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Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2005

EQUITY AND CONSISTENCY IN ASSESSMENTS I. General Principles of Equity A hallmark of the assessment and taxation of property in B.C. is the principle of equity: taxing authorities must deal even-handedly with all taxpayers in a municipality or rural area, and all taxpayers with a class must be treated in the same way. Equity in the context of the property assessment in B.C ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2005

The Benefits of Using a an Unlimited Liability Company (1) Introduction Unlimited Liability Companies (“ULC”) have become useful vehicles for the acquisition of a Canadian business by a U.S. investor. This paper summarizes the advantages of using a ULC, the treatment of a ULC in Canada and in the U.S. and the use of a ULC in a factual setting involving the acquisition of a Canadian business. Until recently, only Nova Scotia offered the possibility of incorporating a ULC ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | April 2005

What is State Aid? The State aid rules seek to control the aid or assistance which is provided by EU Member States to businesses. Article 87 of the EC Treaty states that “any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever” is incompatible with the common market. The Commission and the European Court of Justice have a considerable discretion in determining what amounts to State aid and have given the term a wide definition ...

The Federal Civil Liability Law was published in the Federal Official Gazette on December 31, 2004 and entered into full force and effect in January 1, 2005. This law has as its objective that of determining the bases and proceedings for recognizing the right to claim indemnification by those suffering loss or damage as a consequence of improper actions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the federal government and its agencies ...

Lavery Lawyers | March 2005

Introduction: A Second Union is a “Marriage” of Competing Interests As a general rule, individuals who enter into a second marriage or a second union are more than 40 years of age, have accumulated their own property and have enjoyed a standard of living that they want to maintain or even improve upon ...

Deacons | February 2005

Revised Guideline on the Sharing and Use of Consumer Credit Data through a Credit Reference Agency On 18th January 2005, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (“HKMA”) issued a revised statutory guideline, namely the Supervisory Policy Manual on the Sharing and Use of Consumer Credit Data through a Credit Reference Agency (IC-6) (“CRA Guideline”) ...

Out of general interest, we are forwarding the following Informative Note with respect to the first oral trial in Mexico, something that took place in the Municipality of Montemorelos, State of Nuevo Leon, in February 2005. Oral trials have been possible since November 25 of last year when the law of Nuevo Leon changed to allow this in non-serious culpable felonies. The trial was an example of judicial speed. Within a period of five hours, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | February 2005

Introduction Advocate General Jacobs, in delivering his Opinion in Syfait and others v Glaxosmithkline (Case C-53/03, 28 October 2004), has found in favour of Glaxosmithkline (GSK) by stating that the refusal by a dominant pharmaceutical company to fulfil all orders from wholesalers does not automatically constitute an abuse of a dominant position, despite such refusal clearly limiting parallel trade of the products in question ...

Pellerano & Herrera | February 2005

By Eduardo A Trueba C. January 2005 Corporate subsistence, in an economy that each day becomes more competitive, dynamic and integrated to the global world in which we live, has exponentially increased corporate mergers and alliances, together with similar transactions, such as stock acquisitions from one company for another’s capital, company, know how, and royalties transfers, among others ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | February 2005

In November the UK government bowed to pressure from unions and bereaved relatives and announced its intention to produce a draft bill on corporate killing for England and Wales. This bill, if successful, would have enabled companies to be prosecuted for management failures that resulted in a person's death. No such government bill has however, been forthcoming. Nor is it likely that any such government bill will appear before the 2005 general election ...

Delphi | January 2005

In this article, the authors discuss how the tax system in Sweden treats Corporations ...

The first legal issue to consider is whether your company has the power to carry out non-commercial dealings such as making political or charitable donations. The company's constitution should be reviewed to ensure the company is expressly empowered to make such donations. If no express power exists you could consider putting a relevant amendment of the constitution to a shareholders' vote ...

From Land’s End to John O’Groats, roving reporters, tabloid writers and broadsheet columnists, have been riding on the wave of the new freedom of information acts. As a result of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, and its UK counterpart, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the public now has a statutory right to recorded information held by most public sector bodies. Although the new right only came into force on 1 January 2005, its effect is retrospective ...

Delphi | December 2004

In Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the ownership and rights to intellectual property conceived and put into to practice by researchers employed by the universities have historically rested with the researchers themselves. This system is now rapidly changing to a model more similar to the way in which US universities handle their intellectual property; universities become responsible for stakeholders in such intellectual property ...

Asters | December 2004

Ukrainian tax authorities are notorious for their practice of failing to return VAT advance payments on time. This problem appears to be of an economic rather than legal nature and persists due to the constant shortage of budget funds, which are most commonly spent for purposes other than proper VAT rebates. Ultimately, the state is unwilling and often unable to refund VAT in the proper way, and so is continuously credited at the expense of local taxpayers ...

Deacons | November 2004

The State Administration of Taxation issued the Notice on Several Issues in the Implementation of Tax Agreements and the Individual Income Tax Law on Individuals With No Domicile in China on 23 July 2004. The Notice, which entered into effect on 1 July 2004, clarifies a number of issues related to the levy of PRC individual income tax ("IIT") on expatriate employees ...

Dykema | November 2004

In late October, the IRS released a revised version of its 1023 Form. The new Form requires extensive new disclosures by organizations that seek recognition of tax-exempt status as charities under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Many of the questions added to the exemption application are likely to be included in revised Form 990 information returns scheduled to be released later this year ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2004

Today, it is easy to find examples where individuals’ assets are threatened due to their professional activities or personal situation. Our governments have also given themselves effective means of tapping into the personal assets of individuals, mainly through the imposition of various directors’ liabilities. Personal liability is also a major concern for anyone who practises a profession where such liability cannot be limited ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2004

For years now, Canadian residents who own a secondary residence in the United States have been concerned with American estate taxes. This concern comes from the fact that property located in the United States and owned by Canadian residents is subject to American estate taxes upon the owner’s death, taxes which can sometimes reach significant amounts ...

The Income Tax is one of the most important taxes within the national taxation system because the subjects and activities that are affected by it are very wide. The Income Tax is regulated by the Fiscal Equity Law, which is published in the Daily Official Gazette Num. 82, on May 6, 2003. This Law establishes that the tax base to calculate the annual income is the net rent, which is the gross income obtained by the taxpayer minus the deductions authorized by law ...

The Fiscal Equity Law, Law Num. 453, published on May 6, 2003, in the Daily Official Gazette Num. 82, establishes that natural persons, artificial persons or economic units, resident or not in the country, who perceive rent originated in Nicaragua are subject to a definite retention ...

Asters | February 2004

1. Introduction With the further globalization of the world financial infrustructure accompanied by the persisting lack of international coordination in fiscal affairs? increasingly the attention of the major developed countries (in particular, such groupings as G 7 and G 10) is turned to the problems of erosion of national tax bases and international tax evasion/avoidance, as well as the role played in it be so-called tax haven ...

Asters | February 2004

On 1 January 2004 Ukraine woke up to the new personal income tax. A development of the previous individual income taxation, this tax is, if anything more sophisticated. Its novelties will have a lasting impact on many of the tax planning strategies involving individuals. Without attempting a comprehensive analysis of the new tax, this article offers an outline of some of its major implications for tax planning. A ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2003

The Impact of Business Associate Rules Under the Final Privacy and Security Standards Presented at: Negotiating Technology Outsourcing Agreements Law Seminars International Seattle, Washington Introduction The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, more commonly known as HIPAA, has brought many changes to the health care field, as well as our day-to-day lives ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2003

Authors Karen Williams Altaras Mary Jean Geroulo E. Earl Harcrow Jeffrey P. King Lewis A. Lefko Thomas William Mayo Lisa Schafroth Sooter Related Practice Groups Health Care Prompt payment by managed care organizations is once again a hot topic of debate as revisions of current law and regulations deals with claim submission deadlines, recoupment practices, prompt pay penalties, eligibility verification and underpayments ...
