The Regulations on Contracting the Provision of Foreign Technical Assistance and Management Services, as provided for in Presidential Decree 273/11 of 27 October (the “Decree”), were published recently. This legislation has great relevance, on the one hand, because it aims to cover contracts for the provision of services made with non-resident entities and, on the other hand, because it introduces a number of new obligations for the parties involved in these contracts ...
The Joint Select Committee on Marcellus Shale (the “Committee”) reported a 121 page bill governing horizontal wells that utilize 210,000 gallons of water or more per month or that involve surface disturbance of 3 acres or more. The final version of the bill was posted to the West Virginia Legislature’s website on November 18, 2011 (the “Bill”) ...
You are the general counsel of a public company and your company is entering into a transaction to be acquired by another company. Your board and your stockholders want you to make sure the transaction is consummated but they also want you to make sure the company gets the best deal for its stockholders. The acquiror is also going to demand a certain level of deal security ...
November 8, 2011- The Minister of Finance and Economic Development delivered his Budget Speech on the 4th of November 2011. The Budget aims at providing for innovative measures to support key economic sectors (such as ICT/BPO, Tourism, Financial Sector...) and new markets (renewable energies...). The Budget also provides for a National Resilience Plan to support the economy in a global economic downturn ...
The United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit recently held that a complaint does not need to meet the heightened pleading standards for fraud claims in order to satisfy the first-to-file rule under the False Claims Act (“FCA”). The first-to-file rule provides that, once a private plaintiff brings suit under the FCA, no one other than the government may intervene or bring a related suit “based on the facts underlying the pending action.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(b)(5) ...
On October 28, 2011, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Virginia issued an opinion in the Chapter 15 case of Qimonda AG (“Qimonda”).1 The bankruptcy court held that the application of § 365(n) to executory licenses to U.S. patents was required to sufficiently protect the interests of U.S ...
Rejection of a contract in bankruptcy may not always accomplish a debtor’s goal to shed ongoing contractual obligations and liabilities, especially when dealing with employee benefit plans. On October 13, 2011, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals highlighted this issue in its opinion in Evans v. Sterling Chemicals, Inc ...
After a public consultation phase initiated at the end of 2010, the Portuguese Competition Authority (“PCA”) made available, at the end of July 2011, the final version of its “Guidelines on the Adoption of Remedies in the Control of Concentrations” (“Guidelines”). As clarified by the PCA, the Guidelines are “a set of de indications pertaining to the selection, design, execution and monitoring of remedies, within the procedure of previous control of concentrations between undertakings” ...
You’re the general counsel of a public company and you find out that one of your company’s stockholders intends to wage a proxy contest. Your board of directors and CEO are going to want some answers right away. How prepared are you and how do you respond? The average annual number of proxy contests has nearly doubled from 60 in 2001-2005 to 112 in 2006-2010. In 2009, activist shareholders were able to successfully gain board seats approximately 43 percent of the time ...
Although the currently effective Hungarian Civil Code does not name a call option as security, it does not prohibit the use of a call option as security either. The first question this raises, therefore, is whether Hungarian law permits the use of a call option as security? Naturally, this then creates more questions ...
The Republic of Panama, using Law No. 35 of May 10, 1996 as a basis, continues making its best efforts to provide the highest possible protection to Intellectual Property, both in the territory of the Republic of Panama as well as also cooperating with the owners of intellectual property rights ...
President Obama recently sent to Congress proposed legislative language and analyses of his proposed deficit-reduction plan. Among the proposed legislative changes is a change to the formula used for calculating the cap on the amount that the federal government will reimburse federal contractors for executive compensation ...
As part of the implementation or reorganization of a business structure, the integration of a trust as a shareholder of an incorporated family business can prove to be an interesting tax and estate-planning tool. This holding vehicle is being used more and more in Quebec.INTEGRATING A TRUST AS A SHAREHOLDER OF YOUR FAMILY BUSINESSDIANA DARILUS ddarilus@lavery ...
Classification, Authorization and Registration Requirements - All forex operations are subject to registration, but not all are subject to approval, such as the case of those defined as current transactions, which do not require prior authorization from the Bank of Mozambique (“BoM”) ...
This paper reviews judgments dealing with contract law issues relevant to commercial lawyers and business leaders. This paper also considers private international law conventions and treaties that are en route to domestic implementation, and are therefore relevant to commercial practice ...
On September 13, 2011, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (“FDIC”) unanimously approved a final rule implementing Section 165(d) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Rule”) ...
The long anticipated America Invents Act (the “Act”) was signed into law today. However, given that certain provisions of the Act are now in effect while others do not come online until March 16, 2013, innovating companies and individuals should consider the impact and timing of those provisions on their overall patent strategy. Below is a link to some practice pointers and strategic tips you may want to consider when operating under the Act ...
There has been much discussion about building one or more ethane cracking plants within the Marcellus gas footprint. However, there has not been as much discussion of building downstream manufacturing facilities that use products produced at the ethane cracking facility. Recently, the West Virginia Legislature enacted revisions to the tax code to stimulate development of downstream manufacturing facilities in West Virginia ...
The Ministry of Health recently issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 1148/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 on Pharmaceutical Wholesalers, which replaces and repeals two earlier decrees. The new regulation is aimed at protecting the public from dangerous drugs and drugs materials as well as improving previous regulations on pharmaceutical drugs ...
Bank Indonesia recently issued Regulation of Bank Indonesia No.13/15/PBI/2011 on Monitoring Foreign Exchange Flow Activities in Non-Bank Institutions (“PBI 13”) which will replace and repeal the following regulations by January 2012: Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 1/9/PBI/1999 on Monitoring Foreign Exchange Flows in Bank and Non Bank Financial Institutions (“Regulation 1/1999”); Bank Indonesia Regulation No ...
A new Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights No. M.HH-01. AH.01.01 of 2011 on the Application Procedures for Validating a Legal Entity and Approving Amendments to the Articles of Association and the Notification Procedures for Amendments to the Articles of Association and Changes to Company Data (the “MOLHR Regulation”) was issued on 1st April 2011 ...
The Minister of Forestry has issued Regulation No. P.18/Menhut-II/2011 on Guidelines for Borrow-to-Use Permits for Forest Areas (“MOF Regulation”), which replaces and repeals Minister of Forestry Regulation Number P.43/Menhut-II/2008. This new MOF Regulation is the implementing regulation of Government Regulation No. 24 of 2010 on Forest Area Utilization ...
Shareholder participation at the AGMs of large companies is notoriously low – just 0.3 per cent in 2009, according to Chartered Secretaries Australia. So it is not surprising to see repeated calls in the media for listed companies to introduce online participation at AGMs. This would allow shareholders to take part in meetings in their offices or homes via the internet, enabling them to follow the proceedings, submit questions and, of course, vote ...
The delivery of electronic board papers on iPads is becoming increasingly popular, particularly for non-executive directors. At board meetings, some directors may bring only an iPad, on which all their board papers are stored ...