On February 11, 2022, the Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) issuedDepartment Order No. 221-A-22, or theGuidelines in the Accreditation of Agents and Appointment of Employers Authorized Representatives for filing of Alien Employment Permit (AEP) Applications and Related Documents(the “AEP Accreditation Guidelines”), pursuant to Section 28 of DOLE Department Order No ...
On August 23, 2022, the Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) issuedLabor Advisory No. 17, series of 2022, which governs the suspension of work in the private sector by reason of weather disturbances and similar occurrences. It provides that in the exercise of management prerogative, the employer may suspend work to ensure the safety and health of employees during weather disturbances and similar occurrences ...
On January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) issued a Proposed Rule that would prohibit employers from enforcing non-compete agreements against former employees, contractors, and other workers. Dinsmore & Shohl’s Labor and Employment Group’s legal alert on January 5, provides general information about the changes envisaged in the Proposed Rule ...
Rising interest rates, inflation, and a global economic slowdown create the perfect storm, pushing some companies into financial distress. These conditions can also create opportunities for investors to make strategic acquisitions of distressed assets ...
The importance of the UAE as a trading and consumer goods hub resulted in a protective approach of the authorities towards distributors and franchisees. The UAE Federal Law No. 18 of 1981 on Commercial Agencies (Old Law) was drafted with the intent of protecting the interests of UAE nationals (and companies wholly owned by UAE nationals), and was protective towards the interests of registered commercial agencies ...
Canadian Lawyer By Tim Wilbur Cecilia Barnes knew from an early age she wanted to be in business. She entered law school so she could work with entrepreneurs and business executives. When Barnes looked for opportunities after graduating, she focused on working in-house. “I thought, I've taken all of these courses in business and trademark and copyright. So, any company is going to be so excited to have me ...
On October 24, 2022, the Department of Labor and Employment ("DOLE") issued Labor Advisory No. 20, series of 2022, which sets out the process for the issuance of the certification required from non-Philippine nationals intending to engage in business in the Philippines ...
The growing reliance towards digital courier services, including food delivery, has become evident when the COVID-19 pandemic started. This sector in the service industry continued to operate while adapting to the current set-up of nationwide lockdowns and various quarantine levels. To this extent, delivery riders are considered as “non-medical frontliners” facing the same risks as healthcare providers ...
On January 31, 2020, the Department of Labor and Employment (“DOLE”) issued Labor Advisory No. 6, series of 2020, which prescribes the period for: [a] the payment and/or the release of the final pay; and [b] the issuance of Certificate of Employment to employees who are terminated from their employment ...
In Toyo Seat Philippines Corporation v. Annabelle C. Velasco, et al. (G.R. No. 240774, March 03, 2021), the Supreme Court reiterated that workers may be considered project employees regardless of the nature of the work they perform, as long as the essential elements of project employment are alleged and proven ...
Reasonable connection, not direct causation.This is the essence of the Supreme Court’s decision in Social Security System v. Violeta A. Simacas (G.R. No. 217866, 20 June 2022), wherein it awarded employees’ compensation benefits under Presidential Decree No. 626 (“PD 626”) to Mrs. Violeta A. Simacas, the wife of deceased employee Mr. Irnido Simacas, who died of prostate cancer. Mr. Simacas was employed for 15 years as a fabrication helper at a manufacturing company ...
Probationary employment is an arrangement where an employee is placed on trial by the employer for a period of time, not to exceed six months, to allow the employer to determine whether the employee is fit for regularization. Probationary employment is beneficial for employers as it allows them to address problems in the employment relationship before regularization ...
Year 2022 included several significant legislative reforms in the field of employment law. As we have now entered 2023, it is a good time to take a look back to the previous year and to have a look at reforms and amendments coming up during 2023 within the field of employment law ...
Labor inspections is one of the ways the Department of Labor and Employment ("DOLE") implements its visitorial and enforcement powers under the Labor Code, to secure a higher level of compliance with labor laws and standards, and to ensure continuity and sustainability of compliance at workplaces ...
Following the creation of the Department of Migrant Workers ("DMW") pursuant to Republic Act No. 11641, or the Department of Migrant Workers Act ("RA 11641"), the Department of Labor and Employment ("DOLE") and the DMW issuedJoint Circular No. 01, series of 2022 (the "Joint Circular"),on July 7, 2022, to facilitate and ensure the efficient and effective implementation of RA 11641 ...
With the restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic lifted, people are on the lookout for employment opportunities. Employers are in search of capable employees who can contribute to the recovery and growth of the company. Screening job applicants is a crucial step to ensure that the right person for the job is hired ...
This is the third article in our series about sponsor licences. This article focuses on the effect of insolvency on a sponsor licence. Businesses are facing challenging times in the current economic downturn and insolvency is a real possibility for many, with 5,595 company insolvencies in the third quarter of 2022[1] alone. If a business is on the brink of insolvency this will potentially have an impact on any sponsorship licences held within the company group ...
Charities face challenges on many fronts right now, but one silver lining to the cost-of-living crisis is the popularity of charity shops, especially among younger people. Today sees the launch of Charity Super.Mkt at the Brent Cross Shopping Centre in North London, a great illustration of necessity being the mother of invention, meeting the demand for sustainable fashion and bringing life back to vacant retail space. Charity Super ...
In a January 17, 2023, speech at Georgetown University Law Center, Assistant Attorney General Kenneth Polite, Jr., for the DOJ’s Criminal Division, announced revisions of DOJ’s Corporate Enforcement Policy (“Policy”) to offer greater leniency to companies willing to (1) report their own misconduct to the government and (2) offer “extraordinary cooperation” once an investigation begins. Old Policy ...
Contents Risk analysis in an evolving market Complex fund structures Typical structures in our jurisdictions Legal perspective Waiver of commitments Market risk Competition in the market Concentration risk Liquidity risk ESG risks Conclusion Risk analysis in an evolving market Despite being a relatively long-standing lending product, there have been limited public payment defaults by funds in the fund finance space ...
Case summary: C v D [2022] JRC205 The case involved an application by C for a declaration that her marriage to D was void ab initio. D, the Respondent, argued that the Court could not make a finding of nullity in the circumstances of the case. Background C and D married in October 2017 at the Office of the Superintendent Registrar in St Helier. C had a history of mental health difficulties and had received significant support and interventions from Adult Social Services ...