When Oregon Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) adopted permanent rules related to COVID-19 back in May 2021, it did so with the caveat that it would repeal the rules once it determined that they were no longer necessary to address the pandemic. As of June 30, 2021, Oregon OSHA has formally removed the facial covering and physical distancing requirements for most workplaces under Oregon OSHA’s jurisdiction ...
Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act B.E.2562 (“PDPA”) governs the cross-border transfer of personal data. The PDPA sets out a condition, among other things, that personal data may be transferred to another country or to an international organization (the “Recipient”) provided that they have in place an adequate level of personal data protection according to the adequacy decision as decided on by the Personal Data Protection Committee ...
By Ministerial Resolution Nº 174-2021-PRODUCE, published today July 1, 2021 in the extraordinary edition of “El Peruano”, is established the “Provisional Fishery Regime for the Hake Resource (Merluccius gayi) for the period July 2021 to June 2022, applicable to the industrial fleet and in the area between the northern end of the maritime domain and 07°00′ South Latitude ...
In our third quarterly case law update for 2021, we look at some of the key cases published since April 2021 and consider the lessons we can learn from them. Health and Safety Related Dismissals Over the past six months, we have seen the emergence of a series of cases related to health and safety dismissals. Unsurprisingly, several of these relate to Covid-19 ...
Following the latest government announcements, where do landlords and tenants stand in relation to the recovery of rent unpaid during the Coronavirus pandemic? The simple answer is there is a significant degree of uncertainty, and an awful lot of detail around the government’s proposals and that has yet to be resolved ...
In our previous article we set out what kind of information needs to be disclosed for it to qualify as a protected disclosure. Here we look at another key requirement, that the person making the disclosure reasonably believes it is in the public interest. What is (or is not) in the ‘public interest’ is not defined in legislation, and subsequently it can be difficult to determine ...
Dinsmore partner Kelvin Lawrence was published in Bloomberg Tax with co-author Bruce P. Ely from Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP. Their article, "The MTC Undertakes an Ambitious Study of Partnership Taxation," discusses the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) Uniformity Committee's work group they created to study issues related to multistate taxation of pass-through entities ...
Business succession planning for founders of privately held business enterprises can take many paths. One of the most common exit plans is ownership transfers to management or key employees and it is easy to see why: transferring ownership to key employees creates shared values-based goals and can give owners ample time to make their exit ...
Litigation between the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) may be nearing an end (The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. vs. United States Small Business Administration, et al.,United States District Court for the District of Columbia). AGC initially filed a lawsuit against SBA in December 2020, challenging the introductions of Form 3509 and Form 3510 (Loan Necessity Questionnaires) in October 2020 ...
Contractual bids for public companies made on or after 5 July 2021 will be subject to new Takeover Code (the "Code") rules. Changes made to: standardise rules for all regulatory authorisations and clearances; simplify the contractual bid timetable; clarify circumstances in which conditions may be invoked to lapse a bid, represent the most significant changes to the Code since 2011 ...
With the third wave of COVID-19 in full swing in South Africa, it has never been more important for South African employers to anticipate and prepare for the various COVID-19 related disputes that may lie ahead. It is vital to learn from the challenges already confronted by employers worldwide concerning issues such as vaccination, occupational health and safety, and flexible working arrangements and their approaches to such matters ...
Starting around October 26, 2020, the Small Business Administrations (the “SBA”) asked Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) lenders to provide certain questionnaires to PPP borrowers with loans of $2 million or greater. There are two questionnaire forms on the Treasury: Form 3509 for for-profit borrowers and Form 3510 for non-profit borrowers ...
In a case concerning the validity and effect of certain deeds relating to pension increases, the High Court has handed down its judgement. The case also considers the application of scheme forfeiture clauses to arrears of underpayments. The case, concerning the Axminster pension scheme (‘Scheme’), was brought by the Scheme’s independent trustee. Many of the original issues were compromised by the parties, meaning that the court was asked to approve the compromise ...
On June 10, 2021, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (the “Anti-Sanctions Law”) ...
The draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Climate Change Governance and Reporting) Regulations 2021 (‘Regulations’) have been laid before parliament and are due to come into effect on 1 October this year. The Pensions Minister announced on June 8 the final version of the Regulations which are designed to regulate how trustees of certain trust-based occupational schemes must engage with, and report on, climate change risk as part of their duties ...
Deadlines loom, as changes to rules on the rights of EEA and Swiss citizens to live and work in the UK are fast approaching. With many developments to keep apace of, we have highlighted the key dates and points which employers need to mark in the diary. 1 ...
As many of us continue to work from home and/or have opportunities for travel and meeting up restricted, we are continuing to run our essential webinar series for employers to ensure that our clients and contacts remain up to date and equipped to deal with all eventualities! Our latest seminar focused on diversity and inclusion in the workplace ...
Employers who are faced with employee requests for accommodation on the basis of family status may find that the response to such requests depends on the province of employment ...
On 11 June 2021, the Minister of Employment and Labour released the much-anticipated vaccination guidelines. These are included in the amended Consolidated Direction on Occupational Health and Safety Measures in certain Workplaces (the “Directive”). While some have interpreted the Directive as giving employers carte blanche to impose mandatory vaccination policies, this is not the case ...
On June 21, 2021, the Department of Labor (DOL) proposed a new rule to restrict the amount of non-tip-producing work a tipped employee can perform when an employer is taking a tip credit. The proposed rule clarifies that if an employee performs work that directly supports tip-producing work for a substantial amount of time — at least 20 percent of the hours worked in a workweek or at least 30 continuous minutes — the worker must be paid the standard minimum wage ...
The pandemic has shined a bright light on the importance of safety and health in the workplace. While most employers are well aware of the rules that they are required to follow when it comes to safety and health, many have not thought about what to do when an OSHA inspector arrives at the workplace. Here in Oregon, with some exceptions, most employers fall under the jurisdiction of Oregon Occupational Safety and Health (Oregon OSHA) ...
Free movement of workers from the European Economic Area (EEA) was ended by Brexit and the UK Government introduced the EU Settlement Scheme to bridge the gap between the UK’s two immigrations systems of those coming from the EEA, and those coming to the UK from outwith the EEEA. The EU Settlement Scheme is a mechanism for any EEA citizen who lived in the UK before 31 December 2020 to remain lawfully in the UK ...