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Makarim & Taira S. | March 2012

The Government issued Law No. 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for The Public Interest (“Law”) on 14 January 2012. The Law does not revoke Presidential Regulation No. 36 of 2005 (as amended). Accordingly, the former Presidential Regulation remains valid as long as they do not contradict the Law. The Law sets out clear procedures for acquiring plots of land for public purposes and therefore is intended to provide legal certainty and expedite the acquisition process ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2012

On February 24, 2012, two years after oral argument, the Texas Supreme Court issued its watershed decision in Edwards Aquifer Authority (the “Authority”) v. Day. The Court’s long-awaited decision included two significant pronouncements on groundwater that are likely to have ripple effects throughout the water community and could open the flood gates to a wave of litigation ...

Asters | February 2012

Ukraine is a civil law country with the Constitution being a principal source of law. The main sources of civil and commercial law are acts promulgated by the legislative and executive branches of the state. International treaties ratified by Parliament become part of national law and prevail in a conflict with domestic law ...

Karanovic & Partners | February 2012

Serbia - Delays in Issuance of Regulations Necessary for Implementation of the New Energy Law As we reported back in August 2011[1], the Serbian Parliament adopted the new Energy Law in July 2011 introducing very important changes in the area of renewable energy sources (RES) ...

On November 15, 2011, existing facilities subject to the federal Spill Pollution Control and Countermeasure Rule (“SPCC Rule”), 40 C.F.R. Part 112, were required to finalize and implement a plan—known as an “SPCC plan”—detailing the equipment, workforce, procedures and steps to be taken to prevent, control and provide adequate countermeasures to a discharge of oil to navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines ...

Article 41 of the Queretaro Treasury Law for Municipalities regulates the procedure to calculate the real estate tax and providesan annual rate based on the following criteria: Under such Article, the municipalities will determine which of the two rates may apply each year, incorporating the relevant rateto their respective Revenue Law ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | January 2012

2011 saw significant developments in the courts in relation to the issue of directors’ liability for the costs of remediation of waste sites, an issue which is particularly crucial where the company which disposed of the waste is not in a position to pay ...

Lavery Lawyers | January 2012

The honourable justice Louis-Paul Cullen of the Superior Court rendered a judgment on September 23, 2011 which dismissed a motion for authorization to exercise a class action instituted by Mr. Kerfalla Toure (hereinafter "Toure") against Brault & Martineau (hereinafter "B & M) . (1)  In order for a class action to be authorized by the Superior Court, the Code of Civil Procedure sets out the four conditions which must be fulfilled ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | January 2012

<table border="0" width="780" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>To date, under Panama law (and ever since 1917<a name="_ftnref1"></a><a href="wsg_admin14 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2011

EPA recently made an announcement of interest to those in the oil field services sector as well as in the energy sector itself. On November 23, the agency announced that it was granting in part a petition by Earthjustice to initiate rulemaking under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), relating to chemical substances and mixtures used in oil and gas exploration or production ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2011

The Breach of a Promise to Purchase – Liability of the Third Party Purchaser - The sale of real estate assets usually starts with a preliminary contract, more specifically, a promise to purchase signed by the seller and the purchaser, which sets out most of the terms and conditions of the deed of sale to be entered into. However, it may happen that an owner will go back on his word and choose to sell to a third party whose offer for the assets is more favourable ...

Szecskay Attorneys at Law | November 2011

Under the Hungarian Civil Code, neighbours are required to refrain from any conduct that would needlessly disturb others, especially their neighbours, or jeopardize the exercise of their rights. Well-established judicial practice lies behind the above-cited provision of the Civil Code, the most important features of which we briefly summarize in the following ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2011

The Federal Circuit recently resolved two issues of first impression as to how patent reexamination proceedings affect related patent infringement litigation. These two cases, Marine Polymer1 and Bettcher Industries,2 are likely to have a significant impact on both litigation and reexamination-proceeding practices, as well as the strategic interplay between them ...

Many commercial property owners and occupiers whose businesses have been destroyed or impacted during this summer's riots are just beginning to come to terms with the true cost of the damage caused.  A number of individuals whose homes have been affected also face the severity of the impact ...

MinterEllison | August 2011

A recent decision in the Full Federal Court has shown that while manufacturers are generally free to make goods according to a design that is not registered, care must be taken to ensure that those products are branded in a way that distinguishes them from the market leader ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2011

In order to comply with a court-ordered schedule, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson on July 28 signed a 604-page package that proposes to subject additional oil and gas operations to regulation under the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) programs and to impose new and amended requirements under both programs. This proposed rulemaking has significant ramifications for the oil and gas industry ...

The past year has seen a significant rise in the uptake of mediation as an alternative means of dispute resolution and this is a trend which is likely to continue. Designed to resolve disputes to the (relative) satisfaction of both parties at an early stage, mediation uses an independent, specially trained third party mediator to facilitate private and confidential settlement discussions between parties ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2011

On 1 October 2011 changes to the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 will come into force. The changes will apply to any construction contract entered into on or after that date. Construction contracts entered into before this date will continue to be governed by the old rules ...

MinterEllison | July 2011

When things go wrong in a construction project, multiparty contractual relationships almost inevitably increase the difficulty of achieving a negotiated settlement. On the other hand, the motivations for settlement may remain strong, often in the hope of avoiding significant legal costs, saving time and preserving existing business relationships ...

Asters | June 2011

INTRODUCTION TO DISPUTE RESOLUTION FRAMEWORK   Ukraine is a civil law country with the Constitution being a principal source of law. The main sources of civil and commercial law are acts promulgated by the legislative and executive branches of the state. International treaties ratified by Parliament become part of national law and prevail in a conflict with domestic law ...

GrahamThompson | June 2011

Market Overview As the timeshare market continues to recover from the dramatic contraction of the tourism industry and overall decline in consumer discretionary spending, Western Reserve believes a “dose of equity” is needed to aid this recovery and recapitalize this highly leveraged industry Significant consolidation is expected among smaller private operators, which do not possess critical mass to pursue public equity and are too small

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2011

On June 20, 2011, Justice Ginsberg delivered the unanimous opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in American Electric Power Company, Inc. v. Connecticut, holding that the Clean Air Act and EPA action under it displaced the federal common law nuisance claims against CO2 emitters that plaintiffs sought to pursue. Plaintiffs had sued four private power companies and the TVA, asking for a decree setting CO2 emission limitations at defendants’ power plants, with the limitations to be reduced annually ...

Dykema | June 2011

Your employees may be using your business’s credit cards to make charges you haven’t authorized. And if you don’t discover it soon after the fact, you may be liable for those charges.   “A court’s rationale is pragmatic and straightforward ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | May 2011

On May 11, 2011, the Supreme Court of Canada released its reasons for judgment in Sharbern Holding Inc. v. Vancouver Airport Centre Ltd, 2011 SCC 23. While the case was decided under the now repealed Real Estate Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 397, the findings are nonetheless of interest to real estate developers governed by the Real Estate Development Marketing Act, S.B.C. 2004, c. 41 (“REDMA”) ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2011

Latest news on Italian Investment Funds: Italian Government withdraws proposed regulatory changes affecting real estate and private estate equity funds and adopts new taxation scheme for investors in real estate funds ...
