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Heuking | April 2020

The legislator acts - Special regulations on, among other things, deferral of claims, insolvency law, tenancy law and loan agreements in Germany to come. At the end of March, the German legislator adopted special regulations in response to the COVID 19 pandemic in fast-track proceedings. The law was passed by the German parliament (Bundestag) on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and, in a special session, also by the German Federal Council (Bundesrat) on Friday, 27 March, 2020 ...

On 27th March 2020, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has posted for public consultation a draft emergency government ordinance envisaged to amend the Emergency Government Ordinance no. 1/1999 relating to the emergency state (“EGO 1/1999”). EGO 1/1999 is the basis on which the presidential decree approving the emergency state was issued on 16thMarch 2020 ...

Afridi & Angell | April 2020

Many employers are facing diminishing revenues during the current Covid-19 epidemic. Many of those employers also face the need to reduce overhead. To provide some relief for employers, the Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation promulgated Ministerial Resolution No. 279 of 2020 (the “Resolution”) on Employment Stability in Private Sector during the Period of Application of Precautionary Measures to Curb the Spread of Novel Coronavirus ...

With respect to the situation caused by the pandemic and its possible data protection impacts, please find below a summary of the statement of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) on the processing of personal data in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, issued on 19 March 2020. The EDPB starts by emphasizing that “[d]ata protection rules (such as the GDPR) do not hinder measures taken in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic ...

Due to the reforms and additions to the General Health Act in matters of obesity and labeling of food and non-alcoholic beverages setting a frontal warning system, published in the Federal Official Gazette (Spanish Acronym - DOF) on November 8, 2019 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

Last Friday, March 27, we published CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Loans and Eligibility for Loan Forgiveness. This alert is intended to provide an update concerning implementation of the Paycheck Protection Loan application process. The SBA has posted a Paycheck Protection Application Form on its website. Since the loans will be funded by private SBA lenders, and guaranteed by the SBA, most borrowers are lining up with private SBA lenders now ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | April 2020

On March 31, 2020, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties plus the City of Berkeley issued new Shelter-in-Place orders, further restricting construction and extending Shelter-in-Place restrictions until May 3, 2020. Under the new orders, most construction, including residential and commercial, is now prohibited. Healthcare, low income housing, specially designated public works projects, shelters, and temporary housing projects may continue ...

ENS | April 2020

On 27 March 2020, the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy (the “Minister”) published the Amendments to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Regulations (“MPRDA Regulations”) for implementation under GNR.420 inGovernment Gazette43127 (the “Amended Regulations”) ...

Section 1106 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or the “CARES Act” provides a framework whereby small businesses can obtain loans from the SBA that may be forgiven to the extent of certain business expenses, including rent. Generally, when a loan is forgiven, the debtor is taxed on the amount forgiven under Internal Revenue Code §108 (subject to statutory exceptions) ...

In the wake of COVID-19, cities, counties and states across the nation are issuing shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders to curb nonessential movement of residents. States and local authorities are invoking powers to evacuate residents through statutes that have historically been used for natural disaster evacuations. While the ability to order and enforce such evacuations is not in dispute, the orders in this context raise many questions ...

President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA” or “the Act”) into law on March 18. The Act requires employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide their employees with paid sick leave and expanded Family and Medical Leave Act rights, subject to exceptions for certain healthcare providers, emergency responders, and businesses with fewer than 50 employees if compliance would jeopardize the business as a going concern ...

ENS | March 2020

On Monday, 23 March 2020, the President of South Africa announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown, with effect from midnight on Thursday, 26 March 2020. In brief, all persons in South Africa are prohibited from leaving their homes for the 21-day period, except if specifically exempted to perform an essential service (health care professionals, food distributors etc ...

ENS | March 2020

Is the employer obligated to notify the Principal Inspector of Mines of known cases of Covid-19 in the workforce? In terms of section 11(5B) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (the "MHSA"), the employer is required to notify the Principal Inspector of Mines of any occurrence at the mine that results in the illness of any person ...

ENS | March 2020

On Monday, 30 March 2020, the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) issued a general communication to financial institutions relating to the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on financial institutions and their customers. The circular sets out at a high level the expectations of the FSCA relating to the culture and responsibilities of financial institutions during the crisis. It does not have the force of law ...

ENS | March 2020

Theregulationsissued by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, on Wednesday, 18 March 2020, make it an offence for people to publish fake news or disinformation about the coronavirus (COVID-19) online ...

ENS | March 2020

The coronavirus (COVID-19), has presented novel challenges for organisations in all sectors of the economy. Irrespective of the external circumstances faced, organisations are being forced to find a way to ensure that they still remain in business ...

ENS | March 2020

On 26 March 2020, the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services issued Directions in terms of Regulation10 of the Regulations under the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (the “Directions”).The Directions will apply during the period of the lockdown, between midnight on Thursday, 26 March 2020 and midnight on Thursday, 16 April 2020 ...

ENS | March 2020

In its recent decision inNational Union of Metal Workers of South Africa v Lufil Packaging (Isithebe) and Others, the Constitutional Court had to decide this question in an appeal brought by the National Union of Metal Workers of South Africa (“NUMSA”) against a decision of the Labour Appeal Court (“LAC”), which held that NUMSA was not entitled to organisational rights within Lufil’s workplace ...

ENS | March 2020

Many banks and other financial services businesses and corporates have started preparing for life after the London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”). We are now less than two years away from the LIBOR and other Interbank Offered Rates (“IBORs”) being discontinued. Global banks are only required to submit LIBOR until the end of 2021. The proposal is to replace LIBOR and other IBORs with (nearly) risk-free rates (“RFR”) in certain major jurisdictions ...

ENS | March 2020

Is the employer obligated to notify the Principal Inspector of Mines of known cases of COVID-19 in the workforce? In terms of section 11(5B) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (the "MHSA"), the employer is required to notify the Principal Inspector of Mines of any occurrence at the mine that results in the illness of any person ...

ENS | March 2020

In response to the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), South Africa entered a lockdown period on 27 March 2020 and subject to any further directions from government, this period is due to last until midnight on 16 April 2020. During the lockdown period, employees performing an essential service are allowed to travel to and from work ...

ENS | March 2020

The Emergency Regulations published under the National Disaster Management Act, 2002 to reduce the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) were understandably, under the circumstances, published in a hurry with a number of scenarios not being thought of and being left to interpretation. One of those is sectional title living ...

ENS | March 2020

The Financial Sector Conduct Authority (“FSCA”) has been proactive in responding to the threats posed to the retirement funds industry by the infectious disease caused by the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic affecting South Africa. In recent days, the FSCA has made two noteworthy pronouncements for the retirement funds sector in an effort to mitigate potential exposures that the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have on the retirement funds industry ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | March 2020

Unique challenges confront those businesses impacted by COVID-19 that are also in the process of implementing operational changes to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). The California Attorney General begins enforcement on July 1, 2020, and recently declined to extend that date due to COVID-19. We take a look at those challenges here and propose some best practices to avoid legal liability under the CCPA ...
