The Department of State recently issued formal guidance instructing consular officers to refer nonimmigrant visa applicants with prior drunk driving arrests or convictions, or any other evidence that suggests an alcohol problem, to panel physicians (physicians appointment by the DOS) for medical examination. A single arrest or conviction within the last 3 calendar years, or two or more incidents at any time would trigger this requirement. The referral is mandatory ...
On 18 October 2007, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) issued a circular which allows delegation of investment management functions by managers of authorised funds to affiliates not based in an Acceptable Inspection Regime (AIR), subject to certain requirements being met. Previously the fund management company of an SFC authorised fund, and all of its delegates with investment discretion, had to be based in Hong Kong or an AIR ...
This newsletter intends to provide our colleagues and friends with a rapid overview of the reforms that recently occurred in Portugal within commercial and corporate law, in respect of the debureaucratization of the treatment of commercial companies. I. ReformsThus, a substantial range of amendments has been implemented in the last years, with the purpose of simplifying the commercial companies’ incorporation, registration, merger, division, etc. procedures ...
IFLR Taiwan M&A SummaryJuly 20, 2007IntroductionAs Taiwan heads into an election year in 2008 and beyond, market observers may look back at the last 12 months as an important watershed period for the modernization of Taiwan’s financial sector. There is abundant and growing interest from foreign investors, particularly private equity investors, and mergers and acquisitions, together with other domestic and cross-border deal-making, are at an all time high ...
Several court opinions show that employers are to make a careful considerations before deciding not to follow a company doctor's advice to mediate. This particularly applies if that doctor has found that a situation qualifies as a labour conflict rather than as an employee being ill. An offer of mediation by an employee cannot simply be denied either ...
The Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong is the main legislation prescribing the minimum rights, benefits and protection for employers and employees in Hong Kong. Under the ordinance, the employer and the employee cannot contract out of the minimum rights, benefits and protection given to the respective parties by the ordinance ...
HIGH LIGHTS• the Code also applies to in-house counsel;• non-compliance may result in disciplinary sanctions;• failure to comply with the standards established by the Code could constitute civil wrongs or “faults” resulting in contractual liability (towards the employer) and even extracontractual liability (towards third parties with whom the lawyer negotiates on behalf of the organization);• concept of client: difference between the representative of the client or in-house c
On July 11, 2007 the European Court of First Instance (“CFI”) ruled that Schneider Electric SA should be compensated for some of the losses suffered following the European Commission’s unlawful prohibition of its merger with Legrand SA in 2001.[2] The CFI’s decision is undoubtedly historic. It is the first case in which damages have been awarded against the Commission for getting a merger wrong ...
On May 7th, 2007, the British Columbia Court of Appeal overturned the certification of a major pension class proceeding in Ruddell v. BC Rail Ltd., 2007 BCCA 269. In doing so, the court ruled that BC Rail had properly invoked its right to have the dispute determined by arbitration. The court found that, in the circumstances of this case, arbitration took precedence over the class proceeding, which had to be stayed ...
On 6 February 2007, the State Council promulgated the Regulations for the Administration of Commercial Franchising Operations. Although not stated in the Regulations, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) has indicated that the Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchising Operations, issued on 30 December 2004 (as discussed in the 2005.1 issue of China Legal Update), will be repealed on the Regulations’ effective date, 1 May 2007 ...
The China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) issued the Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies on 17 May 2006. Effective 1 September 2006, the Measures cover both takeovers and significant share acquisition activities in listed companies. The Measures apply to acquisitions by investors of listed companies. They impose disclosure and tender offer obligations upon investors crossing certain shareholding thresholds ...
A director should seriously consider resigning in the following situations:• in the case of a material contravention of the law or violation of the corporation’s by-laws, its shareholders agreement or the corporation’s undertakings, if the contravention is not rectified promptly;• in the case of bankruptcy or insolvency, if the director is unable to obtain adequate protection from the trustee, the corporation’s creditors or other third parties;• if the corporation or the Boar
On June 7, 2007, the National Assembly passed Bill 10, which amends the National Holiday Act and the Act Respecting Hours and Days of Admission to Commercial Establishments.Under the amended provisions of the National Holiday Act, June 24, the day of the National Holiday, will henceforth always be a public holiday, even when it falls on a Sunday, as is the case this year ...
Private Actions in Competition Law: Effective Redress for Consumers and BusinessResponse by Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP1. Introduction1.1 Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP welcomes the opportunity to comment on the issues raised by the OFT in its April 2007 Discussion Paper: Private Actions in Competition law: Effective Redress for Consumers and Business (the Discussion Paper). 1 ...
Ten years ago, we would not have been discussing this topic with the Chairman of the then Monopolies and Mergers Commission. Ten years ago, the MMC was a very different animal from today's Competition Commission. Ten years ago, the MMC was largely outside of the daily media spotlight, less transparent and much closer to government ...
The countdown has begun! Have the governance rules for your pension committee been set out in an internal by-law? If not, there’s no time to lose! The deadline is December 13, 2007.SourceIn Quebec, billions of dollars are managed by pension committees ...
It was gazetted on 14 May 2007 that the Employment (Amendment) Ordinance 2007 (the "Amendment Ordinance") will become effective on 13 July 2007 (except section 16 in relation to the requirement to keep wage and employment records, which will become effective on 13 January 2008).For details of the Amendment Ordinance, please see our HR & Pensions Newsletter Issue 2007.1 regarding the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2006 via this link: ...
TABLE OF CONTENTSI. INTRODUCTIONII. WHAT ARE THE FACTORS DRIVING A RISING NUMBER OF CLASS ACTIONS IN THE PENSION CONTEXTIII KEY ELEMENTS OF THE CLASS PROCEEDING AND WHAT MAKES IT A SUITABLE VEHICLE FOR PENSION ACTIONSA. How Class Actions WorkB. Expansion of Class Actions in Canada1. Availability of Class Actions2. Advantage of Class Actions3. Class Proceeding Not the Only Way to Pursue Pension Related ClaimsIV. KEY ELEMENTS OF A CLASS PROCEEDING1. Filing2. Certification3 ...
Romania¡¦s yearly economic growth has triggered in the past few years an increased interest for investment in the existing domestic companies. Most of the financial investors seek to leverage their acquisitions and expect the possibility to use the target companies¡¦ assets to such purpose. This article will briefly review corporate limits and prevailing interpretation.Prohibition of financial assistanceRomania has implemented the provisions of art ...
In Hungary, Act XXXIII of 1995 on the Protection of Inventions by Patents (the “Patent Act”) is the key piece of legislation in respect of inventions created in employment relationships. The Act differentiates between employees’ inventions and service inventions in its provisions applicable to this domain ...
On April 25, 2007 the BC Government introduced Bill 31: the Human Rights Code (Mandatory Retirement Elimination) Amendment Act, 2007. Once the amendments are in force, the changes to the legislation are to be effective January 1, 2008.Currently, the BC Human Rights Code defines “age” as being an age of 19 years or more and less than 65 years. Following the amendment, “age” will be defined as being an age of 19 years or more ...
The purpose of this article is to provide a short update as to the legal and policy developments in the area of private enforcement of competition law. Regulatory scrutiny and judicial developments continue to be principally focussed on the issue of follow-on damages actions for infringements of competition law, especially in the cartel arena. However, as can be seen in the English High Court's recent judgement in SanDisk Corporation vs ...
The Employment (Amendment) Bill 2006 (the "Bill") was gazetted on 8 December 2006 and was read in the Legislation Council for the first time on 20 December 2006. The Bill proposes that commission be expressly included in the calculation of certain statutory payments under the Employment Ordinance (“EO”) ...