The reasons for the changes to the Golden visa rules: A legislative authorisation in the 2020 State Budget 2020 authorised the Government to review the rules on residence permits for investment provided for in Law 23/2007 of 4 July by the end of 2020. The aim is to encourage investment in inland areas, urban regeneration, cultural heritage, activities of high environmental or social value, and productive investment and job creation ...
With the ushering in of a new administration, several changes have quickly taken place at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Within hours of taking office, the Biden administration removed Trump appointee NLRB General Counsel Peter Robb and replaced him with interim General Counsel Peter Ohr. (Ohr may only serve as acting General Counsel for 40 days, per the National Labor Relations Act, unless the administration submits a nomination to the Senate ...
Introduction On 27 August 2020 the European Commission, on behalf of EU member states, entered into an advance purchase agreement (APA) with AstraZeneca for the production, purchase and supply of the Anglo-Swedish company's COVID-19 vaccine in the European Union.(1) The APA provides for: AstraZeneca's supply of 300 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine (the initial Europe doses); and an option for the European Union to order an additional 100 million doses (the optional doses) ...
In January 2021, the U.S. Dept. of Justice (DOJ) announced $2.2 billion in False Claims Act (FCA) recoveries for fiscal year 2020, which ended on September 30.[1] Although this amount is substantial, it nonetheless represents the smallest recovery figure in 10 years. These figures reflect the Trump administration’s unaggressive enforcement efforts and its restrictive view of the FCA. As recently as 2016, FCA recovery exceeded $4.5 billion. Recoveries in 2019 were $3 ...
South African law currently does not have any legislation that specifically requires employees to take the COVID-19 vaccination. The president was also emphatic that no one would be forced to take the vaccination, which is being rolled out in a governmental attempt to vaccinate 67% of the population (approximately 40-million people in South Africa) ...
The South African Airways (“SAA”) saga continues, with another Labour Court judgment handed down on 8 February 2021. Given the financially parlous position that SAA has been in, even throughout its business rescue proceedings, the Department of Public Enterprises (“DPE”), SAA’s sole shareholder and sole lender, offered SAA employees a salary settlement agreement ...
Over the last few years, companies listed on both the primary and secondary market of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (“JSE”), have been obliged to comply with increasingly onerous and often unclear reporting obligations in respect of the status of their transformation. On 3 February 2021, the B-BBEE Commission offered some clarity, however, there are still uncertainties that need to be addressed for many JSE-listed companies to overcome reporting challenges ...
With the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 ("POPIA") deadline closing in on 1 July 2021, many organisations are starting to feel the mounting pressure of becoming compliant with POPIA. A good starting point in any POPIA compliance journey is the appointment of an Information Officer for your organisation. Who is the Information Officer? POPIA, by default, designates the head of any private body as the Information Officer ...
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) recently updated its Compliance Manual Section on Religious Discrimination, seeking to clarify how Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”) protects individuals from religious discrimination in the workplace. The enforcement guidance also discusses the legal protections available to religious employers, which have been bolstered in recent years ...
Workplace harassment is once again in the news given our former Governor General’s resignation from her post after a 132 page investigation report was issued following accusations of a toxic work environment at Rideau Hall. While the Government of Canada took the correct steps in hiring an independent investigator once the allegations surfaced, meeting with all witnesses, and then meeting with Ms ...
Introduction The employee’s right to be represented on the Board of Directors («BoD») is governed in the Limited Liability Companies Act (Nw: aksjeloven) and the Public Limited Liability Companies Act (Nw: allmennaksjeloven). We will in the following refer to the Limited Liability Companies Act («the Company Act»), as the wording is the same ...
The Pension Schemes Bill received Royal Assent on 11 February 2021, becoming the Pension Schemes Act 2021. Originally introduced into Parliament in Autumn 2019, the Act covers a mix of pensions-related matters which we outline in this article. Parts One and Two set out the legislative framework for establishing a collective money purchase scheme, commonly known as a collective defined contribution scheme (Part Two extends this to Northern Ireland) ...
A summary of the decision in Allay (UK) Limited v S Gehlen and a reminder to employers to keep equal opportunities training up to date to be able to rely on the all reasonable steps defence under s 109 (4) of the Equality Act 2010. It is common for employers to provide employees with equal opportunities training, to underpin workplace culture as well as to prevent discrimination from taking place. A recent case, however, provides a salutary reminder to keep such training up to date ...
This article forms part of our ‘New How: Perspectives’ report: ‘Can real estate help solve the productivity puzzle?. To access this free report, please click the link below. We all know a happy engaged employee is a productive and successful employee. Unfortunately, the UK has one of the least engaged employee populations in Europe ...
Coronavirus Insights & Updates The information listed below is categorized by topic for your convenience and includes content from the previous week. Bradley is actively monitoring and engaging with relevant federal, state or local entities on issues related to the coronavirus. Please contact one of the authors if you have any questions. Click on a link below to view the full article, alert, blog, webinar recording or interview ...
The judgment of the United Kingdom Supreme Court On 1 May 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), the body that oversees the insurance industry in the United Kingdom, announced that it wanted to obtain a ruling from the English courts on the meaning and effect of the sample of business interruption clauses that it selected from eight insurers in particular ...
The transition period started after the Brexit ended on 1 January 2021. This means that the United Kingdom has officially lost its status as EU Member State. This has implications for competition law and business. What has changed since 1 January 2021? Firstly, the Competition and Markets Authority )CMA) is no longer competent to enforce EU competition law and investigate possible breaches in the United Kingdom ...
Please find, herein, the latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning legal regulation in the field of labour and employment. Here are the key decisions of the Higher Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as precedents of regional judicial authorities, in the second half of 2020. Electronic Evidence <>1 ...
February marks the start of the second month after Brexit materializing. The Member States have finally understood that the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer in the Europen Union (EU) so that the fairy-tale of the Single Market that has lasted for decades is now over. Although many businesses resolved various legal or regulatory issues before 1st January, new challenges inevitably keep arising now, when Brexit is a reality ...
A new ordinance enacted by SENACON became effective on February 5 bringing changes to the execution of Terms for the Adjustment of Conduct (“TAC”) in administrative proceedings before SENACON, revoking the previous ordinance. The ordinance provides for several phases in the process of execution of a TAC, which will begin with a request, analysis of the feasibility of the negotiation, the negotiation itself, followed by authorization and subsequent decision ...
Over the next decade, challenges around public funding and a shift in live/work priorities will create an increasing need for public-private collaboration as we seek to rebuild and regenerate our towns and cities in a post-Covid and post-Brexit climate ...
You’ve attended the webinars on navigating COVID-19. You’ve read the trade publication tips. You have implemented measures to protect your workers. So, you’re ahead of the game, right? Well, you’re certainly ahead of the Florida sheriff who reportedly instructed his employees not to wear masks in the office. If a visitor entered Sheriff Billy Wood’s offce with a mask, they were reportedly instructed to remove it ...
The Supreme Court has issued Supreme Court Administrative Matter No. 20-12-01-SC (Re: Proposed Guidelines on the Conduct of Videoconferencing) dated December 9, 20201 (Court Videoconferencing Guidelines) to ensure that hearings via videoconferencing are conducted in an orderly manner and that the constitutional rights of the accused are protected ...
As a developing country, Indonesia is still considered to have limited Government fiscal capacity and limited state-owned enterprise (Badan Usaha Milik Negara – “BUMN”) and financial sector funding capacity indicating that domestic capacity is not sufficient to meet what is needed to finance development and support economic growth and opportunities ...