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Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | August 2013

In response to solar industry concerns that its regulations were stifling the country’s solar energy development, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission initiated a rulemaking on January 17 to amend its regulations applicable to the interconnection of facilities of 20 MW or less to the grid ...

Mining Industry1 What is the nature and importance of the mining industry in your country?The Philippines is rich in mineral resources and the mining industry plays a significant role in the country’s economy ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | July 2013

An American organization that finds itself involved in litigation in Canada, or an American attorney advising such an organization, will find most aspects of the Canadian civil justice system to be familiar. The legal systems of the two countries are comparable in many respects, they share common historical antecedents, and their core values are the same ...

Makarim & Taira S. | July 2013

Two years after the issuance of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration (“Immigration Law”), its implementing regulation i.e. Government Regulation No. 31 of 2013 on The Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2011 on Immigration (“Reg. 31/2013”), was issued in order to provide further details on certain Articles of the Immigration Law. Reg. 31/2013 came into effect on 16 April 2013. Visas There are four types of visas under Reg ...

Carey | July 2013

Mining Industry 1. What is the nature and importance of the mining industry in your country?The mining industry accounts for 13 per cent of the GDP and 62.6 per cent of Chile’s total exports (US$49.3 billion). Chile is the largest producer of copper (31.9 per cent) in the world market and also produces other metals, such as silver and gold, and many non-metallic substances. The mining industry is mainly owned by private foreign and national companies ...

By a vote of seven justices, with three inhibiting, one absent, and four dissenting, the Supreme Court – in a decision penned by J. Perez and promulgated last June 25, 2013 – dismissed this petition for certiorari assailing the earlier Resolutions of public respondent COMELEC which ordered the cancellation of petitioner’s Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for the position of Representative of the lone district of Marinduque ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | June 2013

IntroductionGovernment contractors often use teaming agreements to combine the services of two or more contractors to offer the most persuasive bid for a government contract. The prime contractor typically agrees with the other team members that if the prime wins the bid, it will allocate some of the contractual work to the other member(s) ...

On June 13, 2013, the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals (WVSCA) issued its decision in Faith United Methodist Church & Cemetery of Terra Alta, et al. v. Morgan, No. 12-0080, setting forth a clear definition of the term “surface” when used in deeds and other instruments of conveyance. This definition will weigh importantly on the state's shale gas industry ...

PLMJ | June 2013

The various plans and the range of measures included in them that have been described have produced practical results, particularly an increase in the applications for registration of patents, trademarks and protection by copyright, specifically for property such as software.  In terms of applications for patents registered in 2011, China came in first place above the USA and Japan ...

PLMJ | June 2013

The Court of Justice of the European Union recently issued a judgment in Case C-1/12, following a reference for a preliminary ruling submitted by the Lisbon Court of Appeals, in the dispute between the Order of Chartered Accountants (OTOC) and the Portuguese Competition Authority ...

In the last legislative session (2011–12), bills that would have imposed severe restrictions or even an outright moratorium on hydraulic fracturing (HF) were narrowly defeated in the California legislature. Earlier this year, we issued an alert regarding draft regulations that had been issued by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources ...

An intermediate appellate court in New York recently affirmed that a local government has the authority to enact zoning ordinances banning all oil and natural gas activities within municipal limits. In 2011, the Town of Dryden amended its zoning ordinance to ban “all activities related to the exploration for, and the production or storage of, natural gas and petroleum within its borders ...

On April 12, 2013, the West Virginia Legislature passed Senate Bill 243 which contained, among other West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (“DEP”) rules, the Rules Governing Horizontal Well Development 35-8 (“Rule”). The Rule was developed to provide further direction in the implementation and administration of the Natural Gas Horizontal Well Control Act that became effective on December 14, 2011 (“Act”) ...

The draft law governs the organization and functioning of the natural gas sector, rules and conditions for carrying out energy activities in this sector, planning and development of the natural gas market, market regulation, "unbundling" of activities, third party access to natural gas systems ...

On April 12, 2013, the N.C. Supreme Court stepped into the ongoing dispute regarding the 7.2 percent rate increase sought by Duke Energy and approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) in January 2012. Duke initially sought a 12 percent rate increase, but eventually entered into a settlement with the North Carolina Public Staff, setting the rate at 7.2 percent. Duke contended that it needed the higher rates to cover $4 ...

Morgan & Morgan | May 2013

Battered women who fear for their safety, mothers unable to support their children, dysfunctional families in need. A reality for many women is the presence of domestic violence in their lives. This situation, although occurring in all social and economic levels, is much more obvious and has more serious consequences in low-income communities ...

As discussed in Part I, the North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission (“N.C. MEC”) will present its report on hydraulic fracturing to the Joint Legislative Commission on Energy Policy and the Environmental Review Commission by October 1, 2013.  One of the many issues up for debate is whether the state will permit forced pooling and if so, what approach the state will adopt for nonconsenting landowners ...

Krogerus | May 2013

On 20 March 2013, the Finnish government issued its much-awaited proposal for a new Electricity Market Act and an amended Natural Gas Market Act. It also sent to the parliament a separate supervision act. The proposal implements the European Union’s third Electricity and Natural gas Directives to the Finnish legislation. It also includes numerous nationally prepared amendments and changes ...

On April 24, 2013, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated decision in the Butler v. Charles Powers Estate case. The Supreme Court decided to maintain the status quo in Pennsylvania by reaffirming the application of the Dunham Rule, meaning that there will not be a sea change in the Commonwealth regarding the interpretation of oil and gas conveyances ...

The Office of the Civil Registrar General of the National Statistics Office promulgated Administrative Order No. 1 series of 2012 (AO 1) on October 24, 2012. The AO implements the provisions of Republic Act 10172, the amendatory law to Republic Act 9048, and supplements Administrative Order 1 series of 2001, which, in turn, implements RA 9048. Both statutes provide a means of correcting erroneous entries in the civil registry without need of judicial action ...

The County Commission in Doddridge County, West Virginia is currently considering amendments to its Floodplain Ordinance as a result of a December 17, 2012 decision by the Circuit Court of Doddridge County. (Comments to the amended floodplain ordinance were due by March 25, 2013.) The facts and procedural posture of the Doddridge County case are convoluted ...

By October 1, 2013, the North Carolina Mining and Energy Commission (“N.C. MEC”) must report its findings and recommendations for hydraulic fracturing to the Joint Legislative Commission on Energy Policy and the Environmental Review Commission. One of the issues being considered by the N.C. MEC is whether the state will permit forced pooling by oil and gas companies ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2013

Following the dissolution of BP Migas, SKK Migas has taken over all upstream oil and gas business activities until the new law on oil and gas is enacted. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources recently issued Regulation No. 9 of 2013 on the duties and organizational structure of SKK Migas ...
