Federal and state occupational safety and health regulations require employers to record and report certain work-related injuries and serious illnesses, including work-related fatalities and in-patient hospitalizations. While Cal/OSHA has stated that the common cold or flu are exempt from reporting and recording requirements, even if the employee became ill at work, this exemption does not apply to COVID-19 ...
In response to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the California Department of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) have issued guidance for employers. The guidelines provide guidance on how to determine if COVID-19 is a hazard in the workplace and employer obligations. Is COVID-19 a Workplace Hazard? Employers should determine if COVID-19 infection is a hazard in their workplace ...
On March 12, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20 (“Executive Order”) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, invoking the Governor’s authority under the Emergency Services Act under Government Code section 8572. The Executive Order is available here ...
The rapid spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) throughout the world and the impact of administrative measures to contain it represent a growing challenge for the management of companies. On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the existence of a pandemic. The main focus is now to guarantee the safety of workers and employees ...
Ranging from toilet paper for public institutions to medical consumables for (public) hospitals to the absence of staff in public transport, corona already exhibits a massive impact on companies’ business activities. Supply chains are interrupted, employees are being quarantined. Even public contracts can either not be fulfilled at all, or not on time, or not in their entirety ...
The coronavirus disease continues to cause headaches for businesses all over the globe. Travel restrictions are leading to cancellations of small meetings and large-scale conferences; factory shutdowns are causing massive supply shortages; employees are being told to stay home from work. Whatever challenges you face in these uncertain times, it is important to remember that your business is not immune from government scrutiny ...
The COVID-19 virus (commonly known as the “coronavirus”) is affecting companies’ commercial activities around the world, with particular impact on supply chains and employment and insurance law. There is also a question around the measures the competent authorities may impose to prevent or contain the spread of the coronavirus. A ...
The ongoing global outbreak and spread of Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), commonly known as coronavirus, is a dramatic event of global proportions, with far-reaching implications in a wide range of areas. The spread of coronavirus directly affects capital markets, global supply chains, worldwide transportation, large-scale events and conferences, and many other aspects of commerce and business, domestic and international ...
It is normal that an insurance contract does not cover all the different events that are part of the entire risk, since this would imply that the contract was becoming more expensive every day, in the face of the appearance of catastrophic risks or risks that due to different factors do existed before. In this sense, the delimitation of the scope of the insurance contract becomes an important situation to analyze ...
Given the recent increase in reports regarding the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) across Australia and the increasing risk of a pandemic, organisations need to take proactive steps to ensure that they are managing the risks to workers, as well as managing broader operational issues. As an employer, what steps should I be taking in respect of our workers? We recommend that employers take reasonable steps to minimise the risk of the COVID-19 ...
The outbreak of COVID-19 comes on the back of an already tumultuous two years for the global economy, markets and trade where the US-China "trade war" and other trade tensions and macroeconomic factors have created uncertainty, commercial losses and subdued growth prospects ...
Introduction The supply chain effects from the global spread of the novel coronavirus have been building for nearly two months, and are expected to reach a peak in the near future (if not necessarily then to recede).[1] The effects have centered on China to date, but the epidemic has spread to other centers of production and the duration of its threat to public health and of the governmental and social measures taken to address its spread remains unknown ...
This is a question being asked by many companies. Is the severity of this event such that it enables companies to temporarily (or permanently) be excused from performance of their contractual obligations? As is often the case with legal questions, it depends. The term “force majeure” does not have a recognised meaning under English law ...
The price of oil—already hammered by market conditions—took another stumble in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak with no immediate relief in sight. Accordingly, the Oil & Gas Industry must prepare for the looming wave of oncoming legal issues, which will affect every sector of the market. This alert contains recommended actions for industry stakeholders ...
Mississippi business leaders will continue to hope that the new coronavirus, COVID-19, stays away from and out of our state.But even if we avoid direct exposure to this worldwide health crisis, Mississippi companies will face risk and resulting losses.From international shipping and travel to reliance on component parts manufactured on foreign shores, Mississippi businesses may not realize the full effect of the coronavirus for years ...
In view of the impending implementation of the Portable Gratuity Retirement Fund (“PRGF”), the Minister of Labour, Human Resource Development and Training has issued The Workers’ Rights (Portable Retirement Gratuity Fund) Regulations 2020 (the “PRGF Regulations”), deemed effective as from January 1, 2020. The implementation of the PRGF was, by a decision of Cabinet on December 13, 2019, postponed from 1 January 2020 to 1 April 2020 ...
A 2019 amendment to the Kenyan Companies Act, 2015 introduced a requirement for every company to keep a register of its beneficial owners and submit a copy of this register to the Registrar of Companies (the “Registrar”) within 30 days of preparation. In order to put the above statutory requirements into action, the Attorney-General published the Companies (Beneficial Ownership Information) Regulations, 2020 (the “Regulations”) with effect from 28 February 2020 ...
The Parliament of Rwanda recently passed two key laws to counter money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (“WMDs”), in an effort to strengthen and increase confidence in its financial system. Law No. 74/2019 of 29 January 2020 establishing the Financial Intelligence Centre (“Law No ...
The right to strike is enshrined in section 23 of the South African Constitution and regulated in some detail in the LabourRelations Act, 1995 (“LRA”). It is a valuable arrow in the quiver of strategies to be considered by employees when engaging in collective bargaining, but employers also have recourse when it comes to collective bargaining: locking out employees. In a sense, the right to strike and the recourse to a lock-out in this context are two sides of the same coin ...