The UK Information Commissioner’s Office (the “ICO”) experienced a surprising setback recently after the Information Rights Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) ruled that a fine of £250,000 issued by the ICO in relation to a breach of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “DPA”) by Scottish Borders Council (the “Council”) was excessive ...
One of the more stirring reforms in the past two decades in the field of education is Republic Act 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (“Enhanced Basic Education Act”) ...
An American organization that finds itself involved in litigation in Canada, or an American attorney advising such an organization, will find most aspects of the Canadian civil justice system to be familiar. The legal systems of the two countries are comparable in many respects, they share common historical antecedents, and their core values are the same ...
The insolvency of one or other of the parties to a dispute has become commonplace in recent times, particularly in construction related disputes. Practitioners are becoming increasingly knowledgeable about the implications of insolvency on procedure and the potential remedies available ...
Internal investigations are a central part of the crisis management response, and whilst the form and structure of the investigation will depend on the type of crisis, investigations will generally focus on identifying root causes and those with responsibility for the crisis ...
Statute of limitations for appeal of public auction contractsThe Higher Commercial Court recently clarified several issues relating to the statute of limitations for appeals of public auction contracts. (Higher Commercial Court of Ukraine Resolution 10 ("On Certain Practical Issues of Statute of Limitation Application"), May 29 2013 ...
Two years after the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration (“Immigration Law”), its implementing regulation i.e. Government Regulation No. 31 of 2013 on The Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration (“Reg. 31/2013”), was issued in order to provide further details on certain Articles of the Immigration Law. Reg. 31/2013 came into effect on 16 April 2013. Visas There are four types of visas under Reg ...
While arbitration offers an excellent means for parties to get their disputes settled faster than in traditional courts, how you draft the arbitration clause in a document is critically important for a positive outcome – should a dispute arise. Legal agreements often have a clause indicating that parties agree to settle any disputes arising from the arrangement in arbitration. The text for this clause is frequently supplied by a local arbitration institute ...
The issue of Adwords has become increasingly important in trade mark law. When you buy a word from Google as an Adword, this has the effect that whenever anyone enters that word as a search term, your pop-up advert will appear on the screen together with the so-called ‘natural results’. You can buy generic words as Adwords, but you can also buy words that happen to be trade marks ...
Legal succession of banksUkrainian legislation prescribes a special reorganisation procedure for banks that, among other things, requires banks to:• develop a reorganisation plan;• obtain approval for internal statute changes from the National Bank of Ukraine; and• conduct an audit to ensure the correctness of transfers (for mergers and acquisitions) or the demerger balance sheet (for spin-offs and transfers) ...
On 26 June 2013, a new Commission Regulation on what telecommunications operators (Telcos) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should do if their customers' personal data is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised, was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The purpose of the new rules is to ensure businesses, operating in more than one EU country, can take a pan-EU approach in the event of a data breach ...
By a vote of seven justices, with three inhibiting, one absent, and four dissenting, the Supreme Court – in a decision penned by J. Perez and promulgated last June 25, 2013 – dismissed this petition for certiorari assailing the earlier Resolutions of public respondent COMELEC which ordered the cancellation of petitioner’s Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for the position of Representative of the lone district of Marinduque ...
The Commonwealth Attorney General, Mark Dreyfus QC, yesterday issued Terms of Reference requiring the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to conduct an inquiry into the prevention of and remedies for serious invasions of privacy in the digital era ...
IntroductionGovernment contractors often use teaming agreements to combine the services of two or more contractors to offer the most persuasive bid for a government contract. The prime contractor typically agrees with the other team members that if the prime wins the bid, it will allocate some of the contractual work to the other member(s) ...
The various plans and the range of measures included in them that have been described have produced practical results, particularly an increase in the applications for registration of patents, trademarks and protection by copyright, specifically for property such as software. In terms of applications for patents registered in 2011, China came in first place above the USA and Japan ...
The Court of Justice of the European Union recently issued a judgment in Case C-1/12, following a reference for a preliminary ruling submitted by the Lisbon Court of Appeals, in the dispute between the Order of Chartered Accountants (OTOC) and the Portuguese Competition Authority ...
IntroductionIn the course of implementing the visa liberalisation regime with the European Union, Parliament recently passed several anti-corruption laws, including the Law on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities. The law introduced amendments to the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Law on Principles of Prevention and Combating Corruption and the Law on Ensuring the Safety of Those Involved in Criminal Proceedings ...
In a March 2013 briefing* for business process outsourcing industry stakeholders, participants identified a number of risk factors for Philippine BPOs. On top of the list were talent retention and development, as well as the relative strength of the local currency that was viewed as exacerbating the issue of rising operating costs. Meanwhile, among priority “ecosystem” concerns were investment incentives and the legal and regulatory framework ...
Communications policy1 PolicySummarise the regulatory framework for the telecoms and media sector. What is the policymaking procedure? The laws and regulations put into place in the early to mid-1990s, and which still represent the core of local telecommunications law, are pro-competition and pro-access in tenor ...
Here are select March 2013 rulings of the Philippine Supreme Court on legal and judicial ethics:Attorney; a lawyer shall not assist in the unauthorized practice of law. Atty. Bancolo admitted that the Complaint he filed for a former client before the Office of the Ombudsman was signed in his name by a secretary of his law office ...
1 LegislationWhat legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent? The applicable law is Republic Act No. 10142, known as the Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act of 2010 (FRIA). The FRIA took effect on 18 July 2010 ...
Important Considerations In Drafting An Arbitration Provision: With the continuing increase in cross-border investments, it bears reminding that companies must plan for the eventuality that parties may not see eye-to-eye in the future – something known but not always implemented ...
Here are select February 2013 rulings of the Supreme Court of the Philippines on legal and judicial ethics: Attorney; confidentiality of proceedings against attorneys; exception. Atty. Fortun filed a petition for contempt against respondents for publicizing the disbarment case against him in media. Section 18, Rule 139-B of the Rules of Court states that “proceedings against attorneys shall be private and confidential ...