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Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

The deadline for meeting the previously issued nursing home compliance mandate is approaching. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued the mandate in 2016 and gave facilities three years to become compliant. On November 28, 2019, skilled nursing facilities (SNF) and nursing homes will be required to adopt and implement a compliance program as a condition for participation in Medicare and Medicaid ...

Heuking | November 2018

Since the GDPR has been in force, almost every company has, among other things, dealt with issues of the permissibility of direct marketing and other marketing activities under data protection law. At their data protection conference on Nov. 07-08, 2018, the German data protection supervisory authorities issued a new "orientation guide" on this topic (as of November 2018) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | November 2018

New State Minimum Wage Effective January 1, 2019, the State minimum wage increases to $12.00 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees, and $11.50 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees. New Local Minimum Wages Additionally, several California cities and counties have passed their own minimum wage ordinances with a more aggressive schedule of minimum wage increases ...

Heuking | November 2018

The large number of vague terms as well as provisions requiring interpretation in the GDPR create significant application issues for companies. However, it becomes even more of a challenge if companies not established in the EU want to review whether the GDPR is applicable to them. Generally speaking, the European legislator set themselves the goal of creating the most extensive territorial scope of the GDPR possible ...

Dykema | November 2018

In the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis, courts across the United States were inundated with litigation challenging the legitimacy of mortgages, notes, and the records purporting the transfer or assign them ...

Afridi & Angell | November 2018

The new anti-money laundering (AML) law of the UAE took effect at the end of October 2018. Containing features recommended by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the new law introduces subtle but important changes to the AML landscape in the UAE. The new law was enacted as Federal Decree-Law 20 of 2018. The previous AML law was Federal Law 4 of 2002, as amended by Federal Law 9 of 2014, and the implementing regulations that were promulgated pursuant to Cabinet Resolution 38 of 2014 ...

Arendt & Medernach | November 2018

The enactment of EU Directive 2018/843 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for money laundering or terrorist financing (the "5th AML Directive") has prompted the Luxembourg government to accelerate the final implementation process of EU Directive 2015/849. This Directive prevents the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing (the “4th AML Directive”) ...

Karanovic & Partners | November 2018

In light of the new EU data protection scheme, shaped by the GDPR, Serbia has enacted a new Data Protection Law earlier this year, with its' applicability postponed for 21 August 2019. The new law was long-awaited: it has been 10 years since the existing law was passed, which was even at that moment already outdated (e.g. it recognized only consent in the written form and almost completely restricted data transfers to non-European countries) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

On Nov. 19, 2018, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Commerce issued an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking[1] requesting public comment on criteria for identifying emerging technologies essential to U.S. national security that would be subject to increased export controls ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2018

The Department of Labor issued an opinion letter that provides guidance to employers paying exempt employees an hourly wage or other extra compensation in addition to a guaranteed weekly salary.SeeU.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Div., Opinion Letter (Fair Labor Standards Act), FLSA2018-25 (Nov. 8, 2018) (“Opinion Letter”) ...

Afridi & Angell | November 2018

News of a new federal law on foreign direct investment in the UAE has many people asking: “Does this mean I can now form a new company with majority foreign ownership?” The answer is the same as previously, “No, not yet”. Companies incorporated in the UAE require a minimum of 51 percent UAE ownership. As an exception to this rule, 100 percent foreign ownership is permitted in free zones. The new law may lead to further exceptions in the future ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | November 2018

The introduction of the e-hailing system had changed the landscape of public transport in Malaysia and, at the same time, intensified the competition in the taxi industry. Whilst the taxi industry was subject to specific regulatory requirements there was previously no express law to regulate the operation of the e-hailing system ...

Shearn Delamore & Co. | November 2018

  “Tax investigation” entails an examination of a taxpayer’s business books, records, and documents as well as his personal documents to ensure that the correct amount of income is reported and tax is calculated as well as paid by the taxpayer ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

In the last quarter of 2018, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued an opinion letter ending what had become known as the “80/20 rule” for tipped employees. The new rule, which eases restrictions on an employer’s application of the tip credit, is a reissuance of a 2009 opinion letter that had been supplanted by contrary guidance since 2011 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2018

In an about-face from prior guidance, the Department of Labor issued a revised opinion letter on Thursday rescinding the so-called “20 Percent Rule” and expanding employers’ ability to claim the tip credit.SeeU.S. Dept. of Labor, Wage & Hour Div., Opinion Letter (Fair Labor Standards Act), FLSA2018–27 (Nov. 8, 2018) (“Opinion Letter”) ...

Afridi & Angell | November 2018

In an order dated at the end of 2018, the DIFC Court accepted that a party seeking an anti-suit injunction against proceedings in a foreign court must show that proceeding before the foreign court is or would be “vexatious or oppressive” to that party ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2018

Download the November 2018 edition of the Haynes and Boone OSHA Newsletter PDF. OSHA States that Most Instances of Workplace Drug Testing are Permissible In a memorandum dated October 11, 2018, OSHA clarified its position on drug testing under 29 C.F.R. § 1904.35(b)(1)(iv) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

Today the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that will end HRSA’s delays in implementing a January 5, 2017 final rule concerning 340B drug price calculations and civil monetary penalties (CMPs) against manufacturers who knowingly and intentionally overcharge 340B covered entities for 340B drugs (the Final Rule) ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

One year later, the #MeToo movement has caused a seismic cultural shift in American society and in the workplace. It continues to gain momentum and attracts wide-sweeping media coverage keeping the issue of sexual misconduct against women at the forefront of our national dialogue ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | November 2018

Earlier this week, the UK Cryptoassets Taskforce published its Final Report on cryptoassets and distributed ledger technology (DLT). The Taskforce – which includes representatives from HM Treasury, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Bank of England – was established in March 2018 to analyse and assess the risks and potential benefits of cryptoassets and DLT and “set out the path forward with respect to regulation [of these areas] in the UK” ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | November 2018

"Slavery remains a reality in the modern world. Children, men and children are being exploited in our towns, communities and businesses every day. The victims are hidden from view and many people may never know this cruel practice is taking place on their streets and under their noses". Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, Home Secretary, October 2018 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2018

On October 31, 2018, the Treasury Department released proposed regulations (“the Proposed Regulations”) providing guidance on the application of Section 956 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) following recent tax law changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”) ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | October 2018

Governor Brown signed into law a number of bills, which significantly impact employers. Unless otherwise indicated, each new law takes effect the begining of 2019. For an in-depth analysis of how each law might affect your organization, contact one of Hanson Bridgett's experienced labor and employment lawyers ...

From ground-breaking discoveries such as penicillin and insulin, to the development of the MRI body scanner and the creation of Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult cell ...
