary On September 9, 2021, President Biden issued his Executive Order on Ensuring Adequate COVID Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors (the “Executive Order”) that, when implemented, will require most federal contractors to comply with all guidance for federal contractor and subcontractor workplace locations published by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force (see ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

As many of us continue to work from home and/or have opportunities for travel and meeting up restricted, we are continuing to run our essential webinar series for employers to ensure that our clients and contacts remain up to date and equipped to deal with all eventualities! Our latest seminar focused on disability and Long COVID ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2021

The National Security and Investment Act 2021 – a law that will introduce a screening process for certain acquisitions and investments. The National Security and Investment Act 2021 will introduce a new mandatory notification regime for transactions that comes into force on 4 January 2022. We take a look at what it will cover ...

Carey | September 2021

The National Drug Agency Department of the Institute of Public Health, through exempt resolution No. 01746 of September 6, 2021, approved a guide to provide guidelines regarding the technological transfer of pharmaceutical production processes, necessary to obtain the authorization of a new manufacturer of a medicament, maintaining the previously authorized one ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | September 2021

In January 2020 the first signs of Covid-19 were of a commercial nature. Business activity related to China – which is a large part of the maritime industry in Asia – started slowing down considerably. Projects experienced delays, new ventures were postponed and a general slowdown could be felt throughout the maritime business world. As February and March came around, the first Covid-19 cases started being reported in Singapore ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2021

On September 8, 2021, Mr. Éric Girard, Minister of Finance, presented his Draft Regulation specifying the classes of liability insurance contracts that may derogate from public policy rules previously applicable to liability insurance (the? Draft Regulation ?), Namely those set out in articles 2500 and 2503 of the Civil Code of Quebec (? CCQ? ) concerning the insurer? s duty to defend and the exclusive application of insurance coverage to injured third parties ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

On Sept. 22, 2021, the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) publicly referred six matters involving drug manufacturers to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) for possible imposition of civil monetary penalties (CMPs) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

Recently, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it is rescinding the audit determinations for providers notified in January 2021 that had failed to qualify for the “mid-build” exception. CMS took this action due to questions raised by these providers regarding the audit process ...

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt | September 2021

As we enter the final quarter of 2021, there are many things still to do and plan for before the end of the year. There are also some timing considerations given proposed legislative changes and the lead time needed to accomplish some of these items. You should be reviewing your year-end estate planning or business transition concerns NOW ...

[!<CDATA[ The trend toward conducting business online has gained even stronger momentum as the economy continues to adapt to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. But an increased digital presence carries the potential for increased legal risk ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

The White House announced on Monday, Sept. 20, 2021, that in early November of this year, it intends to end the COVID-19 travel bans imposed in 2020 and replace them with vaccination and COVID-19 testing requirements for almost all travelers ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

Law360 published an article this week by Dinsmore health care attorney LaTawnda Moore about an ongoing scheme made possible by the increasing prevalence of telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic. This scheme is putting telehealth executives and health care providers at risk of criminal and civil liability. An excerpt is below. The telehealth executives pay health care providers for prescriptions ...

Carey | September 2021

On September 23, 2021, the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism published in the Official Gazette the Electronic Commerce Regulation ("Regulation"). It will become effective on March 24, 2022, according to its transitory article. This Regulation, complying with the provisions of Article 30 and Article 62 of Law No ...

Carey | September 2021

Decree No 131 of the Ministry of Public Works, published in the Official Gazette on September 15, 2021 (the "Decree No 131"), comes to amend DS No 50 / 2015 (the "Decree No 50"), Regulation of Article 295 paragraph 2° of the Water Code, which establishes technical conditions to be met in the design, construction and operation of hydraulic works of Article 294, consisting, among others, in dams or reservoirs with a capacity greater than 50 thousand m3 or whose wall is more than 5 mete

Dykema | September 2021

In a move that should significantly ease traveling to the United States, the Biden Administration has announced plans to withdraw COVID-related geographic travel restrictions in early November ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2021

The Ohio Department of Commerce (Department) recently announced licensed medical marijuana cultivators who are maxing out their grow area capacity will be permitted to apply for an expansion. Presently, there are 20 Level I cultivators capable of growing up to 25,000 square feet of medicinal marijuana, and 15 Level II cultivator licensees that are smaller in scale and permitted up to 3,000 square feet of grow capacity ...

DFDL | September 2021

COVID-19 has thrust the world into recession and its rippling effects have given rise to rapid and accelerating changes. Many businesses have moved or expanded into online channels as we collectively begin to embrace and advance headlong into an increasingly digitalized society ...

Carey Olsen | September 2021

The rule has long been the source of controversy and confusion. This decision of the Board provides some welcome clarification non two aspects of the rules, being the relevant time for determining whether the reflective loss rule should apply (the "Timing Issue") and the definition of a 'common wrongdoer' for the purposes of the reflective loss rule (the "Common Wrongdoer Issue"). Primeo Fund (the appellant) was a Cayman Islands company in official liquidation ...

Carey Olsen | September 2021

A key concern for shipowners and lenders will be where to register these new vessels. In this briefing, we consider three factors that usually influence the choice of flag state: (1) financing considerations, (2) recognition for the flag and (3) speed, responsiveness and certainty. Introduction Choosing the flag state where a ship will be registered requires balancing different factors ...

ALRUD Law Firm | September 2021

Please find, herein, the latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning the conducting of internal investigations and the subsequent bringing of employees to disciplinary and material liability. Here are the key decisions of the Higher Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as precedents of regional judicial authorities, over the 2018 – 2021 period. 1 ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | September 2021

Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, We are pleased to bring you the latest legal updates for September 2021 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | September 2021

Key Points Assembly Bill (AB) 361 allows an agency to use teleconferencing for public meetings without requiring the teleconference location to be accessible to the public or a quorum of the members of the legislative body of the agency to participate from locations within the boundaries of the agency's jurisdiction during proclaimed state of emergencies ...
