In March of 2021, Dinsmore published a client alert titled “Chapter 19 of HUD’s New MAP Guide – Initial Takeaways for Lenders and Borrowers.” In that article, we offered our observations about new requirements in the MAP Guide and predicted how those requirements might impact the loan closing process ...
The No Surprises Act (Act), which became effective Jan. 1, 2022, is the latest health care law passed with the best of intent: to create consumer protection from unexpected out-of-network medical bills and to create a federal independent dispute resolution (IDR) process to resolve payment disputes between payers and out-of-network providers. Unfortunately, the Act, especially the U.S ...
The Ohio House of Representatives passed HB 447 in February, 2022 and the bill is now pending approval by the Ohio Senate. If passed, this bill could expand the definition of a work injury to include some injuries sustained in the employee’s own home, provided certain criteria are met. Certainly, the precipitating reason for this proposed bill is the recent increase in remote and telework arrangements as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions ...
March 21, 2022 By Michelle Meek On March 18, 2022, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the CROWN Act (H.R. 2116). The Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair (CROWN) Act explicitly prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of hair texture or hairstyles commonly associated with a particular race or national origin ...
On 12 August 2020 a tragedy occurred on Scotland’s railways. A passenger train, already turned around due to blockages on the line, derailed. Three people tragically lost their lives. After months of investigation the Rail Accident Investigation Board (“RAIB”) has released its formal report into the incident. The report details a number of failings, which led to the tragedy ...
This article was first published in AmCham Thailand T-AB Magazine (March 2022 Issue): After nearly two decades in the making, the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2561 (“PDPA“) was published on May 27, 2019. Ostensibly inspired by the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the PDPA was slated to go fully effective in June 2022 following a two-year delay due to COVID-19 outbreak ...
On 17 March 2022, the Belgian Act transposing the ECN+ Directive and also introducing further amendments into the Belgian Competition Act entered into force. It has introduced merger filing fees, fines for failure to notify mergers and a number of procedural changes that allow a more efficient enforcement and an improved cooperation within the ECN Network ...
The new year, 2022, will be the year in which cryptocurrencies gain more legitimacy worldwide through government regulation, oversight and further acceptance. Indeed, in December 2021, the Dubai World Trade Centre announced that it will become a crypto zone and a regulator for cryptocurrencies and other virtual assets - including digital assets, products, operators and exchanges. In September 2021, the country of El Salvador officially recognized Bitcoin as legal tender ...
Entrepreneurs and investors in cryptocurrencies and other digital assets may finally receive guidance and clarity from the federal government ...
In the light of the current geopolitical situation, including severe counter sanctions and restrictions imposed by the Russian Government, people working in Russia and abroad may face new risks in their work and personal life. We would like to provide you with the general guidance to minimize such risks. Follow the link to learn more. Download file We hope that the information provided herein will be useful for you ...
On 14 March 2022 in Philipp v Barclays Bank UK Plc [2022] EWCA Civ 318 the Court of Appeal gave further guidance on the extent of the Quincecare duty owed by banks to their customers. What is a Quincecare duty? It is well established that banks have a duty to use reasonable skill and care in carrying out customers’ orders which includes not complying with instructions if they have reasonable grounds for believing the order was an attempt to misappropriate funds ...
What we know about the cybersecurity risks arising from the Ukraine, steps UK organisations should consider taking now, the insurance position and novel issues that might arise from Ukraine-linked cyber attacks. What has been happening? A few weeks into the war in Ukraine the cybersecurity implications for companies in the UK remain unclear, but some trends are emerging: Initial state sponsored activity seems purely to be targeted by Russian groups at Ukraine and vice versa ...
In association with Macmillan Davies and led by Employment Partner, Emma Morgan and Associate, Lauren Bholé, this webinar focused on the “right to disconnect”. From February 2022, Civil servants in Belgium now have a legal right to disconnect so that they can no longer be contacted by their employer outside of working hours ...
When faced with an OSHA citation, it is not uncommon for an employer to acknowledge that a rule was violated, accept the citation, pay the penalty, and move on. Often, evidence that a rule was violated is easily obtained by an OSHA inspector ...
In a defendant-friendly opinion, a split panel held that conduct based on an “objectively reasonable” reading of an ambiguous statute, absent contrary circuit court precedent or agency guidance, cannot constitute “knowing” misconduct under the False Claims Act. In United States ex rel. Sheldon v ...
This year we also have four new individual lawyer rankings; Thomas Olsen, Band 1 and Malin Tønseth, Band 2 (TMT: Data Protection), Mathias Teir, Up & Coming (Corporate/M&A) and Sunniva Kinsella, Up & Coming (Banking and Finance). We are also very grateful that Tor Stokke and Gøran Mjelde Aarvik have strengthen their individual rankings with respectively Band 2 (TMT: Information Technology) and Band 3 (Real Estate) ...
We take a look at the options open for Ukrainian nationals fleeing to come to the UK and what you can do to help. The requirements for each are summarised below: 1. Ukraine Family Scheme This allows the family members of British citizens, people who are settled in the UK, people who hold pre-settled status in the UK under Appendix EU or people with refugee status or humanitarian protection to join their family members in the UK ...
This Q&A is part of the publication prepared to provide insights into hiring remote workers in Asia Pacific by members of the Employment Law Alliance (ELA). SyCipLaw contributed the guide for the Philippine jurisdiction. You may access the complete publication here. Q. Is it possible for a foreign jurisdiction entity to hire remote workers in your country? What are the basic legal requirements (if any) for hiring remote workers from a foreign jurisdiction (contractor vs ...
Undertaking post-employment notice pay (“PENP”) calculations when an employee leaves a business can be complex and easy to get wrong. We discuss some of the issues facing employers when carrying out these calculations. Background PENP is relevant to determining the correct tax treatment of termination payments ...
As the world becomes ever more focussed on environmental and climate change issues, so businesses are increasingly concentrating on whether their people are working in ways that best achieve the green credentials many organisations now aspire to. Employment practices and policies can be adjusted or altered in ways that will help organisations positively contribute towards lessening their environmental impact ...
Dinsmore Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer Tammy Bennett, a labor and employment partner, was a featured panelist in a Columbus Business First roundtable discussion on the future of the American workforce, including the Great Resignation. The full article is below. Record numbers of people are changing jobs, quitting to start entrepreneurial ventures or exiting the labor force entirely ...
Following the passage of House Bill (HB) 122[i] and its corresponding expansion of telehealth services by Ohio health care providers, the State Medical Board of Ohio (Ohio Board) has released proposed administrative rules in furtherance of the recent legislation ...
The Corporate Transparency Act (the “Act”) was enacted by Congress on January 1, 2021, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The Act’s purpose is to curtail shell companies often used in corporate transactions, including real estate transactions, from conducting illegal activities made possible by concealing the ownership and control of such entities ...