University of Texas Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute Introduction This paper does not cover pooling from A to Z. If you are interested in a more basic treatment of pooling, see Smith and Weaver, "Texas Law of Oil and Gas," Lexis 2000, Section §4.8. Rather, this paper will first examine selected recent cases, which to some extent involved exercise of the pooling authority under the oil and gas lease ...
This paper focuses on the securities laws applicable to an acquisition by a U.S. company of a Canadian company (“Canadian Company” or “Target”). We will focus primarily on negotiated acquisitions of publicly traded Canadian Companies. Such cross-border business combinations are subject to regulation under U.S. federal and state securities laws, as well as the securities laws of the Canadian provinces ...
University of Houston Law Foundation 2002 Oil and Gas Short Course Introduction The proposal for and conduct of operations are the primary souce of disagreement and litigation under AAPL Model Form Operating Agreement Form 610. This Model Form Operating Agreement has been in use in sustantially the same form since the first Form 610-1956 ...
To Our Public Company Clients: Partly in response to the recent Enron crisis and related media publicity, the Securities and Exchange Commission has announced its views regarding disclosure that should be considered by companies in the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) section of Form 10-K, Form 10-Q, and registration statements filed with the SEC ...
A Powerpoint presentation analyzing the actions of Enron's board of directors and audit committee and the impacts of this on corporate governance today ...
Federal Court Practice 2002 - State Bar of Texas Introduction This article provides an overview of the most commonly used rules under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relating to service of process, federal pleading practice and extraordinary remedies. Because it is an overview, this article is not a good substitute for studying the Federal Rules and the various Local Rules issued by the district courts ...
Introduction A trip across the Mexican border is often a pleasurable experience. The ability to do business in Mexico has also become a profitable experience for many businesses. Increasingly, however, many United States and Canadian businesses doing business in Mexico are finding their venture into Mexico to be less a bus ride to a sunny beach and more a trip on a windy mountain road ...
The recent media coverage of the ENRON crisis and the related Congressional investigations have combined to precipitate new discussions about the adequacy of corporate governance, accounting oversight and financial disclosures. As a result, there is a strong push afoot for new federal requirements in these areas primarily through new SEC regulations. We are again reminded that “bad facts make for bad law” and a crisis often leads to over reactions ...
There is a multi-million dollar market segment that petroleum and energy product companies may not have considered previously -- namely sales to the U.S. Government. The principal federal government agency for the purchase and management of energy products is the Defense Energy Support Center (DESC), a part of the Defense Logistics Agency, with headquarters at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia ...
Business Torts, Spring 2002 This article first presents a historical review of the development of the current framework for analyzing and determining if and when a business tort claim can coexist with a contract claim. Next, the article reviews Haase and its rationale. Finally, the article reviews key Texas Supreme Court opinions from the last five years and their impact on the availability of business tort claims and related tort damages in Texas ...
Introduction President of Mexico Vicente Fox has announced that one of the priorities of his administration will be the development of the energy sector. He is well aware of the current needs for investment in this sector, particularly in power generation and non-associated gas exploration and production. He is also aware that the government will not have the necessary funds to match the anticipated growth of energy demand ...
Dallas Bar Association - International Law Section Luncheon Introduction Since the late 1800s, a shining, steadfast monument has stood over the United States as a savior of the poor and downtrodden. The sculptor intended the work to be an immense and impressive symbol of human liberty. As this guardian of the lowly and oppressed approached its historic 100th birthday, it was in need of restoration ...
Advanced Expert Witness Course II Introduction For many years, Texas courts held that expert (or interested witness) testimony would not support a summary judgment motion or response. See, e.g., Lewisville State Bank v. Blanton, 525 S.W.2d 696 (Tex. 1975) (per curiam); Gibbs v. General Motors Corp., 450 S.W.2d 827, 828-29 (Tex. 1970) ...
According to the fourth quarter 2001 report of Lodging Econometrics, the accelerated decline in the operating performance of the lodging industry will continue until the middle of the first quarter of 2002 due to the events of September 11, 2001 and the recession. Further, while the operating performance of the lodging industry may show signs of improvement by September of 2002, their effects may not be felt until the first quarter of 2003 ...
Introduction One of the important legislative initiatives for the Fox Administration was a tax reform package that could improve tax collection, while reducing the government’s historic reliance on Pemex for its tax revenues (typically approximately one-third) ...
Excerpt I. INTRODUCTION A. Preliminary Considerations When a U.S. client seeks help in "doing business abroad," the first task of counsel is to ask the right questions. It is important to learn enough about the extent of the client's experience and goals for doing business abroad so that the best course of action can be determined ...
Enron announced in court Friday, January 11, that it had selected UBS Warburg’s bid for its wholesale commodity trading business. Many details concerning the sale remain to be resolved through the bankruptcy court process. Importantly for Haynes and Boone’s energy clients, there are many other Enron assets remaining on the auction block ...
Resignation of Two Argentine Presidents. In late December 2001, Argentina saw the rare occurrence of the resignation of two Argentine Presidents. First, Fernando de la Rúa resigned after public protests to the administration’s economic policies resulted in civil unrest. Also resigning at the same time was his Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo ...