A summary of the key takeaways from a recent webinar on The Covid-19 Public Inquiry - Spotlight on the Care Sector. What is a Public Inquiry? A public inquiry is a state sponsored investigation into areas of public concern. Inquiries are set up and sponsored by the government, but they operate independently of the government. All inquiries have powers to compel the attendance of witnesses or provision of evidence ...
The Environment Agency has been found in breach of the Regulators’ Code by failing to provide a proper appeal mechanism for challenging Compliance Assessment Reports. It must now decide how to provide permit holders with a new appeal mechanism ...
By means of Exempt Resolution No. 1,268 dated November 20, 2023, published in the Official Gazette on November 30 (the "Resolution"), the Ministry of the Environment (the "MMA") opened a public information period to receive background information to regulate photovoltaic panels in the draft Supreme Decree that will establish collection and recovery goals and other obligations associated with piles and electrical devices (the "Decree"). As a context, by means of Exempt Resolution No ...
December 1, 2023 By: Leah Lively California Business and Professional Code sections 16600 to 16607 already invalidate agreements restricting California employees from pursuing any lawful profession, trade, or business, with limited exceptions mainly in the sale of businesses. Starting January 1, 2024, things are going to get more difficult (and potentially costly) for employers ...
Bringing together leading developers, agents, operators, design specialists, as well as policy and legal experts, Shoosmiths hosts a roundtable discussion on meeting the real estate demands of the UK’s life sciences sector ...
Canadian patent government fees will increase up to 36% on January 1, 2024. The main fee increases are presented in the table below. Applicants may therefore wish to take certain actions and pay the accompanying fees in Canada by the end of 2023 to benefit from the lower 2023 rates at least in the following circumstances: Early filing of divisional applications may be especially advantageous as they involve high government fees ...
On 22 September 2023, the Royal Decree of 13 September 2023 establishing specific rules on the public procurement of biological medicinal products was published in the Belgian State Gazette (“Royal Decree”) ...
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivered the Autumn Statement on 22 November 2023. In total, it contained 110 proposed measures for delivering UK growth. From a pensions perspective, the focus was on consolidation of the UK pensions industry through: Taking forward the Mansion House reforms, starting with steps to increase consolidation within the UK pensions industry ...
Carey Olsen advises Channel Islands Co-op on purchase of seven Lloyds Pharmacy branches The Co-op has bought four stores in Jersey (The Parade, Red Houses, Quennevais and Gorey Village), and three in Guernsey (St Sampson's, L'Aumone and Longfrie). The purchase of the stores will enable the Co-op to grow and develop its pharmacy business, whilst providing Co-op customers across the Channel Islands with greater access to its community pharmacy services ...
In the New Year, the United States Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments over the damages a plaintiff can recover in a copyright infringement lawsuit. The Supreme Court will consider the question of whether damages are limited only to the three-year period before the plaintiffs filed suit, or whether they can be retrospectively awarded for a longer period, as long as the plaintiffs filed within three years of discovering the infringement. In Warner Chappell Music Inc. v ...
By: Anne Marie Ellis, John Epperson and Peter McGaw OEHHA is proposing a significant change to the Proposition 65 “short-form warning” to require that this warning identify a specific Proposition 65 (“Prop. 65”) chemical. Currently, the short-form warning requires identification of a toxicological endpoint (i.e. cancer or reproductive harm) but not the chemical that has triggered the warning requirement ...
The United States Supreme Court will soon decide whether public officials may be liable for blocking constituents on social media. On October 31, 2023, the Court heard oral argument in O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier[i] and Lindke v. Freed,[ii] cases in which local school board officials and a city manager, respectively, are alleged to have blocked constituents from commenting on, or viewing, public social media accounts used for both government business as well as personal affairs ...
The High Court handed down the approved judgment on Monday 6 November 2023 in the case between Siemens Mobility Limited (“Siemens”) and High Speed Two (HS2) Limited (“HS2”) ...
In its priorities note for 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) listed the pharmaceutical and health care sector as one of it major interests. It noted that “in the coming months, the BCA will also devote additional attention and resources to the continued consolidation in the hospital sector ...
In the course of regular updates on Russian counter-sanctions, we would like to provide you with information on Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 08, 2023 No. 844 “On Additional Temporary Economic Measures Related to Circulation of Foreign Securities” (“Decree No. 844”). Decree No ...
On November 7, 2023, Ohio voters passed Issue 2, a measure that will legalize the purchase and use of recreational marijuana. By passing this initiative, Ohio becomes the 24th state to legalize recreational marijuana. Issue 2 creates Chapter 3780 of the Ohio Revised Code. This new law will become effective on December 7, 2023 ...
For as long as there have been rules of evidence and courtrooms, there have been products that can impair litigants or witnesses—and products whose use carries the potential to trigger certain stigmas in the eyes of the finders of fact. Cannabis, which has been around longer than nearly every judicial system in the world and the subject of political and popular debate in the United States for the past century, may be the paradigmatic product at the moment ...
On 26 October 2023 the Online Safety Act (‘the Act’) received Royal Assent, enacting rules designed to, in the UK government’s words, make the UK the safest place in the world to be online ...
On September 29, 2023, Decree No. 4, dated January 25, 2023 (the "Regulation"), issued by the Ministry of the Environment (the "Ministry"), was published, coming into force the Emission Compensation System for stationary sources subject to Green Tax[1] (the “System”). The System promotes the development of emission reduction projects (the "Projects") ...
Since April 2018, the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) has prohibited landlords from renting commercial properties that do not meet certain environmental standards ...
On November 7, 2023, Ohio voters passed Issue 1, the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, to establish the constitutional right to certain reproductive decisions. The new right will be enshrined in Section 22 of Article 1 of the Ohio Constitution, and will become effective within 30 days after the election. The passage of Issue 1 establishes in the Ohio Constitution an individual’s right to one’s own reproductive medical treatment ...
On November 7, 2023 Ohio voters approved the Issue 2 ballot initiative, which will make substantial revisions to Ohio’s cannabis laws[1] and make Ohio the 24th state[2] to legalize recreational marijuana. Issue 2 was introduced by the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol which, according to the group, sought to legalize and regulate the cultivation, manufacturing, testing and sale of marijuana and marijuana products to adults and also legalize home grow for adults ...