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In a civil case, is it wiser for a business to try to persuade the counterparty to agree from the outset to arbitration—or potentially to place it's very solvency in the unpredictable hands of a judge and jury? Many "form" commercial contracts contain clauses mandating that any disputes that arise be resolved by binding arbitration rather than a jury or bench trial ...

Asters | September 2022

The global trading system has been pushed to its limits since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 7 months ago. Olesia Kryvetska, a counsel with Asters law firm and head of the Ukrainian Bar Association’s International Trade Law Committee, details the heaviest implications since the beginning of the war, namely soaring commodity and energy prices, food security crises, and supply chain disruptions ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

Any dog owner whose hound has ever become stuck down a rabbit hole will appreciate the aphorism, “Never get into anything you don’t know how to get out of”. Like a rabbit hole, getting out of the insurance business tends to be less straightforward than getting in. For that reason, specialist “run-off” carriers offer exit solutions to insurers who have ceased writing new business ...

PLMJ | September 2022

Acquisition of intended exclusively for the production of parenteral bags INFARMED - the Portuguese National Authority for Medicines and Healthcare Products  (“Infarmed”) has recently adopted Decision 089/CD/2022, concerning the regulatory framework for the acquisition of medicines without a national Marketing Authorisation (“AIM”), intended exclusively for the production of parenteral bags ...

PLMJ | September 2022

Regulation (EU) 536/2014 of the Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on clinical trials on medicinal products for human use introduced additional requirements for the labelling of investigational and auxiliary medicinal products, in particular, for unauthorised medicinal products, in order to eliminate divergences in approach among Member States ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2022

“Government efforts to manipulate markets and prices on consumer goods never work as intended, and in this case, would be counterproductive.” The waning days of summer signal the approaching midterm election season. Amid inflation, recession and voter discontent, it’s understandable that a group of congress members are anxious to put points on the board with a price-control scheme that they wrongly believe will lower prescription drug prices ...

Shoosmiths LLP | September 2022

On 31 August 2022, the UK COVID-19 Inquiry (“the Inquiry”) opened its second Module. Module 2 will examine the political and administrative decision making of the UK and devolved governments, with a particular focus on early 2020 ...

Asters | September 2022

On February 24, a lot changed in Ukraine, and the judicial system was no exception. What new has the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation brought to the resolution of legal disputes and what does the judiciary look like under martial law - we will consider further. The first months after the invasion Immediately after the Russian invasion, the courts took some time to recover from the shock ...

Kudun and Partners | September 2022

There are often many reasons cited as to why international arbitration should be the preferred method of dispute resolution for parties: it can be quicker, cheaper, the process is private, the award is final and the parties have more autonomy over the process. Whilst some of these factors are debatable (especially in highly complex commercial cases), the fact that parties to an arbitration can have more autonomy than in traditional court litigation is usually less controversial ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

At the time, most captive owners (and their advisers) were attracted by Bermuda's perceived economic, social and political stability, its strong infrastructure, its close proximity to New York and a legal system that tended to follow the English common law and provided for an ultimate right of appeal to the Privy Council in the U.K ...

Carey Olsen | September 2022

One of the main rationales for using a cash box structure is that equity securities issued by PLC are issued for a non-cash consideration so that the statutory pre-emption provisions set out in the UK Companies Act 2006 do not apply. The issue can therefore take place without the timing implications of seeking shareholder approval to disapply the pre-emption rights or conducting a pre-emptive issue ...

SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan (SyCipLaw) Partners Ricardo Ma. P.G. Ongkiko (Head of the Firm's Litigation Department), Carlos Roberto Z. Lopez, and John Christian Joy A. Regalado authored the Philippine chapter of the latest Global Practice Guide (GPG) on International Arbitration published by Chambers and Partners ...

Afridi & Angell | August 2022

The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a sought-after destination by foreign businesses for establishing their regional offices, consists of multiple jurisdictions for incorporation/establishment of entities. Each Emirate of the UAE has its own licensing authority and, additionally, there are more than 40 free zones in the UAE. Each Emirate and each free zone can be regarded as a separate jurisdiction for the incorporation and establishment of entities ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2022

pOver the last several years, traditional insurance has become increasingly expensive as insurers use risks and claims associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical risk, supply-chain disruption, inflation and intensifying severe weather events to justify premium raises and coverage reductions ...

Asters | August 2022

In July, the Antimonopoly Committee asked the Ministry of Strategic Industries to update the conditions for providing state aid to companies that develop, manufacture, repair, and service aviation equipment and engines. What to update and how, the committee wrote in recently adopted  recommendations .  Asters lawyer  Olena Gadomska told Mind what the latter envisage, why AMCU is resorting to such changes and who they will affect   ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2022

With regulations imposing mandatory vaccination for certain workers in the care sector being implemented to those same regulations being revoked some four months later, employers in this sector may well be confused as to what options are available to them ...

Carey Olsen | August 2022

The decision will be relevant for parties seeking to bring claims in the BVI courts where there are competing jurisdictions and systems of law at play. Funders and ATE insurers will also find the decision of interest where they are considering the merits of funding cross-border claims involving BVI defendants. A copy of the judgment is available here.  Background WWRT had commenced proceedings in the BVI against Carosan, a BVI company, and BK, a Ukrainian businessman ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | August 2022

  On the 5th August 2022, the Malta Financial Services Authority (hereinafter referred to as “the MFSA”) issued a Circular on the amendments to: the Glossary of Terms, Chapter 5 of the Insurance Rules and the Insurance Business (Exemptions) Regulations ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2022

As all court cases do, the Supreme Court's landmark decision in West Virginia v. EPA last month addressed a specific question: whether the Environmental Protection Agency had the statutory authority to shut down power plants and reshape significant parts of the energy sector in its effort to reduce emissions. The answer was a plain and simple no. Equally clear was the court's argument, which has implications for administrative actions well beyond this case ...

PLMJ | August 2022

Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standards of quality and safety Current regulatory framework and scope of application The EU regulatory framework on substances of human origin (“SoHO”) is reflected in Directives 2002/98/EC for blood and 2004/23/EC for tissues and cells ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2022

On 21st July 2022, the COVID-19 Inquiry was opened. Module 1 will consider the extent to which the risk of a Coronavirus pandemic was properly identified and planned for and whether the UK was ready for that eventuality. In broad terms, the module will look at the UK’s preparedness for whole-system civil emergencies, including resourcing, the system of risk management and pandemic readiness ...

Asters | August 2022

During the period of martial law, the labor legislation was significantly changed twice ...
