The Department of Labor recently issued model notices for employers to use under the COBRA subsidy extension, and the Internal Revenue Service issued additional guidance for an employer claiming on its federal employment tax return (Form 941) the credit for 2009 retroactive coverage arising from the subsidy extension for those individuals who had otherwise exhausted the subsidy period ...
The IRS has issued a Notice that describes a document correction program covering certain failures to comply with Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code (“409A”). 409A contains tax rules for nonqualified deferred compensation arrangements. While this IRS program offers employers welcome relief from inadvertent drafting mistakes and other failures to conform applicable documents to the requirements of 409A, it also raises some additional concerns ...
On December 30, 2009, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) formally published amendments to Rule 206(4)-2 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended (the “Custody Rule”). The Custody Rule is designed to increase protections for clients and investors who turn their assets over to an investment adviser registered with the SEC, and it imposes significant new regulatory requirements on advisers with custody of client assets. Surprise Examination Requirement ...
Buyers and sellers often have different views on how much a target is worth and how its value should best be determined. Normally, the valuation of a company is based on both its past performance and its projected future performance. While the seller may be confident of the company's future growth, the buyer may be reluctant to assume the risk of the company failing to perform as expected by paying the seller the whole purchase price upfront ...
The Head of the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) has determined that the previous regulation regarding affiliated and conflict of interest on particular transactions no longer suits its purpose and through his decision No.KEP-412/BL/2009 he has repealed and replaced the earlier regulation Decision No. Kep-521/BL/2008. The new regulation has been in effect since 25 November 2009 ...
The Head of the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) issued Decree No.KEP-413/BL/2009 on 25 November 2009 to assist issuers and public companies to perform their business activities while simultaneously protecting their investors. The decree updates an earlier decision, No.Kep-02/PM/2002 and its Regulation No.IX.E.2. The decision repeals and replaces the previous decisions and amends Regulation No.IX.E.2 ...
The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) has issued Decision No. 57/KPPU/Kep/III/2009, dated 12 March 2009, regarding Guidance to Implement Provisions in Article 50 (b) of Law No. 5 of 1999 regarding Prohibition of Monopoly Practice and Unfair Business Competition Relating to Franchise-Related Agreements (“KPPU Guidance”) ...
As an initiative to develop Islamic finance and Islamic fund management in Hong Kong, the SFC signed a Declaration on Mutual Cooperation on Development of Islamic Capital Market and Islamic Collective Investment Schemes (Declaration) with the Securities Commission of Malaysia (MSC) on 9 November 2009, which provides a framework for the mutual recognition of Islamic funds (excluding hedge funds, wholesale funds and real estate investment trusts as defined in the
Chapter 10.2 of the SFC's Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds (Code) requires that pricing errors for SFC authorised funds should be corrected as soon as possible and all necessary action should be taken to avoid errors occurring in the future. If the pricing error results in an incorrect price of 0 ...
As a consequence of the recent wave of successful SFC insider dealing criminal prosecutions, responsible officers (ROs) are asking what they need to do to protect their companies and themselves. ROs are obliged to take all reasonable measures to ensure that proper safeguards exist to prevent the licensed corporation and its employees from insider dealing ...
Following the public consultation early this year on proposals for a legislative framework to upgrade the current anti-money laundering (AML) regime in the financial sector, Hong Kong's Financial Services and Treasury Bureau (FSTB) has launched a second-round consultation ...
THE MEMBER FUNDED PENSION PLAN: A DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLAN THAT LIMITS THE EMPLOYER'S FINANCIAL RISKJosée [email protected]çois [email protected] decision by an employer to offer a pension plan to its employees is an important one. Various types of pension plans may be offered, and the financial risk of the employer depends on the type of plan chosen ...
by Oleh I. Furmanchuk, Associate with AstersAccording to the 2008 Yearly Report of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (the "AMCU"), 658 cases regarding anticompetitive actions of bodies of power were investigated by the AMCU and its bodies in 2004-2008. In 2008, the AMCU investigated 215 such cases, demonstrating a 17.5% increase compared to the previous year (there were 183 cases in 2007) ...
Born from the free movement provisions of the EU, and reflecting UK Government efficiency objectives, the procurement rules are aimed at ensuring equal treatment and opportunity when public authorities contract for works, goods and services by requiring, in broad terms, a publicised tender process. However, disgruntled bidders have not had a happy hunting ground when seeking to challenge a suspected defective procurement exercise before the courts ...
Self-regulation of retail banking came to an end on 1 November 2009 with the establishment by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) of a new banking conduct regime. This new regime largely replaces the voluntary Banking Codes and comprises: 1 ...
HIGHLIGHTSThe two duties of the directors: duty of care and fiduciary duty ...
1. Introduction As a reaction to the financial market crisis and the too-high incentives politicians have identified in the area of manager's compensation, the German government has enacted the Law on Equitableness in Executive Compensation (German: Gesetz zur Angemessenheit der Vorstandsvergütung, abbr: VorstAG) ...
On 23 June 2009, Presidential Regulation No. 27 of 2009 on Integrated One-Stop Services in the Capital Investment Sector (“PR 27”) was issued. PR 27 was enacted to implement Article 26(3) of Law No. 25 of 2007 Regarding Capital Investment (“Law 25”), which requires the issuance of a Presidential Regulation for further implementation of the “one gate policy in investment services” ...
The growth in money laundering activities and terrorism financing using financial institutions requires concrete action to eradicate these criminal activities. The diversity of products, activities and information technology available in the banking sector has resulted in an increase in the use of banks for money laundering and terrorism funding ...
Bank Indonesia issued Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 11/26/PBI/2009 dated 1 July 2009 on Prudential Principles in the Implementation of Structured Products Activities for Commercial Banks (“BI Reg.11/26/PBI/2009”) ...
Being involved in finding solutions!Bid-rigging - a Lesser known Offence in Competition LawBREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS — THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENTBy Catherine Rioux and Patrice CaillancourtYou have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations ...
BREAKDOWN IN NEGOTIATIONS - THE BINDING EFFECT OF A LETTER OF INTENT Catherine Rioux [email protected] Patrice André Vaillancourt [email protected] You have decided to sell your business or to initiate a business relationship with a partner. You negotiate the main terms and, before going further, you sign a letter of intent. Then, you decide to withdraw from the negotiations. Can you do it? Not necessarily ...