Employers responding to the market reforms contained in the Affordable Care Act (“ACA,” also referred to as ObamaCare) are trying to grasp how it treats some current arrangements, such as health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and flexible spending arrangements (Health FSAs). These features are popular in many employer-sponsored benefits plans ...
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (“ENDA”) is federal legislation that would prohibit employers from discriminating against potential or actual employees during hiring and employment based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The Act defines sexual orientation as “homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality ...
In recognition of the increasing popularity in the market of asset-backed contribution arrangements (ABCs), the Pensions Regulator has issued detailed guidance for trustees considering using such a structure to fund their pension scheme. ABCs, in general terms, allow an employer operating a defined benefit pension scheme to use a non-cash asset to provide a regular income stream to the scheme without an outright disposal of the asset to the scheme ...
In In re KB Toys,1 a recent decision by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, the Court held that a claim that is disallowable under § 502(d)2 if held by the original claimant is also disallowable in the hands of a purchaser or subsequent transferee ...
The story so far… Spring 2013 Redundancy consultation • In force from 6 April 2013 • Employees on fixed-term contracts "which have reached their agreed termination point" will be excluded from collective redundancy consultation obligations (where 20+ employees are to be dismissed from one establishment within a 90 day period) • Minimum consultation period has been reduced to 45 days from 90 days (where 100+ employees are affected by redundancy at one establishme
In October 2013 the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) published a consultation on company filing requirements as part of its Red Tape Challenge (RTC) to reduce unnecessary regulatory burden. The consultation aims to consider where opportunities may exist to improve and simplify the current requirements for companies to file certain information with the Registrar of Companies at Companies House ...
The Court of Appeal has overturned the decision of the Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) in the case of Crystal Palace FC Ltd and another v Kavanagh and others, holding that the dismissals of employees made by the administrator of the Football Club shortly before the Club was sold in 2010 were for an “ETO reason” and thus not automatically unfair pursuant to TUPE. As we reported in April (http://www.shepwedd.co ...
The FCA has published a consultation paper CP 13/15. The paper sets out a series of amended Listing Rules in near-final form, along with some new and revised proposals based on feedback from a previous consultation (CP 12/25). The paper contains a package of measures designed to strengthen minority shareholder rights where they are at risk of being abused ...
The B-1 temporary visa category is intended to allow foreign nationals to visit the U.S. for temporary business purposes that do not rise to the level of gainful employment. Given the relative ease of obtaining a B-1 visa compared to other visa categories, some U.S. employers have encouraged or assisted foreign nationals in using the B-1 visa category for activities beyond its intended purpose ...
On October 31, 2013, the Supreme Court rendered three judgments with respect to class actions at the authorization or certification stage, one from the Province of Quebec1 and the other two from the Province of British Columbia.2 In all three cases, the facts raised issues with respect to the price fixing of consumer products in contravention of the Competition Act,3 notably through a conspiracy ...
In this article, we provide a brief overview of some of the changes in the rules governing Hungarian public procurement procedures, changes which entered into force on 1 July 2013 and which are of a larger practical relevance. The Act no CXVI of 2013 on the amendment of the Act no CVIII of 2011 on Public Procurement Proceedings brought about some important changes effective as from 1 July 2013. Below, we will briefly discuss two of these changes ...
Since it was introduced at the end of 2005, the scheme funding regime for defined benefit pension schemes has been through a process incremental of evolution. With a new legal objective for the Pensions Regulator now revealed, will this alter the approach of employers and trustees to scheme funding in practice or will it turn out to be business as usual? Back in 2005, the emphasis was on the scheme specific nature of the new funding regime ...
BackgroundOn June 12, 2013, the Canadian government announced its intention to introduce new legislation requiring the disclosure of payments made by Canadian extractive resource companies to domestic and foreign governments. While the United States and European Union have both already taken steps towards implementing mandatory payment reporting requirements for their mining, oil, and gas companies, Canada has now also joined the global movement towards transparency in this regard ...
The Second Circuit recently affirmed the dismissal of a False Claims Act lawsuit brought by the former general counsel of a clinical laboratory because the counsel disclosed confidential information in violation of state ethics rules. In Fair Labor Practices Associates v. Quest Diagnostics Inc., 2013 WL 5763181 (2nd Cir. Oct ...
The art of listening sometimes escapes even the most intelligent people. A person who does not listen often brings an uncomfortable feeling to a relationship – whether professional or personal. Listening is a vital piece of excellent client service delivery. It requires you to be silent but very aware of what the client says are his or her needs ...
The Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity Act was passed by the federal government in 2012, which includes changes that will affect long-term disability (“LTD”) plans provided by federally regulated employers. This will impact employers in the banking, marine, transportation, telecommunication and other federally regulated industries ...
Law no. 76/2013 of 7 November has been published in the official gazette. This law establishes new rules on the extraordinary renewal of fixed term employment contracts, as well as the rules and method of calculation for the compensation applicable to contracts subject to this renewal ...
Earlier this year the federal government made changes to Canada’s temporary foreign worker program with the stated purpose of ensuring that Canadians are given the first opportunity to apply for available jobs. Most temporary foreign workers require a work permit to legally work in Canada. In many instances, the employer must first obtain a positive Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from Service Canada before the worker can apply for a work permit ...
Each summer, I review judgments dealing withcontract law issues looking for decisions of relevance to commercial lawyersand business leaders.[1] Contract law principles typically do notchange overnight; rather, they are modified incrementally. Where I find a case that illustrates anincremental change, I use it as a springboard for discussing the state of thelaw on the particular issue and how it affects commercial practice ...
In the High Court case of Pi Consulting (Trustee Services) Ltd v The Pensions Regulator and others, it has been ruled that 9 suspected liberation vehicles are occupational pension schemes, and therefore are under the jurisdiction of the Pensions Regulator. “Pension liberation” typically occurs where a pension saver is induced to transfer existing pension funds to another scheme, for a fee, in order to obtain access to their pension early ...
Après avoir tenu des consultations particulières en juin et en août 20131, la Commission des finances publiques (la « Commission ») a publié, le 17 septembre dernier, ses conclusions et recommandations concernant le rapport du Comité d’experts sur l’avenir du système de retraite québécois (le « Rapport D’Amours ») ...
The Supreme Court of Appeals' recent decision in McComas v. ACF Indus., Inc. could have significant implications for employer liability under West Virginia's deliberate intention statute. In McComas, the plaintiff was a welder who was injured by an arc blast emanating from an electrical box ...
The United States Supreme Court heard arguments earlier this month in three important securities cases regarding the preemptive scope of the federal securities laws. At issue is the meaning of the phrase “in connection with the purchase or sale of a covered security” under the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act of 1998 (“SLUSA”) ...
Can an employee’s insubordination amount to repudiation of his employment contract, thus providing his employer with just and sufficient cause to dismiss him? In a judgment rendered on September 20, 2013, the Québec Court of Appeal answered this question in the negative.1 The plaintiff, Pilgrim, filed a complaint pursuant to section 124 of the Act Respecting Labour Standards against his former employer alleging that he had been dismissed without just and sufficient cause ...
By judgment of 28 June 2013, the Danish Eastern High Court found that it was contrary to the Danish Act on Fixed-Term Employment to extend a number of fixed-term employment contracts four times. The case involved four electricians who were hired to work on a large project. It was agreed that their employment contracts were to expire on 25 September 2009 at which time the project should have been completed ...