Kudun and Partners, Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) and MDD Forensic Accountants hosted a panel discussion on “Successful startups – how to avoid common pitfalls and manage disputes in Thailand”. The panel was moderated by Emi Rowse Igusa, partner and Head of Japan Practice at Kudun and Partners, and included Kongkoch Yongsavasdikul, Partner and Co-head of the Startup practice at Kudun and Partners ...
Generally, an “accord and satisfaction” is an agreement between two or more contracting parties to accept an alternate agreement and performance in lieu of a preexisting contractual duty between the parties. The new agreement is the “accord,” and the subsequent performance of the new agreement is the “satisfaction ...
How can investors, developers and the public sector find value in an ever-changing environment? This was the big central question forming the basis for EG’s recent Scottish Cities Live event, of which Shoosmiths was a sponsor ...
Just as the world started to show signs of recovery from the pandemic and there was a glimpse of a promising economic boom, Russia invaded Ukraine. The wide-reaching effect of the war on society and business has meant that many of the challenges faced by the economy are real and the risks previously believed to be of low importance have been or will be actualized ...
Dear valued clients, colleagues and friends, The Firm successfully defended the prominent e-commerce platform operator, Shopee Mobile Malaysia Sdn Bhd, in a suit filed by A & M Beauty Wellness Sdn Bhd after a full trial on matters pertaining to trademark infringement, unlawful interference of trade and obligation to disclose users’ data. Click here to read more ...
The Firm acted for a corporate licensed Moneylender in an appeal against the High Court decision in Summerhay Development Sdn Bhd v Ivory Ascent Sdn Bhd (2020 1 LNS 1491 and 2020 MLJU 1549) and was successful in overturning the High Court decision in J-02(NCvC)(A)-1095-08/2020. The Court of Appeal’s decision was subsequently affirmed by the Federal Court and the borrower’s motion for leave to appeal was dismissed by the Federal Court (08(f)-415-09/2021(J)) ...
At the forefront of digital revolutionisation Malaysia has launched the DE Rantau programme aimed specifically towards the digital nomad. The programme was launched on 1 October 2022 and all applications received will be screened by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (“MDEC”). Click here to read more. Should you have any enquiries, please contact Suganthi Singam at [email protected] or Chui Siew Xuan at [email protected] ...
To raise sustainability practices and disclosures of listed issuers, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad has enhanced the sustainability reporting requirements in the Main Market Listing Requirements and the ACE Market Listing Requirements which was announced on 26 September 2022. Click here to read more. Feel free to contact our partner Lai Zhen Pik or associate Ng Kar Mun for any questions about this article or Corporate/M&A matters ...
The agreement on a new EU-U.S. data privacy framework between EU Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and U.S. President Joe Biden had already been announced on 25 March 2022 (for background, please refer to our previous article The EU-US Privacy Shield: Third Time’s a Charm? – Mamo TCV) ...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is a major and evolving regulatory area in Europe. Disclosures play a crucial role in helping the financial sector address climate change and sustainability. They are also being used to address issues such as poor workplace diversity and gender pay gaps. Several jurisdictions have introduced or plan to introduce measures dealing with ESG risks in supply chains ...
Background On November 23, 2022, the President of the Chilean Republic submitted to the National Congress a bill amending the Mining Code, Law No. 21,420 and other legal provisions related to the mining sector (the "Bill"). Its purpose is to address and resolve the inconsistencies and gaps contained in Law No. 21,420, as well as to adjust and improve several provisions of the Mining Code, the Constitutional Organic Law on Mining Concessions and Decree Law No ...
As we discussed in prior updates, on July 13, 2022, Christian Bruckner filed a lawsuit in the federal district court in Tampa, Florida, seeking to enjoin the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s set-aside of 10% (around $37 billion) of transportation funding for “small business concerns” owned and controlled by “socially and economically disadvantaged individuals ...
On October 28, 2022, the Department of Defense’s amendments to FAR 52.212-3 and FAR 52.219-1 became effective. These changes amended the Federal Acquisition Regulations to be in line with prior changes by the SBA to its mentor-protégé program, and recognize that a mentor-protégé joint venture qualifies for a socioeconomic program (8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, etc.) if one of the parties to the joint venture meets the associated requirements of the socioeconomic program ...
Employers subject to the personalized rate or retrospective rate regime know how important it is to control the costs related to occupational injury cases in order to limit the impact on their annual premiums. One way to attain this objective is to apply for a transfer of costs under section 326 of the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases ...
In Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada v. Entertainment Software Association1 (the ?SOCAN Decision?), the Supreme Court of Canada ruled on the obligation to pay a royalty for making a work available to the public on a server, where it can later be streamed or downloaded ...
The Office of the Personal Data Protection Committee (the “PDPA Committee”) published a draft regulation issued under the Personal Data Protection Act (2019) (the “PDPA”) relating to the cross-border transfer of personal data outside of Thailand (the “Draft Regulation”) on its website in September 2022 ...
Given the ubiquitous nature of end-user license agreements, terms of service, and similar agreements for websites and other software,[1] it is unsurprising that a company has filed a Petition for Certiorari with the Supreme Court this term (in Genius v. Google) asking the Court to consider the extent to which the Copyright Act preempts private contracts involving a promise not to copy digital content ...
Congratulations! You won your case in court and all the expense and hard work of the past few months, or years (not to mention the broken business relationships and sleepless nights along the way) might just have been worth it to experience this moment of jubilation ...
On 17 November 2022, the State Administration Council (“SAC”) enacted the Law Amending the 2022 Union Tax Law (“2022 UTL Amendment”). This law provides tax exemptions for Battery Electric Vehicles (“BEVs”) and increases the corporate income tax rate of companies engaged in the oil and gas exploration and production sector in Myanmar. We highlight below the major changes under this law: 1 ...
2022 saw the removal of all COVID-19 related restrictions. As we enter our first winter restriction free, we are likely to see a significant spike in COVID-19 cases in addition to other cold or flu viruses. So, what should employers do to manage this? It is imperative that employers consider what they can do to effectively manage COVID-19 within the workplace this winter and how best to protect their employees from associated risks ...
On June 23, 2022, Bill C-19 received Royal Assent. The bill was introduced by the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, and resulted in amendments to the Copyright Act1 that will come into force on December 30, 2022, further to an order in council issued earlier this week ...