The rule has long been the source of controversy and confusion. This decision of the Board provides some welcome clarification non two aspects of the rules, being the relevant time for determining whether the reflective loss rule should apply (the "Timing Issue") and the definition of a 'common wrongdoer' for the purposes of the reflective loss rule (the "Common Wrongdoer Issue"). Primeo Fund (the appellant) was a Cayman Islands company in official liquidation ...
Background On 15 July 2021 the States of Deliberation (Guernsey's parliament) approved the Income Tax (Guernsey) (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 (the "Ordinance") which makes a number of important amendments to Guernsey's Income Tax Law ...
A key concern for shipowners and lenders will be where to register these new vessels. In this briefing, we consider three factors that usually influence the choice of flag state: (1) financing considerations, (2) recognition for the flag and (3) speed, responsiveness and certainty. Introduction Choosing the flag state where a ship will be registered requires balancing different factors ...
COVID-19 has thrust the world into recession and its rippling effects have given rise to rapid and accelerating changes. Many businesses have moved or expanded into online channels as we collectively begin to embrace and advance headlong into an increasingly digitalized society ...
COVID-19 has thrust the world into recession and its rippling effects have given rise to rapid and accelerating changes. Many businesses have moved or expanded into online channels as we collectively begin to embrace and advance headlong into an increasingly digitalized society ...
Please find, herein, the latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning the conducting of internal investigations and the subsequent bringing of employees to disciplinary and material liability. Here are the key decisions of the Higher Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as precedents of regional judicial authorities, over the 2018 – 2021 period. 1 ...
The UK government’s Hydrogen Strategy, published in August 2021, confirms that developing a thriving low carbon hydrogen sector in the UK is a key plank of the government’s plan to build back better with a cleaner, greener energy system ...
Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, We are pleased to bring you the latest legal updates for September 2021 ...
Omega Patents, LLC, v. CalAmp Corp., Appeal Nos. 2020-1793, -1794, (Fed. Cir. Sept. 14, 2021) In its only precedential patent case this week, the Federal Circuit sent a case back for a third trial on the issue of damages. This appeal comes after the second jury trial, in which Omega accused CalAmp of infringing claims of four of its patents. In the prior appeal and the instant appeal, the Court affirmed on the underlying issues of infringement and validity ...
This week, Schwabe and the Portland and Puget Sound Business Journals hosted PNW Predictions: Retail Real Estate Reimagined, a discussion on the impacts from the last 18 months and predictions for the direction that retail real estate is moving. The panel delivered a variety of perspectives via guests Kemper Freeman, Chairman & CEO, Kemper Development Co ...
In 1997, misguided individuals initiated a practice of recording liens against the homes of public officials and other public figures. Every county in Oregon has a system for recording information about property ownership rights. A lien is a limitation on the property ownership rights. A mortgage is an example of a lien and so is a contractor’s lien ...
[!<CDATA[ Article III standing is one of the most significant rubrics to determine a federal lawsuit’s justiciability. The Supreme Court significantly altered the standing calculus in TransUnion v. Ramirez, 141 S. Ct. 2190 (2021), particularly in putative class actions that allege bare statutory violations unaccompanied by actual harm ...
Key Points Assembly Bill (AB) 361 allows an agency to use teleconferencing for public meetings without requiring the teleconference location to be accessible to the public or a quorum of the members of the legislative body of the agency to participate from locations within the boundaries of the agency's jurisdiction during proclaimed state of emergencies ...
The President characterised this initiative as one necessary to counter "a pandemic of the unvaccinated", stating, "This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you" ...
On Monday, September 13, 2021, the House Ways and Means Committee released several markups of proposed legislation (the “House Tax Proposals”) intended to pay for various proposed spending initiatives. Importantly, the House Tax Proposals are not entirely consistent with the “General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2022 Revenue Proposals” (the “Green Book”) released by the U.S ...
Below, you will find some practical solutions to prepare you for the labour litigation in Russia. The peculiarity of labour disputes in Russia is that they seldom start with great financial demands from employees. They are more about the status of the organisation, its reputation and similar issues. However, practice shows that given the length and formality of litigation, financial claims, originally insignificant, can turn into fairly large claims, over time ...
Introduction In the age of the Internet and technology, banking scams and fraud abound. Where such bank fraud is committed, it is often the case that the fraudster disappears and their identity remains unknown. How courts grant relief where the identity of the perpetrator of a bank fraud is unknown was addressed in two Malaysian court decisions in 2021: Zschimmer v Persons Unknown[2021] 7 MLJ 178 (Zschimmer); and Zschimmer v Persons Unknown (No 2)[2021] 3 CLJ 587 (Zschimmer No. 2) ...
Key Points California's First District Court of Appeal continued a recent pro-housing trend, reversing a City of San Mateo rejection of a multifamily housing development application. The court determined the denial was based on a subjective design guideline, therefore violating the Housing Accountability Act. Ambiguous guidelines may still be utilized in limited circumstances if there is a long-standing and consistent local government interpretation ...
On Sept. 15, 2021, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a proposed rule to repeal the Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technology (MCIT) and Definition of “Reasonable and Necessary” final rule, which was published on Jan. 14, 2021, and would be effective on Dec. 15, 2021. In June 2021, we reported on CMS’ decision to delay the MCIT Program Final Rule (The Rule) ...
On Sept. 13, 2021, the House Committee on Ways and Means released the remainder of its numerous tax reform proposals. The proposals will be subject to continued negotiations and are not law. But, the proposals are an indication of what may be coming soon ...
[!<CDATA[ The unprecedented speed of the collapse of the former Afghan central government is a humanitarian tragedy. The magnitude of which is rightfully distracting from the immediate near-term and long-term legal issues that those who supported the coalition efforts in Afghanistan are compelled to address as the immediate human concerns fade from the spotlight. In particular, U.S ...