HIGHLIGHTSThe two duties of the directors: duty of care and fiduciary duty ...
How can the government’s attitude and approach to internet issues best be described? The Canadian government recognises that Canada is a small country in a global economy and it pursues a general policy to ensure that Canada is ‘connected’ ...
I. Introductory Note The Republic of Mozambique is rich in mineral resources, including oil, gold, mineral water, coal, natural gas, and marble, and even though exploitation of these resources is far below desired levels, the mining sector still contributes to just under 2% of the country’s GDP ...
Over the last decade, Latin American nations have put considerable effort into demonstrating their willingness to overcome the increasing amount of counterfeit activity in the region These efforts were intensified particularly after the US Trade Representative (USTR) released a warning, by inserting Argentina and Brazil in its “priority watch list” and by applying even greater restrictions to Paraguay, as subject to Section 306 of the 2003 Special 30
1. Introduction As a reaction to the financial market crisis and the too-high incentives politicians have identified in the area of manager's compensation, the German government has enacted the Law on Equitableness in Executive Compensation (German: Gesetz zur Angemessenheit der Vorstandsvergütung, abbr: VorstAG) ...
On 23 June 2009, Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2009 on Integrated One-Stop Services in the Capital Investment Sector (“PR 27”) was issued. PR 27 was enacted to implement Article 26(3) of Law No. 25 of 2007 Regarding Capital Investment (“Law 25”), which requires the issuance of a Presidential Regulation for further implementation of the “one gate policy in investment services” ...
The quality of public services in Indonesia is expected to improve after the issuance of Law No. 25 of 2009 dated 18 July 2009 regarding Public Services (“PS Law”) ...
Being involved in finding solutions!Bid-rigging - a Lesser known Offence in Competition LawBREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS — THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENTBy Catherine Rioux and Patrice CaillancourtYou have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations ...
BREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS - THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENT Catherine Rioux [email protected] Patrice André Vaillancourt [email protected] You have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations. Can you do it? Not necessarily ...
The development of economic ties in the modern world is invariably a driving force in the creation of new legal instruments, the development and improvement of regulatory control, and the establishment of entire institutions and branches of law. Such parallel progress between the economy and the law serves as collateral for the successful development of the state as a whole ...
The “statutory demand procedure” is designed to provide a fast-track method of proceeding to the winding up of a company. It creates a presumption of insolvency. The Statutory Demand is still a basis to issue a winding petition on the ground of “inability to pay debts” as was the case under the 1984 Companies Act ...
This Bill is part of the ongoing measures by the Minister of Justice and the Office de la protection du consommateur (Consumer Protection Bureau) to provide for the comprehensive regulation of commercial practices involving goods and services contracts used by consumers. the Consumer Protection Act (the “CPA”) contains a broad range of content and form requirements affecting the drafting, formation, execution and cancellation of nominate and identified contracts ...
ON JUNE 16, 2009, THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE INTRODUCED BILL 60 ENTITLED AN ACT TO AMEND THE CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT AND OTHER LEGISLATIVE PROVISIONS (THE “BILL”) IN THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.This Bill is part of the ongoing measures by the Minister of Justice and the Office de la protection du consommateur (Consumer Protection Bureau) to provide for the comprehensive regulation of commercial practices involving goods and services contracts used by consumers ...
The Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha/KPPU) has issued Regulation No. 1 of 2009 regarding Pre-Notification on Mergers, Consolidations, and Acquisitions. This regulation has been effective since 13 May 2009 ...
The Commission for the Supervision of Business Competition (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha/KPPU) has issued Regulation No. 2 of 2009 regarding Guidelines for Intellectual Property Rights and the Application of the Anti Monopoly Law. In general the regulation refers to intellectual property rights and Article 50 (b) of Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic and Unfair Business Practices (Anti-Monopoly Law) ...
As more companies feel the effects of the recession, suppliers must ensure they are properly protected should customers struggle to pay their bills, fall into financial decline or, worse, insolvency. A common form of security is a Retention of Title (RoT) clause in the supplier's contract. This aims to afford the seller the ability to recover goods that have not been paid for, and/or to give precedence over other creditors should the worst happen ...
Dear Sirs, let us kindly remind you that on July 01, 2009 amendments to the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” of February 08, 1998 ¹ 14-FZ (hereinafter – the “New Law”) came into force. Pursuant to it, the Articles of Association of limited liabilities companies (hereinafter – the “companies” or the “LLC”) established prior to July 01, 2009 should be brought to compliance with the New Law by January 01, 2010 ...
In two recent cases (Coditel and Stadtreinigung Hamburg), the ECJ dealt with the so-called “in-house exemption” in procurement matters ...
What are the limits on national public procurement law to prevent collusion between tenderers in award procedures? This was the question the ECJ dealt with in its recent Assitur judgment (C-538/07).The facts of the Assitur case were as follows. Three tenderers passed the qualitative selection phase and were admitted to the final procedure ...
The intention of this brief note is to present an analysis of internal crises within law firms and the way of avoiding them. We define a crisis as an unexpected and grave difficulty or danger (“a time of intense difficulty or danger”). As a matter of fact the greek origin of crisis (“krisis”) meant “decision” (from “krinein” – decide) ...
What is CEPA? The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement ("CEPA") is a free trade agreement between Mainland China and Hong Kong that offers Hong Kong products, companies and residents preferential access to the Mainland market. Many of the preferences go beyond China's WTO concessions. CEPA is not a closed agreement and both sides hold regular meetings on further concessions and the details for implementation ...
Indemnity clauses and negligence - a review of the impact of the judgment in the Buncefield disaster case on the effect of indemnity clauses and whether a party can recover under an indemnity clause where it caused the damage by its own negligence ...
On May 6, 2009, the Belgian legislature amended the Belgian Competition Act. Most of the amendments are of a procedural nature and are of minor importance. However, the clarification of the prescription rules and the option of dismissing cases on policy grounds catch the eye. The amendments entered into force on May 29, 2009.The Belgian Competition Act was the subject-matter of a thorough reform in 2006 ...
Trademark owners often try to stop grey-market and counterfeit goods while in external transit through an EU member state. However, ECJ rulings are unclear as to the extent to which this is possible.Parallel traders purchase trademarked goods outside Europe and import them into the European Community, where higher prices apply. These grey-market goods put pressure on the trademark owner’s profit margins, as they are sold at below market price ...