In January 2021, the U.S. Dept. of Justice (DOJ) announced $2.2 billion in False Claims Act (FCA) recoveries for fiscal year 2020, which ended on September 30.[1] Although this amount is substantial, it nonetheless represents the smallest recovery figure in 10 years. These figures reflect the Trump administration’s unaggressive enforcement efforts and its restrictive view of the FCA. As recently as 2016, FCA recovery exceeded $4.5 billion. Recoveries in 2019 were $3 ...
Many of us chuckled at the viral video of a Texan lawyer who appeared at a remote court hearing as a cat. This unfortunate filter mishap does, however, act as a warning to all lawyers to check their settings before attending remote hearings as it looks like they are here to stay. Over the last 12 months, the use of virtual court hearings has sky-rocketed (perhaps unsurprisingly) in the wake of the COVID pandemic ...
Please find, herein, the latest up-to-date digest of the most significant court decisions, concerning legal regulation in the field of labour and employment. Here are the key decisions of the Higher Courts of the Russian Federation, as well as precedents of regional judicial authorities, in the second half of 2020. Electronic Evidence <>1 ...
The ongoing court action, often referred to as the «Stolt Commitment Case», was commenced in the aftermath of a collision between MV «Thorco Cloud» and MV «Stolt Commitment» outside Singapore in 2015. MV «Stolt Commitment» was owned by a Dutch company, and was flying Cayman Island flag ...
Coronavirus Insights & Updates The information listed below is categorized by topic for your convenience and includes content from the previous week. Bradley is actively monitoring and engaging with relevant federal, state or local entities on issues related to the coronavirus. Please contact one of the authors if you have any questions. Click on a link below to view the full article, alert, blog, webinar recording or interview ...
In Fishbourne Developments Limited v Stephens, the Court of Appeal emphasised the importance of applying commercial common sense and considering the relevant factual background to a case when interpreting contracts. Fishbourne, a developer, had the benefit of an option to acquire a 117 acre farm in West Sussex ...
The Supreme Court has issued Supreme Court Administrative Matter No. 20-12-01-SC (Re: Proposed Guidelines on the Conduct of Videoconferencing) dated December 9, 20201 (Court Videoconferencing Guidelines) to ensure that hearings via videoconferencing are conducted in an orderly manner and that the constitutional rights of the accused are protected ...
A new ordinance enacted by SENACON became effective on February 5 bringing changes to the execution of Terms for the Adjustment of Conduct (“TAC”) in administrative proceedings before SENACON, revoking the previous ordinance. The ordinance provides for several phases in the process of execution of a TAC, which will begin with a request, analysis of the feasibility of the negotiation, the negotiation itself, followed by authorization and subsequent decision ...
The de novo medical device process is a little-used but potentially valuable means of securing approval for your medical device. The pathway was established in 1997 subject to the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act, Section 513 (f) (2). It was designed to employ a risk-based strategy for novel devices that have not yet been classified. Basically, it establishes a new device type including classification, regulation, appropriate controls and product code ...
&The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, in BGT Holdings LLC v. United States, 1 recently held that the government does not have the discretion to deny a contractor's request for equitable adjustment (REA) under Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.245-1 (Government Property) where the conditions specified in that clause are present and the contractor is able to show financial loss ...
The Minister of Communication and Informatics (“MOCI”) has finally issued MOCI Regulation No. 5 of 2020 on Electronic System Organizers (“ESO”) in the Private Sector (“MOCI Regulation 5/2020”) that serves as the new implementing regulation of Government Regulation No ...
On 30 December 2020, Bank Indonesia issued Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 22/23/PBI/2020 of 2020 on Payment Systems (“Payment Systems Regulation”). The Payment Systems Regulation is intended to serve as an “umbrella” regulation that provides a regulatory framework for the Indonesian payment systems industry. This regulation will come into force on 1 July 2021 ...
On 4 January 2021, the President of Republic of Indonesia issued Regulation No. 2 of 2021 on the Ratification of the Convention Abolishing the Requirement to Legalize Foreign Public Documents (“PR 2/2021”) (the convention is hereinafter referred to as the “Apostille Convention”). The Apostille Convention was concluded on 5 October 1961 and is intended to simplify a series of formalities for documents signed overseas for the contracting states ...
Physicians, physician assistants, and advance practice nurses who have sought to treat opioid-addicted patients with Schedule III-V Controlled Substances that have been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for that indication have had to apply for a waiver under the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000. Eligible medications are presently limited to buprenorphine-containing products such as Suboxone and Subutex ...
In Joanne Properties Ltd v Moneything Capital Ltd and Anor [2020] EWCA Civ 1541, England’s Court of Appeal had to decide whether the parties had entered into a binding contract of compromise contained in written communications passing between their respective solicitors. The Court below had held that a binding contract had been made, despite the fact that the correspondence in question had been marked “subject to contract” ...
A recent UK Supreme Court Judgment, the Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK Ltd) & Ors [2021] UKSC 1, clarified whether a variety of insurance policy wordings cover business interruption losses resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and public health measures taken by UK authorities in response to the pandemic from March 2020 ...
The recent judgment from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom on Halliburton Company v Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd [2020] UKSC 48, raised important questions about the requirement that there can not only be no actual bias, but also no apparent bias on the part of arbitrators in favour of or against any party in arbitration and also about the obligation of arbitrators in international arbitrations to make disclosure of multiple appointments concerning the same or overlapping subje
In December 2018, section 53.1 was added to the Patent Act (the? Act?) Allowing reference to be made to communications exchanged with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office ("CIPO") During the prosecution of an application with respect? [... ] to the construction of a claim.? This concept is more commonly known as? File wrapper estoppel ...
Following the renewal of the state of emergency, Decree 3-A/2021 of14January of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, determines the closure of various types of establishments. Inthiscontext, the employment support measures were amended by Decree-Law 6-C/2021 of 15 January and Decree-Law 6-E/2021 of15January, which we summarised below. 1 ...
The “right to be forgotten” (“RTBF”) has been central to the global debate over the balance between individual privacy and freedom of information and of the media in recent years. Such right has been affirmed by the European Court of Justice in a milestone case in 2014, as well as later in the UK, although its application in other countries remains uncertain ...
As we continue through Lockdown 3, we are seeing how children can be caught in the middle of family disputes involving separated parents trying to navigate living arrangements between different family bubbles. With that in mind, it appears to be more important than ever within the context of private law children proceedings for the courts and authorities to be alert to the views of the children when determining what should happen ...