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Veirano Advogados | June 2020

On June 2, 2020, Resolution No. 36 was published in the Official Gazette, by means of which the National Mining Agency ("ANM") has changed Resolution No. 28/2020, which suspended the deadlines of certain procedural and material acts under its competence, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic ...

Brigard Urrutia | May 2020

As a complement to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection guide for the reduction of the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in the Energy and mining industry, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (“MME”) together with the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Joint Memorandum 01 of 2020 (the “Memorandum”) ...

On May 25th, 2020, as per publicly available information, an administrative court in Mexico issued definitive suspensions against the resolution published on April 29th, 2020 by the National Center of Energy Control (“CENACE”) to guarantee the efficiency, quality, continuity and safety of the National Electric System, as part of the constitutional appeals filed by companies involved in renewable energy projects from wind and photovoltaic projects ...

On May 15, 2020, the Ministry of Energy (“SENER”) published a Policy on Reliability, Safety, Continuity, and Quality for the National Electric System (the “Policy”) in the evening edition of the Federal Registry (“DOF”). The purpose of the Policy is to promote the sustainable development of the power industry and guarantee its continuous, efficient, and safe operation for the benefit of users under the principle of Reliability ...

On May 21, 2020, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Offices of Energy Policy and Innovation and Electric Reliability jointly published and released their 2020 Summer Energy Market and Reliability Assessment. The report provides an overview of key market events and data for the nation’s ISOs/RTOs as well as a discussion on reliability in the various power regions for summer 2020. The report includes the following key items that are summarized below ...

On May 2020 the National Center of Energy Control (“CENACE”) instructed some of its operational offices throughout México the suspension of the measures included in its resolution dated April 29th, 2020 issued to guarantee the efficiency, reliability, quality, continuity and safety of the Electrical National System due to the pandemic disease COVID-19 (the “Resolution”) ...

Gianni & Origoni | May 2020

After the start of Phase 2 (which began on 4 May 2020) the Italian government adopted on 16 May Law Decree no. 33 concerning, inter alia, "Further urgent measures to deal with the COVID-19 outbreak" (the "DL 16 May 2020"). Moreover, on 17 May 2020, in implementation of the aforementioned DL 16 May 2020, the Prime Minister issued a new decree with specific implementing provisions (the "PMD 17 May 2020") ...

Alta QIL+4 ABOGADOS | May 2020

Guatemala dawns today with the validity of a law, contained in the Decree 15-2020, extremely harmful for the country, the economy, the industry and legal certainty, and in violation of the Constitution. This law allows for the possibility of not paying certain basic services (water, cable, telephony, power [sic] (electric power) and internet) by the users, and imposes the obligation to public and private supplier companies not to suspend, under any circumstances, their provision ...

Setting natural gas prices, directly or indirectly, is already a tradition in Romania and 2020 is not an exception to the rule ...

Buchalter | May 2020

This morning FERC issued an order approving in part and rejecting in part the CAISO’s tariff filing creating a new Off-Peak Deliverability Status (“OPDS”) for interconnection customers. The proposal was driven in part by the California Public Utilities Commission’s new methodology for calculating the qualifying capacity of solar and wind resources and the shift in peak demand to a period later in the day when less solar is available ...

With the recent significant decline in commodity prices, and physical transportation and storage curtailments, due in large part to reduced demand related to the COVID-19 pandemic, producers are evaluating many of their producing oil and gas wells to determine whether some level of reduced production is appropriate ...

Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Center for Energy Control (“CENACE”) notified users of the Market Information System of its “Order to guarantee the efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity and security of the National Electric System, motivated by the recognition of the epidemic of the illness caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19),” (the “Order”), via the Public Area of the Market Information System of its official web

Buchalter | May 2020

If there is anything to be learned from the FAA’s distribution of the $10 billion in funds allocated to airports in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, it is that allocating billions of dollars in just a few weeks is more difficult than it sounds. On March 27, 2020, the CARES Act was signed into law as Public Law No. 116-136 ...

In their attempt to reduce the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, governments throughout the European Union have imposed unparalleled measures with a strong impact on travel and economic activity. As the rate of new coronavirus infections started dropping across the European Union, governments and EU officials are looking for lockdown exit strategies and methods for boosting the currently stagnant economy ...

  On May 11, 2020, the Peruvian Government enacted Legislative Decree No. 1510 (“Legislative Decree”) which delays the entry into force of the new prior merger control regime approved by Urgent Decree Nº 013-2019 (“Urgent Decree”) until March 1, 2021 and the approval of the Urgent Decree’s regulations, originally expected by May, 2020, until November, 2020 ...

On May 06, 2020 the National Hydrocarbons Commission (“CNH) published in the Federal Official Gazette an administrative resolution declaring the extension of the suspension of all terms and proceedings before such authority until May 31, 2020. The above determination was made considering the sanitary emergency that Mexico and the world is facing in connection with the disease known as coronavirus or COVID-19 ...

On April 29, 2020, the National Center of Energy Control (“CENACE”) released an administrative resolution (the “Resolution”) to guarantee the efficiency, reliability, quality, continuity and safety of the Electric National System due to the pandemic disease COVID-19 ...

On May 1, 2020, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order declaring a national emergency with respect to threats to the U.S. bulk-power system posed by the unrestricted supply of bulk power equipment by persons owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of a foreign adversary, presumably including China, a source for many of the components impacted by the Executive Order ...

Buchalter | May 2020

At its Voting Meeting today the Commission adopted a new standard offer contract available to any Qualifying Facility (QF) of 20 megawatts or less seeking to sell electricity to a Commission-jurisdictional utility pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). Under PURPA, Commission-jurisdictional utilities must provide QFs the option of executing any existing PURPA contract for which they qualify ...

Now that it appears the COVID-19 quarantine may be on the verge of ending, there are issues to consider before re-starting collection operations. When is too soon? Are there any special notices that could or should be sent? What about voluntary surrender of collateral during shelter in place? We will address these issues as well as lien priority and credit reporting ...

Dykema | May 2020

While the coronavirus has sent shockwaves through every service sector, the impact on the transportation industry has been especially severe. Automotive plants have shut down, new car sales have plummeted, and Uber and Lyft have reduced their workforce as social distancing has drastically reduced the demand for ride-hailing. In a world where stay-at-home orders are the norm, all forms of mobility have seen an abrupt decline and the entire transportation economy has suffered ...

International trade and shipping play a key role in the transportation of essential supplies, foods and other necessities, a role which becomes even more significant during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, the lockdowns and restrictions on entry imposed by many countries are causing a severe disruption to the industry while reduced manufacturing activity greatly affects shipment volumes and traffic ...

Brigard Urrutia | May 2020

Despite the fact that the fall in oil prices and the health crisis caused by COVID-19 have severely hit the hydrocarbon industry worldwide, the National Hydrocarbon Agency ("ANH") published on April 28, 2020 the Addendum No 11 through which it modified the schedule of the Permanent Area Allocation Process (“PPAA”), thus ratifying the interest of the National Government in this industry ...

Beccar Varela | May 2020

The purpose of Resolution No. 15/2020 is to implement the remote filing related to the tax break provided by the Mining Investment Law No. 24.196 (“LIM”) regarding the import of equipment and supplies for mining. It is necessary to bear in mind that Resolutions No ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection issued Resolutions 677, 679 and 681 adopting the biosecurity protocols for the control and management of COVID-19 risk in the transportation, transportation infrastructure and games of luck and chance sectors. These protocols are complementary to the general biosecurity protocol adopted through Resolution 666 of 2020 and to other measures implemented by corresponding companies ...
