Guernsey listed funds In addition, Guernsey has for some time been the domicile of choice for non-UK companies listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (“LSE”) and the Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”) ...
Thailand’s traditional alcoholic beverages have been developed for centuries and their growth potential has been recognized in the global market. Several indigenous alcoholic beverage brands have received international recognition and are sold globally. This has continued even though Thailand’s manufacturing of alcoholic beverages-related laws (the “Laws”) are very restrictive ...
Dr Ingrid Fenech participated in the Society Education Annual Conference on Aspects of Maltese Company Law held on 29th November, where she delved into the recent amendments to the Companies Act introducing the notion of cell companies carrying on or engaged in shipping or aviation business ...
Exclusive interview for the “Wealth Of Wisdom” program: Thanyalak Thongrompho Kudun and Partners Company Limited This exclusive interview with top national corporate executives is part of the “Wealth of Wisdom: WOW” course. Sharing the story of the business circle, future plans, goals, growth direction, and management concepts or principles that are adhered to for success. Find out more information about this news, Here ...
The countdown to the next stage of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) is on. All let commercial property will be subject to MEES from April 2023. This extension of the scheme should be viewed in the context of a growing commitment to ESG within the real estate industry and many property owners and occupiers having developed ESG policies which will drive improvements to the energy rating of their properties ...
As the Procurement Bill passes the report stage and reaches the third reading in the House of Lords, Baroness Neville-Rolfe claims in an article for The Times that it “will slash through red tape, replacing 350 European Union regulations with one simple and flexible framework for the five million SMEs that could compete for public sector contracts”. According to Baroness Neville-Rolfe it will also tackle late payment in the supply chain ...
Kudun and Partners, Thailand Arbitration Center (THAC) and MDD Forensic Accountants hosted a panel discussion on “Successful startups – how to avoid common pitfalls and manage disputes in Thailand”. The panel was moderated by Emi Rowse Igusa, partner and Head of Japan Practice at Kudun and Partners, and included Kongkoch Yongsavasdikul, Partner and Co-head of the Startup practice at Kudun and Partners ...
The Insolvency Practitioners Bill (‘the Bill’) is at its second reading in Parliament. The Bill is intended to partially transpose EU Directive 2019/1023 (‘the Directive’) on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt ...
Generally, an “accord and satisfaction” is an agreement between two or more contracting parties to accept an alternate agreement and performance in lieu of a preexisting contractual duty between the parties. The new agreement is the “accord,” and the subsequent performance of the new agreement is the “satisfaction ...
Just as the world started to show signs of recovery from the pandemic and there was a glimpse of a promising economic boom, Russia invaded Ukraine. The wide-reaching effect of the war on society and business has meant that many of the challenges faced by the economy are real and the risks previously believed to be of low importance have been or will be actualized ...
To raise sustainability practices and disclosures of listed issuers, Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad has enhanced the sustainability reporting requirements in the Main Market Listing Requirements and the ACE Market Listing Requirements which was announced on 26 September 2022. Click here to read more. Feel free to contact our partner Lai Zhen Pik or associate Ng Kar Mun for any questions about this article or Corporate/M&A matters ...
Employers subject to the personalized rate or retrospective rate regime know how important it is to control the costs related to occupational injury cases in order to limit the impact on their annual premiums. One way to attain this objective is to apply for a transfer of costs under section 326 of the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases ...
Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting is a major and evolving regulatory area in Europe. Disclosures play a crucial role in helping the financial sector address climate change and sustainability. They are also being used to address issues such as poor workplace diversity and gender pay gaps. Several jurisdictions have introduced or plan to introduce measures dealing with ESG risks in supply chains ...
As we discussed in prior updates, on July 13, 2022, Christian Bruckner filed a lawsuit in the federal district court in Tampa, Florida, seeking to enjoin the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s set-aside of 10% (around $37 billion) of transportation funding for “small business concerns” owned and controlled by “socially and economically disadvantaged individuals ...
On October 28, 2022, the Department of Defense’s amendments to FAR 52.212-3 and FAR 52.219-1 became effective. These changes amended the Federal Acquisition Regulations to be in line with prior changes by the SBA to its mentor-protégé program, and recognize that a mentor-protégé joint venture qualifies for a socioeconomic program (8(a), HUBZone, WOSB, etc.) if one of the parties to the joint venture meets the associated requirements of the socioeconomic program ...
Given the ubiquitous nature of end-user license agreements, terms of service, and similar agreements for websites and other software,[1] it is unsurprising that a company has filed a Petition for Certiorari with the Supreme Court this term (in Genius v. Google) asking the Court to consider the extent to which the Copyright Act preempts private contracts involving a promise not to copy digital content ...
Congratulations! You won your case in court and all the expense and hard work of the past few months, or years (not to mention the broken business relationships and sleepless nights along the way) might just have been worth it to experience this moment of jubilation ...
2022 saw the removal of all COVID-19 related restrictions. As we enter our first winter restriction free, we are likely to see a significant spike in COVID-19 cases in addition to other cold or flu viruses. So, what should employers do to manage this? It is imperative that employers consider what they can do to effectively manage COVID-19 within the workplace this winter and how best to protect their employees from associated risks ...
On 18 November 2022, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") jointly promulgated the Provisions on Administration of Funds Invested in China's Bond Markets by Foreign Institutional Investors (《境外机构投资者投资中国债券市场资金管理规定》, the "New Rules") ...
On 15 November 2022, the Secretary of the Department of Energy (“DOE”) signed DOE Department Circular (“DC”) No. 2022-11-0034 which amends the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 9513 (otherwise known as the Renewable Energy Act of 2008). The amendment removes the nationality restrictions on the exploration, development, and utilization of renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, biomass, ocean or tidal energy ...
Launching Lavery’s Brand Into the Future Anik Trudel likes to take risks. When she began her legal career, she decided to pursue litigation. She didn’t make this choice because it played to her strengths. “I decided to go into litigation because I was rather shy and quite afraid to speak in public,” she says. “I said to myself, ‘I might as well fix that issue ...