The South African Competition Amendment Bill, 2017 is a step closer to becoming operational. During its plenary sitting in late 2018, the South African National Assembly (“NA”) passed a revised version of the Bill.On 1 December 2017, the Minister of Economic Development announced the release of the Competition Amendment Bill for public comment ...
The oil and gas sector has seen significant changes over the past few years, led by a significant reduction in global oil prices. This has increased the focus on operational efficiency and more flexible ways of working collaboratively to alleviate the effects of protracted price deflation ...
Effective September 29, 2018, the Ohio General Assembly significantly expanded the list of mandatory reporters of suspected elder abuse. Among others, medical professionals are now included on the longer list of individuals that must report suspected elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation. To see the list of included medical professionals, view the statute here. The General Assembly expanded the list of mandatory reporters with the goal of protecting vulnerable individuals from harm ...
The Scottish financial sector has always punched above its weight due, in large part, to its appetite for innovation and sharp business acumen, which it has successfully exported around the globe. The successful early establishment in Scotland of current account banking and the investment trust speak to this, along with the undisputed influence of the Scottish diaspora, which established many of the great financial institutions from Paris to Hong Kong ...
Blockchain is a distributed ledger of data entries. The entries are processed and managed by a series of different computers, or ‘nodes’, which can be running on different servers. Every computer connected to the system keeps a copy of this ledger, meaning that different parties can view and manage the same information in real time. It also makes it exceptionally safe and secure. The energy sector has been relatively slow to adopt blockchain technology ...
The Ohio Supreme Court issued a decision on September 27, 2018 which clarifies the “voluntary abandonment” doctrine, and expands the circumstances under which a claimant’s own actions may preclude the payment of temporary total compensation in State, ex rel. Klein v. Precision Excavating & Grading Co., 2018-Ohio-3890 ...
Yesterday, OSHA issued a Trade Release announcing the revival of its Site-Specific Targeting Program (SST or Program). As we forecasted when OSHA first published the Electronic Recordkeeping Rule (Rule), OSHA will use 2016 Form 300A data – which employers submitted last December – to target specific worksites for comprehensive, programmed inspections ...
IN THIS ARTICLE, REENA ENBASEGARAM LOOKS AT THE ISSUE OF RESTRUCTURING THE WAGE SYSTEM OF HOTEL EMPLOYEES. Introduction Service charge is a practice unique to the hotel industry whereby it is imposed on the bills issued to the customers ...
On November 5, 2018, the amendments recently adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) to update and simplify certain disclosure requirements will become effective ...
The role of the Millennial lawyers and the recent incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in law firms are current trending topics. As a 27-year old associate of a law firm based in Guatemala City, every time I read about AI and that global law firms are incorporating AI to their practice, I ask myself, will I be replaced by it (or IT) ...
The South African Human Rights Commission (the “Commission”) is mandated by section 184 of the Constitution to promote respect for human rights and a culture of human rights; to promote the protection, development and attainment of human rights; and to monitor and assess the observance of human rights in South Africa. The Commission publishes annual reports in which it highlights what it regards as problematic issues and makes recommendations in this regard ...
The Veterans Administration (VA) maintains the Vendor Information Pages (VIP) database of Veteran-owned small businesses (VOSB) and service-disabled Veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSB). This database is available at The VIP database is managed by VA’s Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) who determines whether an offeror is eligible to be listed on the database ...
Under Government Regulation Number 57 and Indonesian Competition Authority (KPPU) Guidelines Number 02 , the criteria for determining whether a foreign merger (the definition includes a share acquisition) conducted outside Indonesia is reportable under the current Indonesian merger control rule (please note that the current merger control rule are the following: The Asset and/or revenue thresholds The value thresholds for a reportable transaction are: a ...
With investors such as the Scottish Investment Bank, the soon-to-be-launched Scottish National Investment Bank and the Epidarex Life Sciences Fund all increasingly paying attention to the life sciences sector against the backdrop of an increasingly competitive life sciences market in Scotland, now is a great time to consider whether your business is ready for investment, and how it could be standing out in order to attract investors ...
With the spotlight on the new laws combating sexual harassment in New York, employers may have missed a significant new modification to New York City law mandating a “cooperative dialogue” in response to workplace requests for reasonable accommodations ...
The Abu Dhabi Global Market (the ADGM) recently announced the launch of a commercial license specifically catered towards tech start-ups that allows entrepreneurs to obtain an operational license in the ADGM and access to a Professional Services Support Program aimed at allowing entrepreneurs entry to a community of businesses, financial services and professional advisors ...
When negotiating a settlement agreement in an employment dispute, “no rehire” language is often a standard term. This language typically bars the litigating employee from seeking re-employment with the former employer. However, in California, at least one “no rehire” provision was invalidated because it was not narrowly tailored to the employer at issue. In Golden v. California Emergency Physicians Medical Group (“CEP”), CEP terminated Dr ...
At the beginning of September, the Israeli Innovation Authority, a division of the Israeli Ministry of Economy and Industry and the successor to the Office of Chief Scientist “IIA”, issued new rules “New Rules”. The “New Rules” regarded the licensing of know-how developed and obtained by Israeli companies that received grants from the IIA “Funded Companies”, to multinational corporations ...
Recent amendments to Mauritius’ Employment Rights Act (“ERA”) have brought about regulation into an area of employment law that many foreign jurisdictions have struggled to deal with: the gig economy, which has so far been characterised by short term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent contracts and the accompanying benefits ...
Under newly enacted Section 1400Z of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”), beginning on December 22, 2017, taxpayers may defer, and in some cases partially eliminate, capital gains by making certain investments in “qualified opportunity zones.” A qualified opportunity zone is a “population census tract” in a state designated low-income community ...
Due to recent federal regulation, employers must follow new disclosure procedures before performing background checks. Effective September 21, 2018, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued updated model disclosure forms mandated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The new forms may be accessed here. The last time the CFPB provided a model disclosure form for use by employers performing background checks was 2012 ...
Many South Africans, I suspect, find Brexit both boring and incomprehensible. All that endless talk of customs unions, free trade agreements, hard borders, borders in the Irish Sea..!But one really interesting thing that has emerged from the endless news stories is just how important intellectual property (“IP”) is in all of this ...
Striking is a fundamental right enshrined in South Africa’s Constitution. However, section 36 of the Constitution accepts that a fundamental right can be limited. Sections 64 and 65 of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (the “LRA”) contain these limitations for strikes. Section 64 requires certain procedures to be followed prior to a strike taking place for it to be “protected” ...
Is the singing of offensive songs a dismissible offence? The South African Constitutional Court recently handed down judgment inDuncanmec Proprietary Limited v Gaylard N.O & Othersin which it considered whether the singing of struggle songs, containing words that could be construed as offensive, warranted dismissal ...