Financial ServicesGuidance document on Climate Change and Principle-based TaxonomyOn 30 April 2021, Bank Negara Malaysia issued a finalised guidance document for financial institutions to assess and classify economic activities which contribute to climate change mitigation and adaption ...
Welcome to the tenth issue of the 2021 edition of Unprecedented. The big news from the past two weeks was the Center for Disease Control’s announcement of new guidance allowing fully vaccinated individuals to go unmasked in nearly all circumstances. The announcement was unexpected and sent governments and businesses scrambling to respond. Some governments, like my home state of Pennsylvania, reacted the same day to conforming their own requirements to the new CDC guidance ...
The internet may be global, but enforcement is always local—and there are plenty of (expensive) ways to find out the wrong way that you should have been doing something where you might not expect it. A typical example is the legal requirement to appoint an EU data protection representative if you’re not based in the EU, or a UK representative if you’re not based in the UK ...
Trimble Inc. v. PerDiemCo LLC, Appeal No. 2019-2164 (Fed. Cir. May 12, 2021) In this week’s Case of the Week, the Federal Circuit revisited its decision in Red Wing Shoe Co. v. Hockerson-Halberstadt, Inc., 148 F.3d 1355 (Fed. Cir. 1998), often cited for the proposition that a patentee does not subject itself to personal jurisdiction in a forum merely by sending correspondence asserting patent infringement by a resident of the forum ...
Preface On 26 April 2021, the Futures Law of the People’s Republic of China (Draft for Consultation) (“Futures Law (Draft)”) was deliberated at the 28th Meeting of the 13th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and was later issued for public consultation on 29 April 2021, receiving keen, widespread interest of the domestic futures industry and the over-the-counter (“OTC”) derivatives market ...
Recently,companies that offer platforms for the purchase of shares in foreign companies (“investment tech” or “wealth tech”)to Nigerians have been in a tussle with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigeria (“SEC”) over their business activities ...
Recently, several African startups have been making positive impact in their communities leading to a number ofcountriesenactingor planning to establish a Startup Act. In this article, our Oluwapelumi Omoniyi examines the benefits of a Startup legislation and considers if Nigeria’s nascent startup ecosystem needs a startup Act ...
The Court of Appeal has unanimously held that a tenant’s statutory declarations given to landlords were valid even though they did not specify the precise term commencement date of the leases to be contracted out. Landlords will be relieved that the Court of Appeal did not adopt an overly legalistic and commercially impractical interpretation of the contracting-out requirements ...
Stepmother's Day exists, although it is probably not widely celebrated. Most people are probably not aware that there is a Stepmother’s Day, which falls this year on 16 May 2021. It is marked one week after International Mother’s Day, which differs from our British version. Many families are unlikely to celebrate Stepmother’s Day and there may be good reason for that ...
Even before the Biden Administration proposed an increase to the capital gains rate, it has been increasingly common for a seller (“Seller”) of business assets to be approached by consultants promoting a transaction structure whereby Seller can immediately receive nearly all of the cash proceeds of the sale while also deferring the corresponding tax for as long as 30 years ...
For those of us in the dispute resolution world in construction, one cultural trait that is seen with nearly all contractors is a strong sense to do the job right. Most businesses are small, and closely held. And most contractors carry significant pride in their work product and in keeping their clients happy. That character extends not only to work in progress, but also to resolution of issues related to the work after it is complete ...
On May 12, Schwabe collaborated with Moss Adams to host a virtual roundtable that explored legal realities around owning and operating a hemp business in Oregon. Schwabe attorneys Lisa Schaures and Joe Hobson were joined by Jacob Crabtree of Columbia Hemp Trading Company, Sunny Summers of the Oregon Department of Agriculture, and Ryan Kuenzi of Moss Adams. Our panelists discussed the evolving nature of the hemp industry at the state and federal level in Oregon ...
Washington communities have a new tool to drive economic development: tax increment financing. Sometimes called “TIF,” this funding method allows local governments to self-finance public improvements that encourage development without imposing new taxes. The 2021 Washington legislature passed a TIF program and Governor Inslee signed it into law on Monday, May 10, 2021 ...
The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil concluded the judgment of the lawsuit claiming the unconstitutionality of the sole paragraph of article 40, of the Industrial Property Law, referring to the minimum term of validity of patents in Brazil ...
Living in Uncertain Times More than a year has passed since our lives were turned upside by the outbreak of COVID-19. Across the globe, millions of people have succumbed to the virus and countless businesses have collapsed. In Thailand, although the loss of life has been relatively low, the pandemic has devastated the country’s economy ...
Below, you will find the issue of our Banking and Finance and Capital Markets newsletter for the 1st quarter of 2021, which compiles the most significant news in this area. BANKING AND FINANCE I. Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal press release on the countercyclical capital buffer for the 2nd quarter of 2021. The countercyclical capital buffer percentage in force from 1 April 2021 will remain at 0% of the total amount of exposures (link) ...
Before going into the details of the proposal it should be mentioned that the actual rules of the proposal were not presented in the revised budget. The government stated that they aim to present the rules in the budget for 2022. The rules will also be subject to a hearing round and since the scheme constitutes state aid in accordance with the rules in the EEA Agreement, they will also require notification to and approval from ESA before implementation ...
For Mental Health Awareness Week, Caroline Watson, head of Shoosmiths Family Law team, offers practical advice on looking after your emotional wellbeing if you’re going through a divorce or a separation. When someone close to you dies, it’s generally accepted that there are five stages of grief: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Some psychiatrists say that the emotional stages of a relationship breakdown are the same ...
The Superintendence of the Environment, by means of Exempt Resolution No. 805/2021 (E.R. 805), dated April 8, 2021 and published in the Official Gazette on May 7, 2021, has specified the content of the reports to be submitted by the tire Management Systems. Purpose E.R ...
The Competition Commission has published an invitation to comment on its amended guidelines on small merger notification. The guidelines extend the notification of small mergers to those taking place in digital markets, where at least one of the stipulated criteria is met ...
Cap Export, LLC v. Zinus, Inc., Appeal No. 2020-2087 (Fed. Cir. May 5, 2021) The Federal Circuit issued a single precedential patent case this week. The district court set aside a judgement and injunction originally in favor of Zinus and against Cap Export, pursuant to Rule 60(b)(3), in light of apparently fraudulent testimony offered by a critical witness. In a rare decision addressing Rule 60, the Federal Circuit affirmed ...
Factual background The taxpayer, Dr Leung, was a medical doctor employed by the Hospital Authority (“HA”). Part of the conditions of his employment was that he was required to be ‘on call’ on certain days including Sundays and public holidays. When ‘on call’, he was obligated, among other things, to be within the physical proximity of the hospital, to be ready to render medical services if the need arose, and to abstain from drinking alcohol ...