On March 17, 2008, the Court of Québec fined Transpavé Inc. $110,000 after it pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal negligence causing the death of one of its employees. This is a first in Canada since the Criminal Code was amended so that an organization could be found guilty of criminal negligence in occupational health and safety matters ...
Difficulties in recruiting skilled employees and the labour shortage in some sectors are currently a source of headaches for many businesses. In this context, one solution may be to consider hiring foreign workers.In a press release published in September 2007, the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec noted that migrant workers are an indispensable asset to the competitiveness of Quebec businesses ...
The Act respecting labour standards (hereinafter the “ALS”) was amended recently concerning absences due to sickness or accident and absences for family or parental reasons ...
Every day, and several times a day, we enter into contracts without knowing it or without considering and controlling their effects. This bulletin provides a brief and non-exhaustive summary to help you better understand, prepare for and monitor your contractual environment ...
In the beginning of February, the Swedish Corporate Governance Board presented a proposal for a revised Swedish code on corporate governance (the Code).Work on amending the code has been carried out in cooperation with representatives for both OMX Nordic Exchange as well as NGM ...
On 21 February 2008, the government presented a proposal for a new Competition Act. The proposal contains a number of new things, of which several aim to make the fight against cartels more efficient. In addition, amendments are proposed to the rules on concentrations. Possibility of avoiding trial through a settlement procedure Currently, the Swedish Competition Authority does not have the authority itself to decide on fines (sw. konkurrensskadeavgift) ...
Not treating a European collective bargaining agreement in the same way as a domestic collective bargaining agreement may be discriminatory according to EC law. Taking industrial action is, in itself, a fundamental right – but to force foreign companies to negotiate salaries without the existence of clear rules on what applies is not justifiable and is in conflict with the proportionality principle ...
On December 6, 2007, the Quebec Court of Appeal declared that part of Goodyear’s alcohol and drug detection policy implemented in its Valleyfield plant in the summer of 2004 was valid.The Court of Appeal’s judgement maintained in part a decision rendered on April 21, 2006 by the Superior Court that upheld grievance arbitrator Mtre Denis Tremblay’s April 12, 2005 ruling ...
Under Bolivian law, there is no specific set of regulations or special norm regarding a system of merger control applicable to the different sectors of the economy(1). The antitrust provisions, restrictions and penalties for each particular sector (telecommunications, electricity, hydrocarbons, transport, water, etc.) are established in the “Sectorial” laws, and in general in the Bolivian Constitution, the Criminal Code and Code of Commerce ...
The role and duties of a Chair are not defined and circumscribed in incorporating statutes (federal and Quebec) except in the case of Quebec government-owned corporations and then, only in part. Boards of directors have been at the centre of the public debate on corporate governance in recent years. This heightened focus on boards has provoked questioning and reflection on the role and liability of the Chair ...
Pension and benefit plan administrators are becoming increasingly familiar with litigation and in particular, class proceedings. We have seen a tremendous increase in both the number of pension and the breadth of issues raised in those actions ...
New Business Visa RequirementAt the end of 2007, Russia enacted new visa rules to limit the number of days that a business visitor can remain in the country. Multiple entry business visa holders may only remain in Russia in 90 day increments, up to a maximum of 180 days per year. Those who may have used a business visa to live and work in Russia for extended periods must now obtain a work permit or resident status ...
Legal system1. What is the legal system (civil law, common law or a mixture of both)?Romania has a civil law system.Foreign investment2. Are there any restrictions on foreign investment (including authorisations required by central or local government)? There are only a few restrictions on foreign investment. For example, foreign persons cannot acquire land, subject to a limited number of conditional exceptions. 3 ...
Companies found guilty of manslaughter under new law could have their finances and reputations ruined. The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 comes into force on 6 April 2008. After much controversy and delay the legislation is almost with us. In a nutshell: The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (the “Act”) comes into force in the UK on 6 April 2008 ...
A last chance agreement is an arrangement entered into between an employer, an employee with serious and persistent behavioral problems and, where applicable, the union, that gives the employee a final chance. Such an agreement imposes strict conditions to be met by the employee in order to maintain the employment relationship and may even provide that a breach of its terms will result in dismissal ...
Being the smartest lawyer in the room does not always guarantee success. Rather, success in the field of law almost always results from an attorney’s determination and dedication ...
The Department of State (DOS) has announced two changes to the visa application process at consular posts. Effective January 1, 2008, non-immigrant visa application fees increase from $100 to $131. DOS claims that the new fees are meant to recover costs associated with increased security measures and other security enhancements ...
Most applicants for adjustment of status (“green card”) must obtain travel permission from the USCIS before departing the U.S. Failure to obtain an “advance parole” can cause the USCIS to automatically deem the application abandoned and to deny the case. An exception to this rule applies to H-1 and L nonimmigrants and their dependents. Until now, individuals returning to the U.S ...
In Still v. Great Northern Insurance Company, No. 07-2425, 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 26024 (3d Cir. Nov. 87, 2007), the Third Circuit affirmed the District Court’s grant of summary judgment to an insurer relying on the “business pursuits” exclusion in a homeowner’s policy. The Third Circuit found the exclusion was unambiguous and precluded coverage for a counterclaim brought by the insured’s former employer for malicious prosecution. Id. at *5-6 ...
Over a decade has elapsed since Bosman (a relatively unknown Belgian footballer but now a regular on the Question of Sport picture round) put EC free movement law firmly on the Match of the Day agenda. Over the ensuing years, the European Court of Justice and the European Commission have articulated (sort of…) clearly that sport does not benefit from some "white card" exemption to the application of EC free movement rules ...
A Georgia intermediate appellate court has affirmed summary judgment in favor of an insurer, holding that there can be no “advertising injury” coverage under a commercial general liability insurance contract where an underlying lawsuit concerning division of profits from a joint copyright work fails to allege a misappropriation of advertising ideas. James C. Shafe, et al. v. American States Insurance Co., No. A07A0879, 2007 Ga. App. LEXIS 1193 (Ga ...
The rule that a party receiving documents in litigation holds them subject to an implied undertaking to use them only in the proceedings in which they were produced has been a fixture of practice in British Columbia since 1995. However, while the rule is easy to state, it often proves more difficult to apply in practice and carries with it the potential for very serious sanctions for breach ...
There is less than one month before the deadline imposed by the Act to amend the Supplemental Pension Plans Act, particularly with respect to the funding and administration of pension plans (“Bill 30”) for the adoption of an internal by-law by your pension committee, and it still isn’t too late to meet this requirement ...
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) requires employers to verify the identity and eligibility for employment of all employees by completing the I-9 form within 3 days of their employment in the United States.After a ten year delay, on November 7, 2007, the USCIS announced that the long awaited revised Form I-9 is now available to the public for use in verifying employment authorization ...