The issue of online court hearings, and many other types of dispute resolution processes, has been a hot topic over the last few months as restrictions have eased and court users try to figure out what the new normal is, or should be. The Scottish Civil Justice Council has just closed a consultation that seeks views on proposed new rules covering the most appropriate mode of attendance at civil court hearings in the Court of Session and in the Sheriff Courts in Scotland ...
Given the growing need for new sources of water for human and industrial consumption, in order to unify criteria in the evaluation of desalination projects, the General Directorate of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine (“DIRECTEMAR”) has published the following 3 guides with basic technical guidelines: Guide for the Environmental Assessment of Industrial Desalination Projects in Jurisdiction of the Maritime Authority The purpose of this guide is to update the minimu
The EU strives to become carbon neutral by 2050. This objective has been formally regulated through the EU Climate Law[i] and is enshrined in the European Green Deal[ii], being also in line with the EU’s commitment to global climate action according to the Paris Agreement[iii] and Glasgow Climate Pact[iv] ...
With COVID-19 vaccination campaigns nearing completion or still in progress in various countries across Southeast Asia, our experts take this opportunity to look at some of the top questions and concerns on the minds of employers and employees when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination considerations ...
On November 18, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order reinstating a version of the Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers Under Service Contracts executive order that had previously been implemented by President Obama and then rescinded by President Trump. The new clause is reproduced below. President Biden’s new executive order applies to contracts and subcontracts that are covered by the Service Contract Act ...
On October 6, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 45 (AB 45) into law. AB 45 permits the manufacture and sale of a wide range of products containing regulated amounts of industrial hemp. Below is a brief overview: What is industrial hemp? “Industrial hemp” is defined as cannabis plants that have no more than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) ...
The Norwegian government, as owners of the frigate, has held the owners of the tanker liable for the collision and presented a claim of some NOK 13 billion for the loss of the frigate and an additional NOK 770 million for costs related to removing the wreck. Liability is disputed and is due to be adjudged next year. Simonsen Vogt Wiig acts for the owners of the Sola TS ...
Suppose that your best employee, the up-and-comer you?ve been training for several years, resigns. It?s terrible news for you, especially amid a labour shortage. And, to top it off, their new employer is your main competitor ...
Key Points The California Department of Justice (DOJ) is preparing for increased enforcement of state housing laws, primarily focusing on local governments. The Housing Strike Force announcement is part of an ongoing trend of the state increasing enforcement of state housing laws ...
On Oct. 19, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a proposed rule that would establish a new category of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids. The rule came in response to President Joe Biden’s July 9 executive order, which among other things, calls for wide availability of low-cost hearing aids in order to promote economic competition ...
The Ministry of Interior issued a new Prakas No. 2644 PK dated 19 October 2021 on the Establishment and Management of Mandatory and Voluntary Taskforces for Fire Prevention and Firefighting (“Prakas 2644”) ...
On November 12, 2021, the Commission for the Financial Market ("CMF") published General Rule 461 which modifies the structure and content of the annual report of issuers of securities registered at the CMF Securities Registry on Environmental, Social and Governance or ESG matters (the "NCG") ...
Defined contribution (DC) pension schemes will soon be required to disclose more information than ever before in a bid to assess and improve value for their members. On 16 September 2021, The Pensions Regulator (TPR) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a joint discussion paper on developing a common regulatory framework for measuring value for money (VFM) for DC members. Background VFM has become a key element of DC governance in recent years ...
On September 30, 2021, Governor Gavin Newsome approved and signed AB 26, AB 48, AB 89, AB 481, AB 490, and AB 958, which amend existing laws, add entire new chapters, and expand laws impacting law enforcement agencies, their operations, and the review of conduct of peace officers ...