TYPES OF LIMITED COMPANIES AND SHARES1. What are the main types of companies with limited liabilityand shareholders? Which is the most common? Which typedo foreign investors most commonly use?The most common types of companies that enjoy limited liabilityare the Sociedad Anónima (SAs) and the Sociedad deResponsabilidad Limitada (SRLs), and these are the main types ofcompanies with limited liability. Joint stock companies (Sociedaden Comandita por Acciones) are also common ...
This Q&A gives an overview of the key factors affecting inward investment, including information on the jurisdiction's legal system; key laws and regulatory authorities; investment restrictions; and details of international treaties, customs and monetary unions ...
Argentina has thwarted debt security holders’ attempts to collect on their bond default judgments stemming from the nation’s 2001 economic collapse and subsequent repayment moratorium.EM Ltd. and NML Capital, Ltd ...
As the US diplomatic relationship with Cuba continues on itspath of normalization and the possibility for increased economic opportunitiesfor US companies with the island increase with the potential further looseningof restrictions prohibiting engaging in business in Cuba, US businesses lookingat the Cuban market have begun taking steps to register their trademarks inCuba ...
In a continued effort to implement the policy changesannounced by President Obama on December 17,2014, OFAC and BIS have announced additional amendments tothe CACR and EAR, respectively, which will be published and effective on Monday,September 21, 2015.The regulatory changes discussed below are more in the lineof significant changes made to the regulations since December 17, 2014.Overall, the regulatory changes loosen restrictions on travel to and businessand investment in Cuba ...
With the enactment in May 2014 of the Organic Law for Strengthening and Optimization of the Corporate and Securities Sectors (OLSOCSS), the role of the Corporate, Securities, and Insurances Superintendence (CSIS) were modified. Previously, the CSIS has the assignment of approving ex ante all of the corporate acts that a company wanted to make. However, with the enactment of the OLSOCSS the CSIS went on to have only assignment of monitoring and have ex post control ...
The federal securities laws require public companies to make and keep detailed and accurate “books, records, and accounts.” One might assume that a securities law relating to books and records covers materials used in the preparation of financial statements. But in practice, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission applies a much broader definition that seems to encompass every piece of paper and data in a company’s possession ...
When not conducted carefully, internal investigations cancause more harm than good. Deciding to investigate a suspected problem is onlythe first of several key determinations. The responsible executive must planand execute the investigation deliberately to avoid self-inflicted harm. Anorganization can protect itself—while still conducting an investigation that isconfidential, full and fair—only by carefully thinking about how best touncover the alleged wrongdoing or compliance issues ...
In commemoration of the firm’s 70th anniversary, SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) produced a publication about the general guidelines in doing business in the Philippines. It aims to showcase the Philippines as an attractive venue for business ventures and to also guide the businessmen and lawyers alike in their business decision making ...
The New England Patriots may play the first quarter of the 2015-16 season without quarterback Tom Brady, as he was suspended for failing to cooperate with an investigation related to footballs deflated below league standards being used in the 2014-15 season AFC championship game with the Indianapolis Colts ...
The government's stated approach to transparency in the supply chain provisions is to strike a balance between improving transparency in the supply chain whilst ensuring that businesses take appropriate and proportionate action to tackle modern slavery. The government's response provides useful definitions which are encompassed within the term 'modern slavery' for the purposes of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ...
When one thinks of resolving disputes in Serbia, the first thing that comes to mind is the long, costly, inefficient dispute before a court, in a dusty court-room in a socialist architecture grey building. Even though these conditions still are reality, Serbia is making efforts in recent years to achieve higher efficiency in resolving disputes through various types of judicial reform including arbitration as one of dispute resolution mechanisms ...
On July 22, 2015, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) released proposed regulations (the “Proposed Regulations”) providing that in certain circumstances a service provider’s allocations of a partnership’s income may be treated as compensatory payments for services under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”) ...
Moving faster than many expected, the National People’s Congress of China promulgated the amended Food Safety Law (“2015 Food Safety Law”) on April 24, 2015. The 2015 Food Safety Law will be effective on October 1, 2015. The 2015 Food Safety Law is regarded as the most stringent food safety regulation in the history of China ...
Since the FDA issued the final menu labeling rule last December, franchisors have been asking what their role and liability is within the framework created by the FDA. In spite of years of FDA consideration and extensive input from industry, food establishments that are subject to the rule remain uncertain about how to comply with its requirements. In addition, the FDA has said very little about how it will enforce the rule To read the full alert, click here ...
Heightened concerns over recent National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) complaints authorized against McDonald’s, USA, LLC—which threaten to undermine the common understanding of a franchisor-franchisee relationship and expand the definition of “employer”— caught the eye of Texas legislators during the recently concluded 84th Regular Texas Legislative Session ...
Following Cuba’s removal from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on May 29, 2015, the United States and Cuba took an additional step towards normalizing relations by announcing the reopening of embassies after more than five decades of their closure. The announcement of an agreement to reopen embassies, which was made today, is the first step in converting each country’s present “Interests Section” into formal embassies ...
A wave of settlements with municipal underwriting firms under the SEC’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (MCDC) Initiative has brought renewed attention to continuing disclosure obligations in municipal offerings. But, it also raises questions about the initiative’s purportedly favorable settlement terms. On July 18, 2015, the SEC announced settlements with 36 municipal underwriters for willfully violating Section 17(a)(2) of the Securities Act ...
Directors’ liability for payroll withholding taxes Due diligence: An evolving standard To what risks of liability or being found guilty are directors exposed? Environmental liability of directors and officers DIRECTORS’ LIABILITY FOR PAYROLL WITHHOLDING TAXES Luc Pariseau and Audrey Gibeault
Recently adopted regulations from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) came into effect on June 19, 2015, facilitating qualifying companies’ access to capital and providing investors with additional investment choices. Commonly referred to as Regulation A+, the regulations amend and expand the exemption for smaller public offerings under Regulation A (Rules 251 to 263 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”)) ...
Internal investigations conducted by enterprises in-house when irregularities are suspected offer many advantages to businesses compared to initiatives undertaken by public law enforcement authorities ...
In a decisive victory for the Plaintiffs in class actions against the three Canadian leading tobacco companies1, the Québec Superior Court ordered the Defendants to pay more than 15 billion dollars in moral damages2 and punitive damages. There were more than 253 hearing days3 and 16 years of proceedings. THE ACTIONS In February 2005, Justice Pierre Jasmin authorized two class actions against JTI-Macdonald (JTM), Imperial Tobacco (ITL) and Rothmans, Benson & Hedges (RBH) ...
On April 21, 2015, the State Council of China (i.e. the central government) adopted the proposed draft of Administrative Measures on Concession of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Projects (the “Infrastructure Measures”) ...
Merger control in Ukraine: overviewRegulatory framework1. What (if any) merger control rules apply to mergers and acquisitions in your jurisdiction? What is the regulatory authority?Regulatory frameworkMergers and acquisitions, as well as establishment of an undertaking and appointments to corporate positions under certain circumstances, are subject to merger control in Ukraine ...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) touted 2014 as a record year for its enforcement program and noted cases that spanned the spectrum of the securities industry. Actions against municipal securities issuers and underwriters particularly stand out among the many areas of aggressive enforcement in 2014 ...