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MinterEllison | October 2012

The Federal Attorney-General has released a Discussion Paper seeking comment on whether to introduce laws to make notification of data breaches by government agencies and large private sector entities mandatory in Australia. The Government is calling for submissions by 23 November 2012, asking what the triggers should be and what penalties should apply for failure to comply ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2012

Editor’s Note: Since the DealThink series began, we have focused on various M&A and governance issues facing general counsel of public companies. We would like to broaden the discussion to include the expertise of “specialist” attorneys (e.g., tax, employee benefits, intellectual property) with whom general and outside corporate counsel will likely consult and rely upon during the course of an M&A transaction ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2012

As required pursuant to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the final rule issued by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) in June 2012, the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”) and NASDAQ each issued proposed rules on the independence of compensation committees and their advisers on September 25, 2012. The proposed rules are subject to approval by the SEC ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2012

On August 27, 2009, several amendments to the Mexican Commercial Code were published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”), with the purpose of creating the Movable Guarantees Sole Registry (“Registro Único de Garantías Mobiliarias,” hereinafter referred to as the “RUG”), as a section of the Public Registry of Commerce dependent of the Ministry of Economy ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2012

Much has already been written on the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation, but there has been very little focus on the fundamental changes to the responsibilities and liabilities that the Regulation seeks to impose on data processors ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | September 2012

We live in a society that is obsessed with appearance, and studies show that many people equate appearance to success. While employers may not be aware of these studies, some are trying to control appearance in the workplace by imposing weight restrictions on job applicants or employees as a condition of employment.Whether these policies are permissible can only be answered with a “maybe ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

On July 20, 2012, the Supreme Court of British Columbia (the "Court") rendered a judgment that sheds new light on the shareholder nomination process for electing the directors of a business corporation.1 In fact, the Court confirmed that a corporation’s policy, which aimed to impose an advance nomination process at a shareholders’ meeting, was reasonable and did not infringe shareholder rights with respect to electing the directors of a corporation ...

Delphi | September 2012

Earlier this year, the Inquiry regarding Procurement Services published its opinion "The future for the Procurement Assistance". The Inquiry’s mission is to propose how procurement assistance should be coordinated in order to increase competence, availability, consistency and visibility for procurement market participants ...

Delphi | September 2012

On October 1, 2012, changes in Regulation (2003:770) on government authorities’ electronic information exchange enter into force. The changes involve an obligation for a number of government authorities to implement e-commerce, and from May 31, 2013 handle all of their orders for supplies and services electronically. In this article Kristian Pedersen and Ingrid Sandstedt present the new rules ...

Delphi | September 2012

While the European Commission’s extensive modernization of the state aid rules proceeds, Sweden will have to wait for a national legislation regarding the application of the European Union’s state aid rules since the legislative process has been delayed. As case law from the Swedish courts show, Swedish administrative courts have to assess state aid cases by applying the Swedish Act on Local Governance ...

Delphi | September 2012

To enable a broader and more effective market for re-use of information collected by public sector bodies the EU decided in 2003 to introduce a common set of minimum rules regulating these questions. The rules contain amongst other things a limitation of how high the fee charged for public sector information may be calculated ...

Delphi | September 2012

Effective July 1st, 2012, the new revised Swedish legislation on bribery  entered into force. The last time this area was more thoroughly revised was in 1977. The previous regulation was criticized for being both inaccessible and outdated. In 2009, the Swedish Government therefore appointed an Inquiry to review the provisions then in force, aiming to create a more modern legislation better adapted to its purpose ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

Last Call: Do you have any Private Corporations Shares in your RRSP? The 2011 federal budget, which was tabled June 6, 2011 (after the defeated March 23, 2011 budget), proposed various broad anti-avoidance tax measures to counter the implementation of tax planning strategies involving investments in registered retirement savings plans (“RRSP”). One such anti-avoidance measure targets the shares of certain private corporations held in an RRSP after March 22, 2011 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2012

In the next year, companies that work in the development of oil, natural gas or minerals will have to publicly make new disclosures of payments of $100,000 or more made to governments. The $100,000 threshold is on a project-by-project basis, and will require companies to provide details of the type and amounts of payments made ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2012

It is not uncommon in class actions for parties to reach a settlement that provides non-monetary relief to the plaintiffs and a payment of attorneys’ fees to class counsel. In August, however, a California federal court denied preliminary approval of such a settlement ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2012

On August 29, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission released proposed rules to permit general advertising and solicitation in certain private placement offerings as required by the recently enacted JOBS Act. The proposed rules permit issuers to advertise in connection with Rule 506 private placement offerings so long as the securities are sold only to accredited investors ...

MinterEllison | September 2012

Can a building name become a geographical indicator with the consequence that businesses operating from that building cannot include the name in their trade marks? The recent decision of the Federal Court in Mantra IP Pty Ltd v Spagnuolo [2012] FCA 769 has held that the mark "Q1" is inherently adapted to distinguish the services of the accommodation provider, Mantra IP Pty Limited (Mantra), even though "Q1" was also the name of the iconic high rise apartment in wh

Few may rebate that internet, is majorly responsible for most of the mayor changes in the past fifteen years in fields such as science, communications, technology, commerce amongst other being necessary to adapt the legal system regulating it. Honduras has not been the exception in this modernization process regardless of the civil code nature of its legal system which is not as adaptable as common law systems are ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2012

Introduction Title and date of national law The Act on the protection of privacy in relation to the processing of personal data of December 8,1992 (the 'Data Protection Act' or 'DPA') and its Royal Decree of February 13, 2001. Relation with international instruments The DPA implements EU Directive 95/46/EC on the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data ...

Deacons | August 2012

In our December 2011 newsletter we reported on Hong Kong's Competition Bill. Subsequent to that newsletter, further revisions were made to the original Bill and we outline below the provisions now to be enacted. The Bill was passed on 14 June 2012 and will come into effect on a day to be appointed by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development ...

Deacons | August 2012

The new Companies Ordinance ("Ordinance") passed on 12 July 2012 is expected to become effective in 2014, whereupon:provisions about insolvency and winding up in the current Companies Ordinance ("Current CO") will be retained but retitled as the "Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32)"; the prospectus regime under the Current CO will be moved into the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 577); and all other provisions under the Current CO will be repealed ...

Wardynski & Partners | August 2012

Entertaining a trading partner may be marketing, but if the gesture conveys to the guest an expectation of favourable treatment in awarding a contract, it may be regarded as a form of economic corruption.The question posed in the title - on its surface unrelated to the law - has been raised with us on several occasions recently, by various clients and with respect to various situations ...

Wardynski & Partners | August 2012

The Supreme Court of Poland has held that recognition in Poland of French sauvegarde proceedings, which are covered by the EU’s Insolvency Regulation (1346/2000), is consistent with Polish public policy. The ruling was issued in cases involving a Polish company that sought protection against insolvency in France. The Supreme Court upheld the debtor’s argument that there was no basis for the lower courts in Poland to refuse torecognise the French proceedings ...

Wardynski & Partners | August 2012

How difficult is it to carry out a merger or acquisition under Polish law? It really all depends on the complexity of the business model of the undertaking, and not just the legal aspects. Polish practice, much like the practice in other countries within the Continental legal system - such as France and Germany - has adjusted to solutions from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, which plays a dominant role in corporate transactions ...

Wardynski & Partners | August 2012

Tomasz Wardynski, Sabina Famirska and Antoni Bolecki of Wardynski & Partners co-authored the chapter on cartel regulation under the Polish law in this year’s report of Getting the Deal Through. The 2012 edition of Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation provides information on application of competition regulation in 46 jurisdictions worldwide ...
