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Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2017

In the most recent ruling arising from the now infamous Sabine case (In re Sabine Oil & Gas Corp., 547 BR 66 (Bankr. SDNY 2016)), in which New York bankruptcy Judge Shelley Chapman held in favor of Sabine Oil & Gas Corp ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2005

On April 29, 2005, the Court of Appeal rendered a judgment in Pharmascience Inc. v. Option Consommateurs et Piro1 on the constitutionality of the amendments made to the Code of Civil Procedure on January 1, 2003 regarding authorizations to institute class actions. Contrary to the arguments of the appealing pharmaceutical companies, the Court of Appeal held that the amendments are constitutional and do not violate the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms in any way ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2020

In Canada, as elsewhere in the world, intellectual property owners have made numerous attempts to control their distribution channels through trademark law, copyright law, or exclusive contracts, without much success. However, in a recent decision ( Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd. v. Simms Sigal & Co. Ltd ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | July 2021

Class Action 30633-05-18 Smuelitz v. Korean Air Co., Ltd Our firm successfully represented Korean Air in a motion to certify a class action suit alleging a failure to refund airport taxes on unused flight tickets. As part of its motion, the plaintiffs requested that Korean Air automatically reimburse airport taxes for unused flight tickets, and pay substantial monetary compensation, for failure to reimburse ...

“Electrification” has become a ubiquitous term these days, although depending on who you ask, it might have different meanings. However defined, a critical component of electrification as a policy choice to reduce reliance on fossil fuels is the need to fully evaluate both its practicality and the transparency of its cost impacts, particularly as that relates to lower income and middle class families, as well as small business ...

As it is known, the second paragraph of Article 5 of the New Constitutional Procedure Code (Law 31307) provides that "In constitutional proceedings against judicial decisions, judges or magistrates of the Judiciary are not notified or summoned with the lawsuit". In this regard, the Constitutional Court (TC) in the order issued in Case No ...

Waller | December 2017

The federal agency now well-known as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was established by Congress in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The CFPB is a uniquely independent agency, shielded from the executive branch in a way that other agencies are not. Doing away with that independence has the potential to significantly alter the CFPB and its regulatory work ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2022

Investors were awarded compensation under a bilateral investment treaty, but under EU law, payment of the award constitutes unlawful State aid. This Catch-22 situation is at the heart of a long-running case across jurisdictions. In the latest development, the European Commission has decided to refer the United Kingdom to the European Court of Justice in relation to a judgement of the UK’s Supreme Court to lift the stay of enforcement of an ICSID arbitration award against Romania ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2019

Having a strategy when negotiating or participating in mediation is essential to a successful outcome that results in an agreement between the parties. Mediators see various levels of preparation and strategy by the parties participating in the process, and the party who approaches the mediation with a plan often achieves a more successful outcome. One effective strategy is anchoring: an effort to establish a reference point from which a party will make adjustments in negotiating ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | January 2014

As was recently announced, the European Commission has yesterday (22 January 2014) published its proposal for the regulation of unconventional fossil fuels and notably shale gas.  Whereas both legislative and non-legislative options were on the table, the European Commission has chosen to adopt a non-legally binding “Recommendation” rather than a Directive ...

The European Commission's January report on the energy sector competition made uncomfortable reading for the European Union's Council of Energy Ministers, who were presented with it in February and considered its proposals at the EU summit in March.The clear message from the Commission is gas and electricity is too expensive ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | July 2019

Currently, 33% of Ireland's Greenhouse Gas emissions are produced as a result of agricultural activities. In order to reduce emissions there must be a change in farming methods; opportunities are also present in the areas of forestry, bioenergy and land-use practices. While reducing emissions, policy in this area must also aim to: Maintain the "green" brand image of Irish food exports abroad ("Origin Green" etc.). Maintain good prices for producers ...

On Friday, June 30, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in  West Virginia v. EPA resolving the seven-year debate over the Environmental Protection Agency’s statutory authority to promulgate the President Obama-era Clean Power Plan (“CPP”). In 2015, the Obama administration promulgated the CPP regulations under the Clean Air Act § 111(d), imposing standards of operation that require a reduction of carbon dioxide from existing coal power plants ...

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | February 2017

In the context of a dispute between a Turkish agent and a Belgian principal, the Commercial Court of Ghent (Belgium) referred a request to the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) concerning the legal protection of a Turkish agent under Belgian/EU law. The agent and principal had expressly agreed that their agency agreement was subject to Belgian law ...

ENSafrica | July 2016

When the wording of a construction-related guarantee is ambiguous, the intention of the parties involved is key in determining its true nature. This was highlighted in a recent Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) judgment, which found that the best way to determine the parties’ intention was to look at all relevant facts ...

In an opinion written in under 1,000 words, Florida's Fourth District Court of Appeal put foreclosure cases across Florida in jeopardy in Desbrunes v. U.S. Bank National Association in February ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | July 2020

Key Points: California Court of Appeal issues two landmark local government finance decisions. Propositions 13 and 218 do not require two-thirds voter approval for special taxes proposed by initiative. A toll is not a tax. The California Court of Appeal in San Francisco has issued two blockbuster decisions in the last week impacting local government finance ...

Is the Marcellus shale that underlies a significant part of western and central Pennsylvania itself a “mineral”? Is Marcellus shale gas the type of natural gas contemplated in prior Pennsylvania case law, or something different? Is the Marcellus shale similar to coal, so that whoever owns the shale owns the gas that is embedded in that shale? In reversing and remanding the decision by the Susquehanna County Court of Common Pleas, a three judge panel of the P

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2010

On October 15, 2010, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”) issued a final rule that makes mandatory and expands API RP 75, a voluntary industry standard initially promulgated in the 1990s, that addresses the management of safety and environmental risks associated with Outer Continental Shelf (“OCS”) operations and facilities ...

Lavery Lawyers | July 2012

On April 4, 2012 the British COlumbia Supreme Court rendered its decision in the case NESKONLITH INDIAN BAND V. SALMON ARM (CITY)1 and the therein confirmed that municipals have no duty to consult and accommodate aboriginal peoples.   The Court based its decision on the Supreme Court judgments in Haida2 and Rio Tinto3 as well as decisions of the British Columbia courts and established three main principles ...

Lavery Lawyers | September 2012

On June 27, 2012, the British Columbia court of appeal issued its highly anticipated decision in the case WILLIAM V. BRITISH COLUMBIA ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2017

Is a defeated patentee atInter PartesReview an embittered citizen whose private rights were taken without due process by a government agency lacking requisite Article III guarantees of impartiality? Or is the public getting a sweet deal when the Patent Trials and Appeals Board (PTAB) eliminates or revokes a public right that was wrongfully granted in the first place? The Supreme Court wrestled with the constitutionality ofInter PartesReview during oral argument on Monday morning, and the

ALTIUS/Tiberghien | April 2023

On 18 January 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) reimposed a fine of EUR 859,310 on three undertakings of the Caudalie group for imposing retail prices and restricting active and passive sales ...

After a sustained legislative marketing activity that started earlier this year, Government Emergency Ordinance 45/2018 amending and supplementing certain regulatory acts with impact on public procurement was published in the Official Gazette no. 459 ...
