With the enactment in May 2014 of the Organic Law for Strengthening and Optimization of the Corporate and Securities Sectors (OLSOCSS), the role of the Corporate, Securities, and Insurances Superintendence (CSIS) were modified. Previously, the CSIS has the assignment of approving ex ante all of the corporate acts that a company wanted to make. However, with the enactment of the OLSOCSS the CSIS went on to have only assignment of monitoring and have ex post control ...
In commemoration of the firm’s 70th anniversary, SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) produced a publication about the general guidelines in doing business in the Philippines. It aims to showcase the Philippines as an attractive venue for business ventures and to also guide the businessmen and lawyers alike in their business decision making ...
Environmental groups are attempting to enlist the U.S. Department of Commerce in their fight against fracking operations and climate change by petitioning DOC to ban natural gas exports under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA).To read the full alert, click here ...
The government's stated approach to transparency in the supply chain provisions is to strike a balance between improving transparency in the supply chain whilst ensuring that businesses take appropriate and proportionate action to tackle modern slavery. The government's response provides useful definitions which are encompassed within the term 'modern slavery' for the purposes of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 ...
On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) released its Clean Power Plan (“CPP”), the cornerstone of the Obama Administration’s multi-faceted regulatory approach to address climate change.1 The final rule is centered on reducing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030 ...
Moving faster than many expected, the National People’s Congress of China promulgated the amended Food Safety Law (“2015 Food Safety Law”) on April 24, 2015. The 2015 Food Safety Law will be effective on October 1, 2015. The 2015 Food Safety Law is regarded as the most stringent food safety regulation in the history of China ...
Ahead of the recent election it was no secret that the Conservatives wanted to see a cut in taxpayer support for the development of wind farms. What did come as a surprise was the recent announcement by the Westminster Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) that the main form of subsidy for wind farms would suddenly be closed in March 2016 ...
In June 2015, the Superior Court of Québec sided with a real estate developer who applied for an order requiring the Quebec Ministry of Transport (MOT) to fix a highway interchange whose construction in 2007 caused the developer’s land to be flooded1. This article summarizes the court’s principal findings. The ruling has been appealed by the Quebec Ministry of Sustainable development, Environment and the Fight against climate change (MSDEF) ...
Since the FDA issued the final menu labeling rule last December, franchisors have been asking what their role and liability is within the framework created by the FDA. In spite of years of FDA consideration and extensive input from industry, food establishments that are subject to the rule remain uncertain about how to comply with its requirements. In addition, the FDA has said very little about how it will enforce the rule To read the full alert, click here ...
Heightened concerns over recent National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) complaints authorized against McDonald’s, USA, LLC—which threaten to undermine the common understanding of a franchisor-franchisee relationship and expand the definition of “employer”— caught the eye of Texas legislators during the recently concluded 84th Regular Texas Legislative Session ...
Michigan vs. EPA, the Supreme Court continues to curtail EPA’s ability to regulate emissions from power plants by limiting the deference the Court will grant EPA on issues of statutory construction. In the 5 to 4 decision, authored by Justice Scalia and joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kennedy, Thomas, and Alito, the Court held that EPA’s air toxic standards for regulating mercury emissions from coal fired power plants were “unreasonable ...
A wave of settlements with municipal underwriting firms under the SEC’s Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperation (MCDC) Initiative has brought renewed attention to continuing disclosure obligations in municipal offerings. But, it also raises questions about the initiative’s purportedly favorable settlement terms. On July 18, 2015, the SEC announced settlements with 36 municipal underwriters for willfully violating Section 17(a)(2) of the Securities Act ...
Directors’ liability for payroll withholding taxes Due diligence: An evolving standard To what risks of liability or being found guilty are directors exposed? Environmental liability of directors and officers DIRECTORS’ LIABILITY FOR PAYROLL WITHHOLDING TAXES Luc Pariseau and Audrey Gibeault
Recently adopted regulations from the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) came into effect on June 19, 2015, facilitating qualifying companies’ access to capital and providing investors with additional investment choices. Commonly referred to as Regulation A+, the regulations amend and expand the exemption for smaller public offerings under Regulation A (Rules 251 to 263 under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”)) ...
Internal investigations conducted by enterprises in-house when irregularities are suspected offer many advantages to businesses compared to initiatives undertaken by public law enforcement authorities ...
On April 21, 2015, the State Council of China (i.e. the central government) adopted the proposed draft of Administrative Measures on Concession of Infrastructure and Public Utilities Projects (the “Infrastructure Measures”) ...
Merger control in Ukraine: overviewRegulatory framework1. What (if any) merger control rules apply to mergers and acquisitions in your jurisdiction? What is the regulatory authority?Regulatory frameworkMergers and acquisitions, as well as establishment of an undertaking and appointments to corporate positions under certain circumstances, are subject to merger control in Ukraine ...
On May 23rd, Governor Abbott signed SB 709, fundamentally changing Texas’s contested hearing process for environmental permits. Effective September 1, SB 709 requires the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to adopt rules implementing its changes by no later than January 1, 2016 and to provide notice before then that these changes apply to applications filed after September 1 ...
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) touted 2014 as a record year for its enforcement program and noted cases that spanned the spectrum of the securities industry. Actions against municipal securities issuers and underwriters particularly stand out among the many areas of aggressive enforcement in 2014 ...
The Wills and Probate Registry in the Dubai International Financial Centre (the “Registry”) opened in late April of this year. It is now possible to register a will in Dubai, and to have a high degree of confidence that it will be enforced in accordance with its terms. Prior to the establishment of the Registry, it hadn’t been possible to be so confident that foreign wills would be enforced in the United Arab Emirates ...
The SEC’s Division of Investment Management issued a guidance update last week reminding registered investment advisers and registered investment companies of the importance of cybersecurity and providing recommendations on specific measures that advisers and investment companies should consider in addressing their cybersecurity risks. Last week’s guidance update demonstrates the SEC’s continued focus on cybersecurity as part of its compliance initiatives ...
The Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) is continuing to promote its whistleblower reward program and recently announced awards to two individuals who provided key information leading to successful SEC enforcement actions. One whistleblower, a compliance officer, will receive an award of approximately $1.5 million. The other whistleblower, a former head trader, will receive a maximum payout of 30 percent of the amounts collected (which totals over $600,000) ...
Last week the U.S. Department of Justice’s Cybersecurity Unit (“DOJ”) issued guidance to organizations concerning preparing for, responding to, and remediating cyber incidents. DOJ based its publication on lessons learned by federal prosecutors who handle cyber investigations and prosecutions, as well as feedback from private sector victims of cyber attacks and intrusions ...
In recent enforcement actions, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) sued four payment processing companies – not for engaging in illegal debt collection – but rather, for ignoring warning signs in processing payments for debt collectors who were engaged in fraudulent debt collection schemes. The CFPB charged the payment processors with violating 12 U.S.C ...