The International Council on Mining & Metals published new standards for tailings management, aiming to assist mining companies to improve their performance and to comply with safety and environmental requirements ...
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The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil concluded the judgment of the lawsuit claiming the unconstitutionality of the sole paragraph of article 40, of the Industrial Property Law, referring to the minimum term of validity of patents in Brazil ...
Washington communities have a new tool to drive economic development: tax increment financing. Sometimes called “TIF,” this funding method allows local governments to self-finance public improvements that encourage development without imposing new taxes. The 2021 Washington legislature passed a TIF program and Governor Inslee signed it into law on Monday, May 10, 2021 ...
Living in Uncertain Times More than a year has passed since our lives were turned upside by the outbreak of COVID-19. Across the globe, millions of people have succumbed to the virus and countless businesses have collapsed. In Thailand, although the loss of life has been relatively low, the pandemic has devastated the country’s economy ...
Below, you will find the issue of our Banking and Finance and Capital Markets newsletter for the 1st quarter of 2021, which compiles the most significant news in this area. BANKING AND FINANCE I. Banco de Portugal Banco de Portugal press release on the countercyclical capital buffer for the 2nd quarter of 2021. The countercyclical capital buffer percentage in force from 1 April 2021 will remain at 0% of the total amount of exposures (link) ...
The Law Commission recently released its third and final consultation paper on autonomous vehicles. The paper launched a consultation process with the aim of developing policy and seeking regulatory recommendations for the deployment of autonomous vehicles on British roads. Earlier consultation papers sought to collate views on overall vehicle safety and the regulation of automated passenger services (e.g. driverless buses, trains, and taxis) ...
By: Artin Betpera The Telephone Consumer Protection Act has for over a decade been a source of significant legal risk for any business that communicates with consumers by phone or text. The TCPA prohibits making calls without consent to cell phones using an “Automatic Telephone Dialing System” (“ATDS”), and contains a private right of action that provides for statutory damages of $500 up to $1,500 per offending call or text ...
On the morning of April 10, 2021, the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) issued on its website an administrative penalty decision and an administrative guidance document against a major digital undertaking for abuse of its dominant position in the domestic digital retail platform services market due to its exclusive dealing behaviors, so-called “choosing one of two”. The administrative penalty imposed amounted to RMB 18 ...
On 30 April 2021, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (“SASAC”) issued the Circular on Matters Related to Further Strengthening the Administration of Financial Derivatives Businesses (《关于进一步加强金融衍生业务管理有关事项的通知》), which follows SASAC's earlier issuance of a circular on the same topic on 13 January 2020 (namely, the Circular on Matters Related to Effectively Strengthening the Administration of Financial Derivatives Businesses (《关于切实加强金融衍生
Open banking is an emerging financial services model that focuses on the portability and open availability of customer data held by financial institutions. It involves opening up banking systems, particularly customer data, to third parties to allow them provide services directly to customers ...
Cap Export, LLC v. Zinus, Inc., Appeal No. 2020-2087 (Fed. Cir. May 5, 2021) The Federal Circuit issued a single precedential patent case this week. The district court set aside a judgement and injunction originally in favor of Zinus and against Cap Export, pursuant to Rule 60(b)(3), in light of apparently fraudulent testimony offered by a critical witness. In a rare decision addressing Rule 60, the Federal Circuit affirmed ...
Amendments to National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations (“NI 31-103”) and the new requirements under Client Focused Reforms (“CFRs”) The Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”) have amended NI 31-103 to introduce new registrant conduct requirements, with the stated objective of better aligning the interests of registrants with the interests of their clients, improving outcomes for
In a move aimed at speeding the processing of certain non-immigrant petitions, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced it will suspend the biometrics requirements for certain I-539 applicants for a two-year period beginning on May 17, 2021. Form I-539 is used to change to or extend the authorized stay of non-immigrants holding (or seeking) A, B, F, G, I, J, M, T, U and V and dependents of those holding E, H, L, O, P, R and TN status ...
On May 5, 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) officially withdrew from the Trump-era rule for classifying workers as independent contractors. This withdrawal has been anticipated since President Joe Biden assumed his role, and was official on May 6. The DOL is expected to publish a Final Rule in the Federal Register within the coming days. Trump-Era Independent Contractor Test Contrary to FLSA Purpose and Intent On Jan ...
South Africans’ recent celebration of Freedom Day signalled 27 years of democracy. Through democracy, our Constitution further brought us rights and obligations to guide our rainbow nation, including freedom of expression and environmental rights to protect our environment, health and well-being while focusing on the sustainability of our environment. Although clothing serves a function and a need, for many, luxury clothing is the gold standard of self-expression and success ...
By means of Resolution No. 375 , dated May 3, 2021, the Ministry of the Environment has instructed a new information request for producers of priority products, in the context of Law No. 20,920 on Waste Management, Extended Producer Responsibility and Recycling Promotion ( "EPR Law") ...
Those of us who grew up in the 70’s or 80’s may recall the excitement of Marty McFly wandering around in the then distant future of October 2015. Yes, 2015. Just over 5 years ago. ‘Where are the flying cars?!?’, you might be forgiven for asking. ‘And why don’t our Hover Boards, you know, hover?’ It's a common theme. George Orwell’s 1984 never happened as predicted and there’s no Big Brother watching us from a screen on the wall ...
On April 30, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it was revoking a policy related to new drug applications (NDAs) and abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs). The FDA stated that the previous policy announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Jan. 15, 2021, was being rescinded because the new policy would have required the FDA to publish redundant information about new applications of NDAs and ANDAs ...
The Ohio Board of Pharmacy recently announced it will award up to an additional 73 dispensary licenses across Ohio. Dispensary licenses will be awarded through an application and lottery process that is expected to be finalized during the spring or summer of 2021. This expansion will bring the total number of dispensary licenses in Ohio to 130 and is expected to ameliorate patient dissatisfaction with regards to the price of medical marijuana products and lack of equal access ...
General about enterprise penalty In relation to the previous section on enterprise penalty as enshrined in section 48a of the 1902 Penal Code, discussion were had as to whether there was a requirement of Fault-based liability in the provision. In the preparatory work on section 27 of the new Penal Code, this was discussed in depth, after which it in Ot.prp. no. 27, 90 (2003-2004) s. 242 was clearly stated that the new provision should not have such a requirement ...
In this second instalment of our series 'Navigating the new regulatory landscape for Company Service Providers', we take a closer look at the application process for CSPs seeking regulatory authorisation, the appointment of key office holders and applicable exemptions to the new regime. Part 1 of this series can be accessed here ...