On November 30, 2021, Law No. 21,394 was published, which introduces a set of reforms to the justice system, including amendments to certain provisions of Law No.18,287, which establishes the procedure before Local Courts ...
Law No. 21,394, officially published on November 30, 2021, introduced a set of reforms to the justice system to promote efficiency in judicial processes and to limit the need for physical presence in courts. For that purpose, the Law reformed certain provisions of the Organic Code of Courts, the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Electronic Procedure Law, regarding the collection proceeding: Legal deadline to file an opposition to the collection complaint ...
The reforms introduced to the justice system by the publication of Law No. 21,394, dated November 30, 2021, has regulated transitory provisions on the procedure before courts with civil jurisdiction, Courts of Appeals and Supreme Court, for civil and commercial matters, with provisory effect, to facilitate the implementation of the permanent provisions of the Law ...
On November 30, 2021, Law No. 21,394 was published, introducing a set of reforms to the justice system to promote efficiency in judicial proceedings and to limit the need for physical presence in Courts. In addition, on December 13, 2021, the Supreme Court issued Act N°271-2021, enacting a decree (auto acordado) to regulate the remote appearance at pleadings and hearings before courts with civil jurisdiction, the Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court ...
On November 30, 2021, Law No. 21,394 was published, introducing a set of reforms to the justice system to promote efficiency in judicial proceedings and to limit the need for physical presence in Courts. In addition, on December 13, 2021, the Supreme Court issued Act N°271-2021, enacting a decree (auto acordado) to regulate the remote appearance at pleadings and hearings before courts with civil jurisdiction, the Courts of Appeals and the Supreme Court ...
As June 2022 approaches, many companies in Thailand are focusing on and racing towards the implementation of compliance mechanisms in advance of the adoption of the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”), Thailand’s new and all-encompassing data protection legislation. This new law will significantly impact businesses that handle personal data. It sets out heavy fines and penalties which will be imposed upon organizations that mishandle clients’ personal data ...
This newsletter features a look into notable recent Finnish competition and regulatory case law.Recent developments in Finnish merger control: A more hardline approach to divestiture commitments The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority's (FCCA) merger control team had a busy year ...
Here’s a fun conversation starter for lenders, borrowers and attorneys who regularly work on HUD-insured multifamily and health care facility loans: If HUD had a list of Ten Commandments for obtaining a HUD-insured loan, what would be Commandment No. 1? Most professionals in the HUD-insured loan universe would likely put the “first lien” requirement at or near the top of the list of Ten Commandments ...
Summary The 2022 proxy season will continue to be affected by the aftershocks of the COVID-19 pandemic, and will be predominantly shaped by the landmark events of the 2021 proxy season, where ESG matters moved from unconventional to mainstream, and women held a historic amount of board seats of the Russell 3000 companies ...
Background VAS Holdings & Investments LLC v. Commissioner of Revenue, No. SJC-13139, currently on appeal before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, seeks to answer whether a state can tax a nondomiciliary on 100%—or any—of its capital gain derived from the sale of its interest in a subsidiary solely because the subsidiary did business in that state ...
Introduction Non-liability clauses are often included in many types of contracts. In principle, they are valid and used to limit (limitation of liability clause) or eliminate (exoneration clause) the liability of a party with respect to its obligations contained in a contract. The recent unanimous decision of the Supreme Court of Canada confirms that under Quebec law, parties may limit or exclude their liability in a contract by mutual agreement ...