Key Points The California Court of Appeal has issued the first published opinion interpreting California Senate Bill 35's (SB 35) new laws that streamline the approval of much-needed housing projects. Under SB 35, qualifying housing projects are eligible for ministerial review, which can reduce entitlement processing times by months if not years. In Ruegg & Ellsworth v. City of Berkeley (Cal. Ct. App., April 20, 2021, No ...
The U.S. Department of Labor announced the Essential Workers, Essential Protections Initiative on April 26, 2021. The Initiative is designed to educate workers on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) ...
In our second quarterly case law update for 2021, we take a look at some of the key cases published since the start of the year and consider the lessons we can learn from them. Disability discrimination In Elliot v Dorset County Council, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has recently allowed an appeal against an Employment Tribunal’s finding that a claimant was not disabled ...
The COVID-19 Pandemic has wreaked havoc on the mortgage servicing industry, putting significant strain on both mortgage servicers and their borrowers ...
The Private Investment Law (Law 10/18 of 26 June) was amended by Law 10/21 of 22 April. The new law marks the return of the contractual system to the area of private investment. As a result, the current private investment systems are the following: i) Prior declaration system ii) Special system iii) Contractual system The contractual system is applicable to projects in any sector ...
There have been a number of significant rulings on the topic of holiday pay over recent years and Smith v Pimlico Plumbings Ltd is the newest addition. Before we look at Smith, it is useful to understand how this area of law has developed over time ...
The Home Office has published guidance on making late applications to the EU Settlement Scheme. Employers are rapidly having to get their “heads around” the fallout from Brexit and ensuring all their existing EU workers have or in are in the process of obtaining EU settled status is just one of the many headaches. The deadline of 30 June 2021 for EU, EEA and Swiss nationals to apply under the EU Settlement Scheme is fast approaching ...
If the COVID-19 pandemic affected the value of your property, Ohio Senate Bill 57 (S.B. 57) may offer you (or your triple-net lease tenant) a chance to reduce your Ohio real property taxes not available under prior law. Property tax valuation complaints in Ohio counties can be filed only once in each three-year interim period, and property values are determined as of January 1 of the tax year. Because the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S ...
Several listed companies recently bought the music rights of world famous stars such as Bob Dylan and Taylor Swift. The payoff of investing in music mainly comes from streams revenues. But the benefits do not seem to be that bad: for instance, since Sony bought Michael Jackson's music portfolio in 2016, its stock price has quadrupled (1) ...
In what has been a period of unprecedented upheaval, employers have learnt a lot about their working practices and staff. As we enter the new world, employers have a unique opportunity to build back better including normalising flexible working for all ...
Below is an update on the most relevant employment law measures adopted after the Decree of March 22, 2021, no. 41 (the so-called “Sostegni Decree”) within the framework of the COVID-19 emergency legislation and the on-going vaccination campaign ...
Acting under its new Debt Collection Licensing Act licensing administration and enforcement authority granted by SB 908, the DFPI Commissioner issued a public statement on April 9th reminding all future license applicants under the Debt Collection Licensing Act of California’s renter protections associated with COVID-19 rental debt ...
New Promulgated Law and Subsequent Regulations on Health, Administrative and Other Measures during Covid-19 Outbreak In response to the recent community outbreak of Covid-19 on 20 February 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia (“RGC”) promulgated and issued a number of regulations, specifically: Law on Preventative Measures against the Spread of Covid-19 and other Highly Contagious Diseases dated 11 March 2021 (“Preventative Measures Law”); Sub-Decree 37 dated 12 Ma
Washington’s Supreme Court disrupted the state’s agricultural industry on November 5, 2020, when it held that the agricultural overtime exemption at RCW 49.46.130(2)(g) violated the state’s constitution as applied to dairy workers. As a result, all dairy employers immediately had to start paying their workers overtime at a rate of 1.5 times their regular hourly rate. While not explicitly addressed, the Martinez-Cuevas v ...
Tech Start-Up Companies Toolkits - ǼLEX Legal .avada-select-parent .select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff}.select-arrow{background-color:#ffffff} Are you running a start-up or contemplating starting that business and you are uncertain on how to proceed? Do not fret as AELEX Fintech centre has compiled this start-up tool kit to guide you on setting up your business ...
JURISPRUDENCE Amazon Seller Services Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. v. Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. & Ors. (Delhi High Court)1 The Division Bench of the Delhi High Court reversed the prior order which had restrained various e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal - from enabling sale of products of 'direct selling' companies without their consent. The Court held that the Direct Selling Guidelines of 2016 are not the law and are only advisory in nature ...
In this three-part article series, we will share with you the intellectual property (IP)–related mistakes that we regularly see with startups. We hope you will find it useful for your business ...
On March 23, 2021, Governor Pritzker signed a new law (Senate Bill 1480) that makes several meaningful changes to the Illinois Human Rights Act (IHRA). One significant change under the new law states employers may not use criminal conviction records when making employment decisions unless employers consider specific factors and take certain steps before making a final employment decision ...
Background Companies operating in EU may already be aware that on December 2019 the Whistleblowers Directive[1] came into force. The Whistleblowers Directive aims at establishing a framework with common minimum standards for ensuring whistleblowers’ protection across all EU Member States. The transposition deadline almost knocks on the door since it expires in December 2021 ...
Led by Anna Lowe, this short and sharp session covered recent updates in tax affecting real estate. 1. VAT and the Reverse Charge Applies from 1 March 2021 to supplies of building and construction services where the Construction Industry Scheme would apply ...
PileDriver Magazine published an article by Dinsmore's Lisa Hodgdon and Jason Lambert entitled "COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace: 8 Considerations for Employers" in its most recent issue. Read an excerpt below. 1 ...
One consistent struggle faced by the mortgage servicing industry is the prevalence of conflicting state laws that address payoff statements. One state may permit a servicer to charge a fee for providing a payoff statement while another prohibits such a fee. One state may have specific content requirements that must be included in a payoff statement while another provides the servicer with discretion about the content of the payoff statement ...
Employers can face a civil penalty under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (“the Act”) of up to £20,000 per illegal worker for failing to carry out the prescribed right to work document checks. It is a criminal offence to knowingly employ anyone who does not have the right to work in the UK or where an employer had ‘reasonable cause to believe’ they did not have the right to work in the UK ...