The Indonesian Minister of Health has issued Minister of Health Regulation No. 24 of 2022 on Medical Records (“MOH 24/2022”), under which the MOH requires all healthcare facilities to keep electronic medical records. MOH 24/2022 allows, among other things, cooperation between a healthcare facility and a third-party electronic organizer and covers who may have access to electronic medical records ...
The year 2022 marks a historic era for Indonesia’s Business Competition Authority ("KPPU") as it is the year KPPU ruling on Partnerships involving Small Medium Enterprises ("SME")’s passed. While stakeholders find it undisputed that SME Partnerships are distinct from competition matters, the prevailing laws and regulations provide that the supervision of SME Partnerships is borne by KPPU ...
A breakdown of the ICO’s recent guidance on how to comply with the UK’s data protection regime when making live marketing calls. The ambiguous lyrics from this popular song have left me confused ...
Whilst generational wealth from around the world has commonly been held, in some form, via Cayman trusts, the client base of the local trust industry has in recent years expanded greatly to include a wider range of global family offices, ultra-high-net-worth individuals, and entrepreneurs keen to take advantage of the modern and flexible options on offer ...
1. Introduction Transmission services used in the provision of M2M services are growing in importance. As a result, in May 2019 ANACOM (the Portuguese communications regulatory authority) launched a public consultation1 to collect input on the possible creation of a specific range in the national numbering plan (plano nacional de numeração - PNN) to accommodate these services ...
The UK data regulator the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a clear warning to organisations that the biggest cyber risk they face is not from hackers themselves but from complacency towards internal data protection compliance. Such companies may face a double whammy of a cyber-attack and subsequent enforcement action. The ICO has fined Interserve Group (a UK based construction company) £4.4 million for breaching data protection law ...
On 7 October 2022, Federal Law No. 377-FZ (the “Law”) came into force. The Law granted mobilized citizens and their family members the right to receive preferential payment holidays on loans (including mortgages). Follow the link to learn more. Newsletter_Payment_holidays_for_mobilized_citizens.pdf (alrud ...
Tackling base erosion and profit shifting remains a priority for the National Treasury and the South African Revenue Service (“SARS”). It was recently reported that in the 2021 fiscal year, SARS dealt with 345 cases of transfer pricing, base erosion and profit shifting to the value of almost ZAR12-billion. Yet, only three South African courts have dealt with transfer pricing ...
Dr Michael Psaila and Dr Frank B. Testa, are attending the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference being held at the Miami Beach Convention Centre from 30 October to 4 November. Please reach out to them if you would like to meet up ...
Classification as a security is an omnipresent concern for issuers of digital assets. When offering or selling securities in the United States, securities must either be registered or exempt from registration ...
November 1, 2022 By: Jeffrey M. Dennis The amended California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), sometimes referred to as the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) or Proposition 24, takes effect on January 1, 2023 – and introduces new consumer rights, while significantly increasing compliance pressures on companies who do business in California. With less than 60 days before the amended CCPA launches, the time for compliance is NOW ...
You may have seen news items discussing a South African copyright case that deals with blind people’s rights to access books. It’s perhaps not that easy to follow, so we’ll try to make it as simple as possible. South African copyright law has been slow to evolve The South African Copyright Act dates back to 1978 ...
In recent articles, we’ve discussed some of the IP implications of the Metaverse, cryptocurrency, and non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”). But when it comes to securing IP protection, what is really involved? This article provides background to these concepts and deals with some of the nitty-gritty as far as IP protection is concerned ...
THE LINDT BUNNY The company Lindt & Sprungli is the maker of the famous Lindt chocolate bunny. The product comprises chocolate in the shape of a squatting bunny, wrapped in gold foil with a red ribbon and a small bell. The chocolate bunny is a very big seller around Easter time, with sales in the tens of millions ...
In this article, we’ll discuss three copyright-related stories that have made headlines and contain some interesting lessons. ED SHEERAN (YES, AGAIN) We recently discussed the well-publicised case where Ed Sheeran successfully fought off a UK High Court copyright claim relating to his song Shape of You. When the verdict was announced, Sheeran said that he hoped that there would be no more “baseless” copyright claims ...
On 27th June 2021, the European Commission unveiled the new set of EU Standard Contractual Causes (‘SCCs’) that are to be used in instances when personal data are to be transferred from the EU/EEA to a third country ...
October 31, 2022 By: Michael Flynn Recent pronouncements by Vice President Harris and by an SBA public affairs specialist indicate that SBA will soon publish a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that will propose an expansion of the number of non-depository institutions that can participate as lenders in the SBA 7(a) loan program, and that FinTechs will be among the types of institutions included in the expanded eligibility ...
While the Canadian government has said it intends to pass legislation dealing with cybersecurity (see Bill C-26 to enact the Critical Cyber Systems Protection Act), many companies have already taken significant steps to protect their IT infrastructure. However, the Internet of Things is too often overlooked in this process. This is in spite of the fact that many devices are directly connected to the most important IT infrastructure for businesses ...
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The firm held an event last week at its offices with staff in order to raise awareness about breast cancer and to raise funds for the cause. The firm is once again making a contribution to the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation ...
Kongwat Akaramanee, senior associate of Kudun and Partners together with associate; Attapon Tanasanti were invited to speak at the 5th AFBR Club seminar on the topic “How do family businesses relate to sustainability?” organized by the Association of Family Business Entrepreneurs (AFBE). In an exclusive setting consisting of no more than 20 participants, the team shared insights on the important factors in making a will for a family ...
The concept of “natural capital” seeks to recognise the role of nature as an asset which is key to the sustained functioning of human social and economic activity. Examples of natural capital include clean air, water supply, plant life, animals, soil and minerals ...
On October 21, 2022, Kudun and Partners’s China Practice team participated in the 30th Anniversary Business Networking and Exhibition organized by the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association (“THKTA”) = at the Peninsula Bangkok ...
On 13 October 2022, Shoosmiths hosted a webinar on the UK Covid-19 Inquiry (the ‘Inquiry’). The webinar took a closer look at the structure and progress of the Inquiry, alongside the commercial and legal considerations that any potential witness or party should be aware of, including the role of a Core Participant (‘CP’). The webinar was hosted by Paul Eccles (Partner) and included talks by Alex Friston (Associate) and Charles Arrand (Partner) ...