Michigan’s Open Meetings Act (“OMA”) was officially amended this past Friday when Governor Whitmer signed SB 1108 (now Public Act 228 of 2020). The new law permits public bodies to conduct electronic meetings under certain circumstances and for a set period of time. The amendments to the OMA were prompted by a recent Michigan Supreme Court decision that effectively eliminated emergency executive orders issued by Governor Whitmer after April 30, 2020 ...
This digest is a curated list of Bradley content regarding the coronavirus. In an effort to provide our clients with the easiest way to find information that may be beneficial in responding to the impact of COVID-19, we have provided links to our most recent blog posts, news alerts, webinar recordings and more. Additionally, this digest will now be deployed on a weekly basis in an effort to reduce the number of emails our clients receive ...
Since the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, municipalities in Michigan have met virtually under the authority of a series of executive orders issued by Governor Whitmer permitting public bodies, except the state legislature, to meet by virtual means. These executive orders, including most recently Executive Order No ...
The electronic commerce industry is expected to expand by five to seven percent in the coming years while the streaming services business is also expected to exponentially grow, with more and more Filipinos opting to do their transactions online, as well as accessing Internet-based content and entertainment. Philippine authorities are inevitably focusing their regulatory gaze on these enterprises. A ...
The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) has issued the rules for the implementation of Section 4(eee) of Republic Act No. 11494, the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” (Bayanihan 2)1 on October 5, 2020 and these rules (PCC Rules on Bayanihan 2) 2 were published, and thus became effective, from the same date ...
The Arendt Weekly Update is a newsletter designed to give you the insight you need without overloading your mailbox. It lists the latest news, topical webinars, training courses and more ...
In Rudd v. Brown, the Delaware Court of Chancery dismissed a stockholder’s claim that directors had breached their fiduciary duties by pursuing a sale of the company to avoid a proxy contest threatened by an activist hedge fund ...
A recent decision in Germany has resulted in a hefty fine being imposed on an employer for violations of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). The decision is a strong warning to South African employers to not overprocess their employees’ information ...
The functioning of the World Wide Web is in many ways dependent on the use of hyperlinks. Many of those hyperlinks refer to works protected by copyright. In his recent Opinion, Advocate General Szpunar has considered which kinds of hyperlinks should be regarded as a communication to the public that require the copyright holder’s prior authorisation ...
Law and Practice The 2020 Chambers US Regional Employment Guide features guidance on employment law across 14 states and includes a unique state comparison tool for readers. The guide provides expert legal commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace, the "Black Lives Matter" and "Me Too" movements, unions, the National Labor Relations Board, the interviewing process, restrictive covenants, discrimination and harassment, and whistle-blower claims ...
Law and Practice The 2020 Chambers US Regional Employment Guide features guidance on employment law across 14 states and includes a unique state comparison tool for readers. The guide provides expert legal commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace, the "Black Lives Matter" and "Me Too" movements, unions, the National Labor Relations Board, the interviewing process, restrictive covenants, discrimination and harassment, and whistle-blower claims ...
The US Regional Employment 2020 features 14 states. The guide provides expert legal commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace, the "Black Lives Matter" and "Me Too" movements, unions, the National Labor Relations Board, the interviewing process, restrictive covenants, discrimination and harassment, and whistle-blower claims. Bradley attorneys authored the Alabama and Tennessee chapters of the US Regional Employment 2020 featured below ...
In principle, the decision to vote electronically should have been taken as early as February 2020, at a time when few had ever heard of Covid-19. Companies that did not do so at that time but, as a result of Covid-19, would like to do so now for security reasons or because their staff still (mostly) work from home, have been given the opportunity to still introduce electronic voting. However, they have to reach an agreement on this issue at the latest on day X + 56 (i.e ...
Ohio legislators recently introduced proposed H.B. 679, expanding telehealth services. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has become more prevalent and necessary. Ohio lawmakers realize telehealth is only going to become more widespread in the future, as patient usage and acceptance continue to grow. If enacted, H.B ...
Constitutional Court, Gerald Camilleri et vs Advocate General et, 6th October 2020 The Maltese courts of Constitutional Jurisdiction were tasked with deciding a claim of violation of fundamental human rights as filed by the applicants, who had purchased a property in Sliema - in respect of which the provisions of the Housing (Decontrol) Ordinance, Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta are applicable - and which the applicants knew was tenanted by third parties under a title of lease resulting from
Constitutional Court, Gerald Camilleri et vs Advocate General et, 6th October 2020 The Maltese courts of Constitutional Jurisdiction were tasked with deciding a claim of violation of fundamental human rights as filed by the applicants, who had purchased a property in Sliema - in respect of which the provisions of the Housing (Decontrol) Ordinance, Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta are applicable - and which the applicants knew was tenanted by third parties under a title of lease resulting from
As a result of increased government spending at the end of the government's fiscal year — the 12-month period beginning on Oct. 1 and ending on Sept. 30 — the number of bid protest filings peaks in October. Accordingly, government contractors should be particularly mindful this time of year of their rights with respect to intervening in bid protests both at the U.S. Government Accountability Office and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ...
Over-indebted companies still exempted from filing duty until 31 December 2020COVID-19-affected companies to benefit from easier access to protective shield proceedings and preventive restructuring schemes/ regimes as from 1 January 2021 Two German legislative initiatives taken in September 2020 will have an immediate impact on the options available to restructure a business under German law: DUTY TO FILE FOR INSOLVENCY RE-INSTATED FOR ILLIQUID COMPANIES AS OF 1 OCTOBER 2020; SUSPENSIO
The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) has issued the rules for the implementation of Section 4(eee) of Republic Act No. 11494, the “Bayanihan to Recover as One Act” (Bayanihan 2)1 on October 5, 2020 and these rules (PCC Rules on Bayanihan 2)2 were published, and thus became effective, from the same date ...
This is the first article in a three-part series focused on the intersection of the 2020 presidential election and cannabis policy in the United States. Each article will focus on the specific presidential candidates of the two major parties and the eventual winner. Check back in two weeks for the next entry in this series. The 2020 U.S. presidential election is underway, with many voters already casting their ballots under unprecedented circumstances ...
The next state in our series exploring non-compete agreements is the Magnolia State, Mississippi. Unlike Texas and Louisiana, Mississippi’s noncompete laws are purely creatures of the common law. Mississippi has no statutory scheme in place governing covenants not to compete. For this chapter we are joined by my partners Justin Scott and Slates Veazey ...
Key Points Starting Jan. 1, 2021, California skilled nursing facilities must have a full-time, dedicated Infection Preventionist. Infection Preventionists must be an RN or LVN, but their hours may not count in minimum direct patient care staffing calculations ...
An app that has captivated Generation Z with the ability to create and share videos has been dragged into the US-China power struggle, becoming its latest flashpoint. The current social media darling, TikTok, boasts 800 million active users. Reports value it at up to US$50 billion (S$68.4 billion). Considering that its Beijing-based app maker launched it worldwide only two years ago, that represents huge growth ...