Decree-Law 2/2005 of 27 December, which approved the Mozambican Commercial Code, makes it possible for Mozambican or foreign individuals or clients to set up business in Mozambique in one of six different ways: (i) general partnership (Sociedade em Nome Colectivo); (ii) limited partnership (Sociedade em Comandita); (iii) capital and industry partnership (Sociedade de Capital e Indústria); (iv) quota company (Sociedade por Quotas); (v) single person quota company (Sociedade Unipessoal por Quotas)
IntroductionOn 6 June 2013 the Council of Ministers approved the bill to finalise the transposition of Directive 2003/49/ EC of the Council of 3 June into the IRC (corporate income tax) Code. The Directive, which establishes a common system of taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different Member States, is commonly known as the ‘Interest & Royalties Directive’ ...
On the 19th of July, CMVM Regulation no. 4/2013 on the corporate governance of the issuers of shares admitted to trading in Portugal (“Issuers”), and a new version of the CMVM Corporate Governance Code amending the code in effect since 2010 (“2013 Corporate Governance Code”), were published. Although the aforementioned CMVM Regulation no ...
The insolvency of one or other of the parties to a dispute has become commonplace in recent times, particularly in construction related disputes. Practitioners are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about the implications of insolvency on procedure and the potential remedies available ...
The Pensions Regulator has issued revised codes ofpractice and guidance on reporting the late payment of contributions to ensure a system of effective monitoring of contributions in money purchase work-based and personal pension schemes. The revised codes, which are designed to support auto-enrolment, are expected to come into force this autumn ...
Although non-compliance with the Consumer Protection Act (the “CPA”) is generally sanctioned by the nullity of the CPA non-compliant clauses, or of the contract in its entirety, in cases involving written notices of forfeiture of the benefit of the term, the courts have sometimes decided to maintain the validity of the non-compliant notices if they were not prejudicial to the consumer’s rights. The following two judgment support this view ...
Internal investigations are a central part of the crisis management response, and whilst the form and structure of the investigation will depend on the type of crisis, investigations will generally focus on identifying root causes and those with responsibility for the crisis ...
Serbia Following the last amendments to the tax laws, the Ministry of Finance has since prepared several rulebooks to help implement the amended legal provisions. Amongst these, the Rulebook on Transfer Pricing is the most important. Other rulebooks of the Ministry prescribe new forms of tax returns for tax payable on capital gains and income from the lease of movable and immovable assets, and newly introduced withholding tax on income from the sale of scrap and waste ...
The renewed focus on the ’global tax share’ of OECD countries relative to the global profits of multinationals has reignited the debate about the adequacy and transparency of tax information in Australia. The following article considers the viability of recent proposals. In April 2013, Australia’s Assistant Treasurer released a discussion paper – Improving the transparency of Australia’s business tax system – that outlined three options for reform in this area ...
In September 2012, we reported that the Supreme Court of British Columbia had rendered a judgment1 confirming that a corporate policy imposing an advance nomination process for a shareholders’ meeting was reasonable and did not infringe the shareholders' rights relating to the election of the corporation's directors (“Advance Notice Policy”) ...
Statute of limitations for appeal of public auction contractsThe Higher Commercial Court recently clarified several issues relating to the statute of limitations for appeals of public auction contracts. (Higher Commercial Court of Ukraine Resolution 10 ("On Certain Practical Issues of Statute of Limitation Application"), May 29 2013 ...
The Government has issued a specific regulation on sales tax on luxury goods for motor vehicles, ie Government Regulation No. 41 of 2003 on Taxable Goods classified as Luxury Goods in the form of Motor Vehicles on which Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) is imposed ...
Government Regulation No. 46 of 2013 on Income Tax for Taxpayers with Certain Gross Income was promulgated on 13 June 2013 and came into force on 1 July 2013. Under the Regulation a final income tax of 1% will be imposed on any taxpayer who: is an Individual or Entity (Legal or Business), excluding permanent business entities; and earns gross income from his/her/its business, excluding any freelance services, of up to Rp.4 ...
On 12 April 2013, the Indonesian Capital Investment Coordinating Body (BKPM) issued a new Regulation of the Head of the BKPM No. 5 of 2013 on the Guidelines and Procedures for Permit and Non-Permit Capital Investment (“Reg ...
The passion Brazilians have for football is nothing new. As children, we learn the game and argue over the rules, which are often anything but black and white and, on occasion, are difficult to apply. That’s true even for referees, who, well into the 21st century, are still barred from employing the full array of technologies available to make their work easier. In contrast to other sports, the rules governing football evolve very slowly ...
While arbitration offers an excellent means for parties to get their disputes settled faster than in traditional courts, how you draft the arbitration clause in a document is critically important for a positive outcome – should a dispute arise. Legal agreements often have a clause indicating that parties agree to settle any disputes arising from the arrangement in arbitration. The text for this clause is frequently supplied by a local arbitration institute ...
An expansion strategy doesn’t always need to be M&A driven. Hunton & Williams LLP partners Robert Acosta-Lewis and Susan Failla make the case for strategic alliances. When considering expanding into emerging markets, companies often look to traditional M&A opportunities or explore possible distribution or sales representation relationships. While both of these avenues may offer potential advantages, they also carry risks and limitations ...
Legal succession of banksUkrainian legislation prescribes a special reorganisation procedure for banks that, among other things, requires banks to:• develop a reorganisation plan;• obtain approval for internal statute changes from the National Bank of Ukraine; and• conduct an audit to ensure the correctness of transfers (for mergers and acquisitions) or the demerger balance sheet (for spin-offs and transfers) ...
Recently, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant, a third opinion in what is now a trilogy of cases upholding the validity of class action waiver clauses in contracts containing arbitration agreements ...
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) finalized amendments to formally adopt a framework regarding the voluntary withdrawal of Hart Scott Rodino (HSR) premerger notification filings and submission without an additional filing fee to allow additional time for enforcement agency review of transactions during the initial HSR waiting period ...
Decree-Law 2/2005 of 27 December, which approved the Mozambican commercial Code, makes it possible for Mozambican or foreign individuals or clients to set up business in Mozambique in one of six different ways: (i) general partnership (Sociedade em Nome Colectivo); (ii) limited partnership (Sociedade em Comandita); (iii) capital and industry partnership (Sociedade de Capital e Indústria); (iv) quota company (Sociedade por Quotas); (v)
IntroductionOn 6 June 2013 the Council of Ministers approved the bill to finalise the transposition of Directive 2003/49/ EC of the Council of 3 June into the IRC (corporate income tax) Code. The Directive, which establishes a common system of taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different Member States, is commonly known as the ‘Interest & Royalties Directive’ ...
Chambers & Partners has published its Legal Practice Guide on Corporate M&A 2013. The publication, which may be read for free online, includes two Philippine sections contributed by SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw): - The section on Philippine Trends and Developments was contributed by Managing Partner Rafael A. Morales and Partner Philbert E. Varona, and contains an overview of the practice, including typical structuring issues and recent developments on foreign ownership ...