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MinterEllison | June 2012

Section 631 of the Corporations Act provides that, once a bidder publicly announces a takeover proposal, offers under a takeover bid must be made by that bidder within two months unless ASIC grants relief ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | October 2013

BackgroundOver the last 15years, governments around the world have indicated their willingness to implement laws prohibiting the bribery of foreign public officials (a “Foreign Official”) in connection with attempting to secure a business advantage.  While Canada has had anti-corruption legislation in place since 1998 in the form of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (Canada)1 (the “CFPOA”), it has been limited in scope and minimally enforced by Canadian authorities ...

Carey Olsen | February 2024

Strengthened collaboration between BVI and PRC: a precedent of enforcing a PRC arbitral award Background In Window of Trade, the Claimant applied to the BVI Court to enforce the Award in favour of the Claimant. The Award required the Second Defendant to return 100% of the equity in the First Defendant, a BVI company, to the Claimant and to assist the Claimant in restoring its name to the register of members of the First Defendant. The Second Defendant opposed the enforcement of the Award ...

Shoosmiths LLP | February 2022

The much-anticipated levelling up white paper has finally been published, including 12 legally binding ‘missions’ to improve health, living standards, transport, crime and wellbeing by the end of the decade. When it comes to the devolution of powers to help to realise these outcomes, rather than marking a radical departure from earlier policy, the white paper advocates a continuation of the devolution process in England ...

Waller | November 2017

Strategic partnerships between investor-owned companies and nonprofit hospitals or health systems are an unmistakable trend in the health care industry today. Such strategic partnerships can consist of a myriad of structures and variations thereof. The most common transaction structures include affiliations, management arrangements, joint operating arrangements, joint ventures, asset leases, and asset sales/acquisitions ...

The US judge who presided over the nation's only successful copyright infringement case for file-sharing by an individual, has declared it a mistrial. He said he had committed a "manifest error" in his instructions to the jury and the award of damages of $222,000 was "unprecedented and oppressive" ...

ENSafrica | December 2017

If you have ever received a trade mark letter of demand, the chances are that you thought one or more of the following things: long, scary, legalistic, absurd, incomprehensible. It is far less likely that you thought any of these things: perfectly reasonable request, clearly explained, a tricky issue handled with charm and tact – but things may be changing. Recently, the trade mark counsel of US company TGI Fridays sent a letter of demand to a bar in Chicago called Moneygun ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2024

Regardless of an organization's scale, cyberattacks and other cybersecurity incidents, such as data loss or merchant/vendor incidents, pose a significant threat to businesses globally. A quick search online easily identifies current cyberattacks being unleashed against corporations operating in today’s global economy including American Express and Change Health ...

California voters signaled that privacy is a top priority by overwhelmingly approving Proposition 24 on Nov. 3, 2020—the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). The CPRA amends and significantly strengthens the recently enacted California Consumer Privacy Act and moves California's privacy laws toward those of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ...

TSMP Law Corporation | August 2023

Stefanie Yuen Thio’s journey has been shaped by a modest Asian upbringing that instilled a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to society. “I want to make a difference, because I believe I have been tremendously blessed – having grown up in Singapore, having had the opportunities I have had, being able to apply my God-given skills. It’s my obligation to use all that experience and ability to do some good ...

Waller | March 2020

More and more states, counties and municipalities are issuing “stay-at-home” orders or directives recommending, and sometimes requiring: non-essential travel be limited; non-essential businesses temporarily close; or people generally remain at home ...

Carey Olsen | May 2022

However, in the light of the recent decisions in Rangecroft Ltd v Lenox International Holdings Ltd [1] , IS Investment Fund Segregated Portfolio Company v Fair Cheerful Ltd [2] , and most recently in A Creditor v Anonymous Company Ltd [3], a reassessment is required as to whether the procedure is truly optional. The Court in Lenox International highlighted the importance of following the "two-step process" to wind up a company on the basis of its insolvency ...

A minority of states have enacted statutes and taken other action to protect business owners from claims by persons who allegedly were infected by COVID-19 on their premises.1 The purpose of this article is to compare these statutes and discuss some of the differences between them. This article addresses statutes in effect as of October 27, 2020. The article does not address pending legislation ...

Heuking | March 2020

In recent weeks, the corona-related effects on the economy have led to hectic activities by the EU Commission, the federal government, and the German states to make State support services available at short notice and in a manner that is as unbureaucratic as possible. This article provides an overview of the measures taken at federal and state level and their legal framework ...

Dykema | March 2020

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (the Department) and the City of Chicago (the City) are providing emergency assistance for Illinois small businesses. These grants and loans are separate from incentives and programs being offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Information about the programs and how to apply is set forth below ...

Han Kun Law Offices | March 2023

  China Business Law Journal Published March 9, 2023 With the growing importance of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) and the high level of globalisation in capital and supply chains, the scope of ESG regulation is no longer confined to listed companies, the traditional targets ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

What does "state of emergency" actually meanand what are the powers of the Government in the regard? Can someone claim damages incurred in relation to the state of emergency? State of Emergency With effect from 12 March 2020 at 2 pm, the Government of the Czech Republic (the “Government”) has declared a state of emergency for 30 days for the territory of the Czech Republic due to health threats related to the presence of coronavirus in the Czech Republic (Governme

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2022

Following the passage of House Bill (HB) 122[i] and its corresponding expansion of telehealth services by Ohio health care providers, the State Medical Board of Ohio (Ohio Board) has released proposed administrative rules in furtherance of the recent legislation ...

Dykema | July 2018

The Communications Decency Act (CDA)—the law Congress enacted in 1996 and confirmed this past year to shield online publishers from responsibility for the speech of others—gives internet platforms the right to publish the ideas and opinions of third-party users without being held liable for that content or being forced to remove it.[1] In the closely watched case ofHassell v ...

Deacons | August 2020

On 29 July 2020, the State Council held an executive meeting (Meeting) which centred on stabilising the main body of foreign trade, the industrial chain and the supply chain, and establishing four policies to stabilise foreign trade and foreign investment (Four Policies) ...

Heuking | December 2018

Inland ports are of significant importance for handling of freight. Most inland ports are trimodal (road, railways and waterways) and have the necessary infrastructure to handle freight coming from all over the world. Recent State aid measures address the increasing importance of inland ports and allow subsidisation predominantly for constructing infrastructure ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2020

Following the announcement of economic measures aimed towards responding to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Serbian Government issued two regulations on 10 April 2020 that determine the conditions and criteria for compliance of the state aid (i) for remedying the negative effects caused byCOVID-19 and (ii) for remedying a serious disturbance in the economy caused byCOVID-19, whereas both regulations will be valid until 1 July 2021 ...

Waller | November 2018

We suspect that thousands of Tennessee restaurants, hotels, bars and other hospitality businesses gather personal information from their customers for marketing purposes.   It’s just a birthdate, address, anniversary, spouse’s name – good stuff to know, right? That’s all fine and dandy until some hacker steals the information ...
