EnerDry holds numerous patents based on inventions by its founder and CEO Arne Sloth Jensen, including European Patent EP 1 070 223 B1. This patent relates to steam dryers with a specific type of cyclone, which substantially improves the capacity and efficiency of steam dryers ...
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you that the Federal Antimonopoly Service (hereinafter - "FAS Russia") proposes to exempt from inspections such companies that have effective antimonopoly compliance systems. FAS Russia also intends to implement a risk-oriented approach and develops criteria for the companies to be included in the list of scheduled inspections. According to the Deputy Head of FAS Russia Mr ...
The turmoil within the Croatian retail company Agrokor, which owns Mercator, the largest Slovenian retailer, caused a significant stir in the Slovenian public, with the suppliers and especially in politics ...
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you that the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the "Prosecutor General Office") has prepared a number of amendments and suggestions in the field of counteracting corruption offences. Suggestions have been prepared pursuant to the instruction given by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for countering corruption ...
Competition authority imposes fines on ViktoriaOil and Vital, the leading producers of cooking oil in Serbia. The authority stated in its decision that the two companies entered into a joint production agreement that featured restrictive provisions. In particular, the authority claims that the provisions effected the exchange of information and joint production and sales in a way that led to increased prices to end consumers ...
In February, in an article on the 2017 South African budget review, we wrote that the government had proposed that companies and individuals no longer required approval from the South African Reserve Bank (“SARB”) for “standard intellectual property transactions” and that the “loop structure restriction for all intellectual property transactions” be lifted, provided that such transactions are arm's length and at a fair market price ...
The recent South African Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) decision of Herbal Zone v Infitech Technologies doesn’t contain ground-breaking law. However, the SCA’s passing-off judgments are rare, so it is a case worth discussing. The lessons to be learnt from this decision are that it’s important to get the basics right – make sure that a trade mark is registered and ensure that there is a clear agreement between the trade mark owner and the distributor ...
There have been some encouraging developments following Mauritius’ announcement that it planned to strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights (“IPR”), amid global concerns. For example, much-awaited amendments to industrial property law, including incorporating international treaties, have been effected. As a result, the government’s vision of an efficient and equitable IP system may come to fruition this year ...
Post-arbitral award procedures in Tanzania are governed by a number of pieces of legislation, including the Arbitration Act, the Arbitration Rules, 1957 and the Civil Procedure Code (the “CPC”). The High Court of Tanzania is the only forum for the enforcement of arbitral awards. Below, we summarise the process for the filing, registration, enforcement and possible challenge to post-arbitral awards ...
The South African Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (“B-BBEE”) Commission recently issued a non-binding practice guide regarding the enhanced recognition status for exempted micro-enterprises (“EMEs”) and qualifying small enterprises (“QSEs”) through the application of the modified flow-through principle ...
On 31 March 2017, the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (“ICASA”) published Government Gazette no. 40759 for comment, a discussion document in relation to equity ownership by historically disadvantaged groups and application of the ICT Sector Code in terms of section 4(b) of the ICASA Act, 2000 ...
Dispute is heating up over IRS’s attempts to get personal information about users of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Last November, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) filed a petition in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. It sought the court’s permission to serve a “John Doe” summons on Coinbase, Inc., a virtual currency exchanger in San Francisco ...
Cybersecurity is one of the most critical challenges facing our nation and our economy. U.S. regulators on both the state and federal level are working to keep pace with the challenges and risks posed by cybercrime. On March 1, 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) issued a new cybersecurity regulation designed to protect financial institutions, their information technology systems, and their customers from cybercrime1 ...
On April 17, 2017 the President of the Russian Federation signed a draft law setting a differentiation of penalties for conclusion of anticompetitive agreements. The draft law will come into force on April 28, 2017. The draft law provides different administrative fines for conclusion of different types of anticompetitive agreements depending on degree of social danger: as the social danger of the anticompetitive agreement decreases, the administrative penalty will be reduced ...
After 44 years as a member, the United Kingdom (UK) is now officially on the path to leave the European Union (EU). Article 50 On 29 March 2017, the UK triggered Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union by notifying the European Council of its intention to withdraw from the EU. This followed the referendum held in June 2016, where a majority of UK voters opted to leave the EU ...
For several years now, a leniency model exists in Macedonia and it is shaped in line with the EU leniency model. Nevertheless, theMacedonian Competition Commission("Commission") decided to refine the existing rules (contained in the Law on Protection of Competition and the accompanying Leniency Regulation) by recently adopting the Leniency Guidelines ("Guidelines") ...
Can computers learn and reason? If so, what are the limitations of the tasks that they can be given? These questions have been the subject of countless debate as far back as 1937, when Alan Turing published his work on computable numbers1. Many researchers have devoted themselves to developing methods that would allow computers to interact more easily with human beings and integrate processes used to learn from the situations encountered ...
A team led by Dr. Guido Hoffmann, LL.M., has been involved in structuring the transaction, corporate, labor and commercial law in a takeover offer for the German wheel manufacturer Uniwheheels Questions and due diligence. The takeover offer is valid for 100 percent of the outstanding Uniwheheels shares and takes place with the consent of the owner of 61 percent of the shares. The takeover is conditional on Superior acquiring at least 75 percent of the shares in Uniwheels AG ...
In addition to registering their trade marks with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (“CIPC”), brand owners should ensure that their trade marks are protected online. One way of doing this is by registering a domain name. What is a Domain Name?A domain name allows a party to establish its identity on the internet. It assists internet users to easily identify brand owners on the internet and to access their sites on the web ...
On March 1, 2017, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) adopted final rules that will require registrants to include a hyperlink to each exhibit identified in nearly all of the registration statements and reports subject to Item 601 of Regulation S-K or under Form F-10 or Form 20-F (the “Final Rule”) ...
When startup founders get together to form a new company, one of the first steps after actually incorporating the entity is to issue the founders their initial equity in the company. This is commonly referred to as “founders stock.” Most initial cap tables target the issuance to founders of around 8 million shares, so that combined with a 2 million share option pool, the initial “fully diluted” capitalization is 10 million shares ...