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Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2017

For the first time in ASTM E1527-13 (E1527-13),1 ASTM required the environmental professional (ENV Pro) to actively conduct a vapor survey.2  But it is difficult to explain how an ENV Pro should conduct a vapor survey, resulting in potentially deficient Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Phase I ESAs) being provided to entities purchasing and investing in real property ...

Waller | August 2017

Provisions in a trust instrument can expressly limit and define the scope of the PFTC’s fiduciary duties, including the Prudent Investor Rule and the duty to inform and report. Generally, the ability to limit fiduciary duties is subject to “mandatory” rules dictated by state statutes or common law. Some states have stringent mandatory rules, while other states seek to maximize the trust settlor’s freedom of disposition and freedom of contract ...

Shoosmiths LLP | August 2017

  Local authorities will welcome a decision by the Court of Appeal that Powys County Council is not liable for contamination caused by a former landfill site operated by its predecessor. However, the decision is not such good news for landowners. Background Mr Price and Mrs Hardwick own a farm near Builth Wells in mid-Wales ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | August 2017

The Kentucky Division of Waste Management (DWM) has proposed regulatory requirements for the disposal of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM) waste generated from oil and gas development activities containing combined Radium 226 and Radium 228 in concentrations exceeding regulatory limits.  The proposed regulations provide criteria for TENORM to be disposed in a permitted contained landfill ...

LCS & Partners | August 2017

Design of the Models Taiwan law provides for two models for private parties to participate in governmental infrastructure projects. One is the model under the Government Procurement Act (“GPA Model”) and the other is the Public-Private Partnerships Law (“PPP Model”). The most significant difference between the two models lies in the funding entity ...

ENSafrica | August 2017

Section 5 of the Income Tax Act (Cap. 340) (the “ITA”) has been amended to, among others, include a requirement that all rental agreements be executed and effected in Uganda shillings.Below, we summarise this new legal requirement.What is the Meaning of the New Requirement?All rental agreements executed after the law comes into force must express the rent in Uganda shillings and must be payable in Uganda shillings.Is the Law in Force?Yes, the law took effect on 1 July 2017 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | August 2017

California defamation law continues to evolve as the courts synthesize well-settled legal principles with ever-changing technological realities. On July 21, 2017, California’s First District Court of Appeal issued a published opinion in ZL Technologies v. Does 1-7 (July 21, 2017) 2017 DJ DAR 6999 ...

FISCHER (FBC & Co.) | August 2017

The Israeli Supreme Court Ruling earlier this year, which establishes that, for the purpose of service out of the jurisdiction based on Regulation 500(7) of the Israeli Civil Procedure Regulations, 5744-1984 (“Civil Procedure Regulations“) – it is not sufficient to indicate damage which allegedly occurred within Israel, but rather an act or omission in Israel must be shown ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | July 2017

We previously reported on recent efforts to rescind the Obama Administration’s rule amending the Clean Water Act’s “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”) definition. This followed, as we also reported, the Sixth Circuit’s nationwide stay of the Obama Administration’s WOTUS rule ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | July 2017

On July 18, the Board of Supervisors passed a new law that changes the affordable housing requirements relating to the construction of market rate units. The new law affects new market rate housing developments of 25 or more dwellings units and expands the amount of affordable housing that will be oriented toward the middle income wage earner ...

ALRUD Law Firm | July 2017

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (the “SC RF”) has adopted the Resolution of the Plenum No. 23 “On consideration of commercial cases arising from relationships complicated by an international element” (the “Resolution of the Plenum”) ...

ENSafrica | July 2017

The without prejudice rule has long been part of South African law. This rule provides that statements, including admissions of liability, made in an attempt to settle litigation between parties, are not admissible in subsequent litigation between them ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2017

  A successful appeal against a remediation notice has highlighted the difficulties faced by local authorities when trying to secure the remediation of contaminated land. The appeal is only the second appeal to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (SoS) since the contaminated land regime in Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 was implemented in 2000 ...

ENSafrica | July 2017

  The trial of murder-accused Henri van Breda has attracted widespread media attention in recent months. Now, the Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) has delivered an important judgment linked to the case regarding the media’s right to broadcast aspects of court proceedings – not only in the Van Breda case, but in other cases too ...

DFDL | July 2017

 The hydropower ambitions of the Lao PDR are well known. The aspiring “battery of Asia”, the Lao PDR has proven successful at attracting and maintaining hydropower investment in recent years ...

Veirano Advogados | July 2017

The Federal Environmental Agency (“IBAMA”) published Ordinance No. 01/2017, which provides for the improvement and unification of the procedures of suspension and/or blocking of the access to the Forest Origin Document (“FOD”) module.  FOD is an instrument of the National Control System of the Origin of Forest Products (“SINAFLOR”) for the control of transportation and storage of forest products.  In this sense, Ordinance No ...

Congress approved Supreme Decree Nº 2954, on Integral Waste Management (the “Regulation”) within the framework of article 344 of the Constitution, which provides that the State shall regulate the internment, production, commercialization and use of techniques, methods, input materials and substances that affect health and the environment ...

ALRUD Law Firm | July 2017

Earlier this year the Federal Law " On Amendments to Articles 1252 and 1486 of the 4th part of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Articles 4 and 99 of the Arbitrazh Procedural Code of Russia" entered into force.The amendments relate to pre-trial procedure for resolving intellectual property disputes.1 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2017

On June 27, 2017, the US EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers took the first of two steps to narrow the Clean Water Act’s scope. The agencies proposed a rule rescinding the Obama Administration’s 2015 Clean Water Rule defining “waters of the United States” (“WOTUS”) and replacing it with its prior definition ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2017

It was not until the late 1970s that deep-water offshore oil and gas exploration became significantly viable. The driver was the ever increasing demand for oil and gas products that provided the opportunity to raise the capital necessary to design and then build the incredibly complex floating assets needed to explore for and then to produce oil and gas in such hostile environments ...

ENSafrica | June 2017

  The South African Constitutional Court has found that cabinet ministers can now be held personally liable for the costs of legal proceedings to which they are a party. This finding was made in the case of Black Sash Trust v Minister of Social Development and Others (Freedom Under Law NPC Intervening), in which judgment was delivered on 15 June 2017 ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2017

Last month, the Supreme Court decided TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, which narrowed the definition of where a corporate defendant "resides" for the purpose of suing it for patent infringement. In doing so, it overturned the 1994 holding of the Federal Circuit of what constitutes proper venue in patent infringement cases. Federal law allows a Plaintiff to bring a patent infringement suit against a defendant in any district where one of two conditions are met ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2017

Long-term care (LTC) facilities received a boost last week when the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reversed its position regarding the use of arbitration agreements in this setting. On June 8, 2017, CMS published a proposed rule amending LTC facilities’ conditions of participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs to remove prohibitions on binding pre-dispute arbitration agreements ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2017

The San Francisco Building Code now has new requirements for regular facade inspections and maintenance of facades of certain kinds of older buildings. Although signed into law by Mayor Lee earlier this year, this new law (entitled "Building Facade Inspection and Maintenance – Retroactive Provisions") has received little public attention even though the City believes that a little over three thousand buildings are affected ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | June 2017

On May 15, 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirmed the long-standing federal policy favoring arbitration agreements. In a lawsuit brought against skilled nursing provider Kindred Nursing Centers, LP, the Court held that states cannot single out arbitration clauses for “disfavored treatment,” because doing so violates the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). The case involved two wrongful death lawsuits that were consolidated in the Kentucky Supreme Court ...
