Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, In this article, our partner, Anand Raj, and associate, Jeevitha Thurai Rathnam, discuss the Malaysia Competition Commission’s market review exercise into the transportation sector (port logistics ecosystem and motor vehicle warranty claims) ...
Thailand’s Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Board on 11 June 2021 approved new rules prohibiting the trading on national exchange platforms of utility tokens and certain types of ‘novelty’ cryptocurrencies such as DogeCoin, SafeMoon or MonaCoin. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Notification No. Kor Thor. 18/2564 Re: Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Undertaking Digital Asset Businesses (No ...
New York State Lifts Restrictions. On June 7, 2021, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared that the State would lift most remaining COVID-19 restrictions when 70% of adult New Yorkers had received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. On June 15, 2021, Governor Cuomo held a press conference to announce that New York had reached the 70% first-dose threshold ...
Despite the pandemic, 2020 was a record year for Prop. 65 filings. There was a 46% increase in Notice of Violation filings from 2019, driven by the usual filers, as well as many new law firms and noticing parties. There have been 1,346 notices filed between Jan. 1, 2021 and June 3, 2021, compared to 1,327 Notices filed in the same time-period in 2020. These Notices consist primarily of phthalates, lead, cadmium, arsenic, BPA and acrylamide ...
On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released a Notice of Interpretation, explaining how it interprets Title IX to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity ...
The Government has published its first statement setting out its vision for legal migration and border control as part of the new plan for immigration. This article summarises the key goals that form part of the vision. The statement sets out key delivery priorities for 2021 – 22 ...
More recently, many more people are using fertility treatment to conceive; particularly same sex couples, single women and surrogates (Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority data). This echoes a societal shift in so far as relationships, the formation of families and lifestyles are concerned. As such, there needs to be more emphasis on the development and evolution of the law and sector generally ...
According to the most recent Crime Survey for England and Wales, the police recorded over 1,288,000 domestic abuse-related incidents in the year ending March 2020. Against this backdrop, another startling statistic is that on average two women a week are killed by a current or former partner in England and Wales alone ...
On June 7, 2021, the Department of Managed Health Care (“DMHC”) issued an All Plan Letter (APL-21-016) to the health care service plans it regulates, announcing that health care service plans must continue to cover certain COVID-19 testing for their enrollees beyond the now-expired DMHC’s emergency regulation[1] (“Emergency Regulation”) ...
On June 9, 2021, the National Electric Coordinator (“CEN”) opened a public consultation process on a draft Internal Procedure (the "IP") that will provide the criteria applicable to the Open Access Regime established in Articles 79° and 80° of the General Law of Electric Services ("LGSE"), as a result of the entry into force of the Regulation on Transmission Systems and Transmission Planning (the "Regulation") ...
Last week, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued a COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) for employers only in the health care sector in response to President Joe Biden’s January Executive Order on Protecting Worker Health and Safety. The ETS becomes effective on the date it is published in the Federal Register, which is yet to be determined. In addition, OSHA promulgated new non-binding guidance for employers in all other sectors ...
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), in Spartan Medical, Inc., B-419503, recently clarified the scope of its jurisdiction over bid protests involving an agency's use of its other transaction agreement (OTA) authority. The GAO's decision in this case is noteworthy because agencies are increasingly relying on OTAs to meet their procurement needs ...
Many people have used their time at home to consider their health and well-being. Some have taken up exercise, yoga or getting a dog. Others have decided to find out more about their health in order to make healthier choices and use online portals like 23andMe (saliva test), Thriva (blood test) or Pharmacy2u (blood or urine test) to point them in the right direction ...
Workplace testing has proven to be a crucial piece in the UK government’s jigsaw to get British business back on its feet. But how can businesses implement a workplace testing programme and will the vaccine roll out make a difference? What is a lateral flow test? In March 2021, the government confirmed that almost 50,000 businesses had registered for free and regular lateral flow tests through the government funded workplace testing scheme ...
The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) had set a revised deadline (June 30 2021) for filing of data protection audit by data controllers. With the deadline fast approaching, we share somefrequently asked questions (FAQ) on Data Protection in our publication, accessiblehere,which may aid in undersanding what companies need to do in order to comply with NITDA’s directives ...
The liability of online platforms for the activities of third-party vendors has always been a controversial area. With the explosion of online shopping as a result of the pandemic, the issue has come under increased scrutiny. Although cases in the UK and EU have discussed the factors that the Court will consider in deciding whether the operator of an online platform is jointly liable, the position in Hong Kong remained uncertain, until now ...
Haynes and Boone, LLP Counsel Raquel Alvarenga talked with HR Magazine about continued COVID-19-related accommodations for vaccinated employees.Below is an excerpt:Many businesses have developed policies on providing reasonable accommodations to employees who refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine for religious or disability-related reasons. Employers shouldn't forget that fully vaccinated workers may need accommodations, too.In recently updated guidance, the U.S ...
On May 14, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a new final rule that will further delay the effective date of the Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology (MCIT) and Definition of Reasonable and Necessary Final Rule (the Final Rule) until no earlier than Dec. 15, 2021 ...
Dinsmore's Richik Sarkar was published in Bank Director this week discussing the need for diversity and inclusion within governance structures. Read an excerpt below ...
Dinsmore real estate associate Sam Brinker was recently published in Bar Briefs, the Louisville Bar Association's monthly publication. He wrote on his experience as a transgender man and what paths may be considered to defeat the many pieces of anti-trans legislation circulating the country. Read an excerpt below ...
The rapid spread of Covid-19 has placed the healthcare system in Thailand under severe pressure. Following the outbreak of the pandemic, new startups focusing on telemedicine have sprung up to take on the challenge of innovating the way healthcare services can be provided to patients ...
Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of 5 April came into force on 26 May to create a single set of rules applicable to all medical devices, other than in vitro diagnostic medical devices. Here are some of the main changes to the rules that now come into force: 1. Broadening of the scope of application of the rules and of the concept of medical device With this Regulation, medical devices without a medical purpose that have characteristics similar to medical devices (e.g ...
JOINT PRAKAS 315 AND 316 ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND THE MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE, dated 12 May 2021 The Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”) issued a new announcement (“Announcement”) on the Granting of E-Commerce Permits and Licenses on 26 May 2021. Eligible applicants may now apply for e-commerce permits or licenses with immediate effect from the MOC through an online portal – ...
On Tuesday 25 May 2021 at its regular weekly meeting, the Thai Cabinet approved the Department of Land Transport’s draft Ministerial Regulation (“Regulation”) that will open the way for ride-hailing companies to register for an operating license. This will allow drivers to register their personal vehicles (with a maximum capacity of seven people) as taxis to be used with such ride-hailing applications ...
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause unprecedented disruption in Asia with lockdowns currently in place in Bangladesh and the Lao PDR Meanwhile, various restrictions continue to affect Cambodia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam resulting in continued economic uncertainty and delays in re-opening borders for travel and business purposes ...