PileDriver Magazine published an article by Dinsmore's Lisa Hodgdon and Jason Lambert entitled "COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplace: 8 Considerations for Employers" in its most recent issue. Read an excerpt below. 1 ...
Employers can face a civil penalty under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 (“the Act”) of up to £20,000 per illegal worker for failing to carry out the prescribed right to work document checks. It is a criminal offence to knowingly employ anyone who does not have the right to work in the UK or where an employer had ‘reasonable cause to believe’ they did not have the right to work in the UK ...
On 24 February 2021, Hong Kong’s Finance Secretary Paul Chan delivered the 2021-22 Budget which highlighted upcoming government initiatives to promote the establishment of and re-domiciliation of offshore funds to Hong Kong using the Hong Kong open-ended fund company structure (OFC) ...
An open-ended fund company (OFC) must at all times have an investment manager (Fund Manager) who is responsible for managing the scheme property. To bring in expertise in respect of a specific market or strategy or for other various reasons, Fund Managers may engage sub-managers, advisors or delegates. The delegation of the investment management function by a Fund Manager is permissible under the OFC regime ...
The SFC’s recent public reprimand and fine of HK$6.3 million against a licensed corporation (the Company) brings various provisions of the Code of Conduct and Internal Control Guidelines to the forefront. It also highlights the need for licensed corporations to fully comply with any licensing conditions. Outlined in this article are the key facts of this case and a summary of what licensed intermediaries can learn from this disciplinary action ...
On April 13, 2021, Law No. 21,314 was published in the Official Gazette, which, among other matters, set new transparency requirements and reinforce the responsibilities of market agents (the " Law "). Relevant modifications to the current pensions' regulation: Amendments to Decree No. 3,500 (“Pension Funds Act”) ...
In the latest article for our Tricky Issues series, we consider how employers should deal with personality clashes in the workplace, why they need to be dealt with quickly and the legal position when employers consider dismissal ...
As British Columbia battles the third wave of COVID-19, the government has introduced legislation[1] which, if passed, will provide employees with paid leave to get the COVID-19 vaccine. On April 1, 2021, the British Columbia government introduced an unpaid job-protected leave of absence for employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine, or to assist a dependent in getting vaccinated against COVID-19 ...
On the 23rd March 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered a Grand Chamber decision on a preliminary reference transmitted to it by a Swedish tribunal in a matter concerning air passenger rights (Airhelp Ltd v. Scandinavian Airline System SAS, c-28/20) ...
As an employer, are you obliged to search personal devices, personal email accounts and/or personal social media accounts belonging to employees or others such as trustees or non-executive directors when responding to a data subject access request (DSAR)? Many employers will now be familiar with undertaking a ‘reasonable and proportionate’ search when responding to an employee’s DSAR under Article 15 of the UK GDPR ...
Last week the Supreme Court decided to dismiss the latest appeal in the Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake case and confirmed that time spent sleeping on site during a sleep-in shift will not count towards a care worker’s National Minimum Wage (NMW) ...
The financial services sector had a busy 2020 for many reasons, and the UK’s 2021/22 financial year promises to bring further developments. In this article, we take a look at the changes expected in banking, finance and asset management. 1. Brexit The loss of passporting rights was a key consequence of the Brexit deal from a financial services perspective ...
Bullying in the workplace and allegations of bullying harassment at work have seldom been out of the headlines. Politicians such as ex-speaker John Bercow or Home Secretary Priti Patel have been accused of such behaviour ...
On 16 April 2021, the People’s Bank of China (“PBoC”) issued the Measures for Supervision and Administration of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions (《金融机构反洗钱和反恐怖融资监督管理办法》) (the “2021 AML Measures”), following PBoC’s issuance of a consultation draft of the same on 30 December 2020 (the “Consultation Draft”) ...
Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, We are pleased to bring you the March 2021 issue of our quarterly Newsletter, we hope that you will continue to find its contents of value to you. Real Estate PJD Regency Sdn Bhd v Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah: Calculation of Liquidated Agreed Damages commences from the Date of Payment of Booking Fee A case note by Alexis Yong Mey Ling … read more ...
Romanian authorities have recently initiated the transposition process for Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (the “Whistleblowers’ Directive”). A limited period for public review of the first draft of transposition bill has just closed. The projection is that it will become law by December 2021 to meet the transposition deadline ...
On 19 April 2021, the MLVT issued ‘Instruction 043 concerning the Payment of Wages for Early April (2021) and Additional Allowances for Employees in the Garment, Enterprise, Handicraft and Business sectors during the Phnom Penh and Takmao city lockdowns to prevent the spread of COVID-19’ (“Instruction”). The Instruction states that the temporary lockdown measures in Phnom Penh and Takmao City should be regarded as the de facto suspension of employment ...
Read and download the Dutch chapter of the latest Vertical Agreements guide of Lexology GTDT, as updated by Sarah Beeston, Pim Jansen and Nina Korstenbroek. You can access the chapter by clicking on the link below. This comprehensive chapter explains how the Dutch competition rules are applied to agreements for the sale and purchase of goods or services between parties operating at different levels of the supply chain (so-called "vertical agreements") ...
06.04.2021 – The Law no. 58/02.04.2021 for approving the GEO no. 211/2020 and amendment of GEO 132/2020 was published in the Official Gazette no. 345 dated April 5th, 2021 These new legal provisions introduce a series of amendments of articles wording, certain values/limits and conditions to be met regarding the possibility to temporarily reduce the working time in the current context and access the specific state support ...
07.04.2021 – The Ministerial Order no. 214/22.02.2021 for approving the template documents provided by art. 53¹ para. (12) of the Labor Code was published within the Official Gazette no. 350 dated April 6th, 2021 ...
What options does one have when they discover that a term in a previously executed contract or written instrument was worded poorly, or incorrectly drafted? Generally, parties in this scenario may seek the remedy of rectification, which gives a court the equitable jurisdiction to rectify or correct the document so that it accords with the parties’ true agreement ...
The American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) became law in March of this year. One of the many relief provisions included in ARPA is a temporary subsidy of COBRA continuation premiums for certain individuals, summarized in our prior alert, found here ...
The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) is a new federally-funded program providing emergency assistance for eligible venues adversely affected by COVID-19. The program, administered by the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Disaster Assistance, will offer over $16 billion in grants to shuttered venues, providing economic relief to eligible entities. This legal update summarizes the requirements and additional information related to the grant application process ...
As we look forward to returning to our normal routines, after we have all had the opportunity to be vaccinated, many people are wondering what permanent workplace changes will remain in place or will be introduced for workers; as well as the pets they either acquired or became more attached to during quarantine. I am certain my dog thinks I decided to stay home with him all day because he is so wonderful (which he is) ...