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Karanovic & Partners | September 2016

According to latest media reports, the governments of Serbia and Bulgaria have agreed on the formulation of a new memorandum for the task of building a gas pipeline between the two countries, during a recent meeting of the group for gas connections in Central and South East Europe that was held in Budapest ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2002

Introduction President of Mexico Vicente Fox has announced that one of the priorities of his administration will be the development of the energy sector. He is well aware of the current needs for investment in this sector, particularly in power generation and non-associated gas exploration and production. He is also aware that the government will not have the necessary funds to match the anticipated growth of energy demand ...

Shoosmiths LLP | December 2022

The countdown to the next stage of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) is on. All let commercial property will be subject to MEES from April 2023.  This extension of the scheme should be viewed in the context of a growing commitment to ESG within the real estate industry and many property owners and occupiers having developed ESG policies which will drive improvements to the energy rating of their properties ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | February 2015

Prior articles in our series demonstratedways to stretch a borrowing base and how to address defaults on oil and gasloans. If a producer ultimately finds itself with a shrunken borrowing base andlimited liquidity, the producer in turn might not be able to pay balances dueto its contractors. An unpaid contractor may be able to file a mechanic’s andmaterialman’s (“M&M”) lien on the producer’s mineral property ...

Carey | March 2020

On 27 March 2020, the Chilean Government announced that the Ministry of Energy reached an agreement with power distributors to roll out a contingency plan that helps Chilean households pay the electricity bills during the State of Catastrophe ...

AELEX | December 2023

Introduction The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (“MARPOL” or the “Convention”) was promoted by the International Maritime Organisation (“IMO”). It was adopted on the 2nd of November 1973 to tackle the menace of marine pollution by oil, chemicals, and other hazardous materials from ships through operational or accidental causes ...

Brigard Urrutia | September 2014

The Law 1450 of 2011 by means of which it was issued the National Development Plan for the period 2011-2014 provided in its article 112 the creation of a Single Registry of Marketers of Minerals ("RUCOM" by its acronyms in Spanish), which is managed by the National Mining Agency ("ANM" by its acronyms in Spanish) in order to control the marketing of minerals in Colombia ...

The U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”), Pennsylvania Department of Environmental of Protection (“PADEP”), and environmental groups have quickly answered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) summons to ensure new energy extraction complies with environmental laws ...

Heuking | January 2018

As of now, manufacturers in the premium segment – for example in the area of cosmetics, cars, and luxury goods – can prohibit their selective sales partners from reselling goods via platforms such as Amazon, eBay, etc. to maintain the luxury image of the contractual goods ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | November 2018

Today the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that will end HRSA’s delays in implementing a January 5, 2017 final rule concerning 340B drug price calculations and civil monetary penalties (CMPs) against manufacturers who knowingly and intentionally overcharge 340B covered entities for 340B drugs (the Final Rule) ...

Buying natural gas assets from financially distressed companies is an inherently risky proposition.  Even when an attractive prospect is identified, the purchaser has to overcome a number of issues such as clearing up title, including mechanic and materialman liens and getting assignments of contracts and lessor consents ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | July 2017

Contractors who are managing to continue to operate in the offshore oil and gas sector have had some time to adjust their business models and modes of operation to the new commercial realities resulting from the lower oil price. However, the radically different economic circumstances of recent years continue to manifest themselves in challenging commercial scenarios quite unlike those experienced in the better times when the oil price was significantly higher ...

Karanovic & Partners | April 2016

Another set of amendments to the Law on Technological Industrial Development Zones ("Law") was recently enacted by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. The amendments address the specific activities which are allowed or prohibited under the Law in the area of information and communication technology. All activities that are allowed to be conducted within these zones are now exhaustively listed in the recently-amended Law ...

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has passed an executive order whereby he proposed the creation of the “Logistic Center for the Distribution and Transportation of Petroleum Products” (the “Center”), as a decentralized administrative entity separate from the Ministry of Energy, with technical, operational and management autonomy ...

The Ministry of Home Affairs (“MHA”) issued an order on April 15, 2020 containing the revised consolidated guidelines on the measures to be taken by the Central and State Governments for containment of COVID 19 (“Revised Guidelines”). The order/ Revised Guidelines specify the economic activities which will be permitted after April 20, 2020 (except in containment zones) ...

On November 8, 2011, three municipalities in western Pennsylvania put direct democracy to the test with referendums that would essentially ban natural gas drilling in their communities. Two of the referendums were overwhelmingly defeated while one succeeded with overwhelming support ...

Carey | February 2015

On January 15th, Resolution DGA N° 3,438 was published. It contains a list of water rights subject to the payment of a fine for lack of use. The fine must be paid during the month of March, 2015. The term to contest such resolution is 30 days, as counted from the date of publishing. To review the list of water rights affected by the payment of fines for non-use click here ...

ENSafrica | April 2013

Lindt received a nasty shock just before the Easter weekend. A 12-year legal battle ended with a German court ruling that Lindt could not use the German trade mark registration that it has for its famous Easter bunny to stop a competitor, Riegelen, from selling very similar looking confectionery – Lindt’s registration is for a sitting bunny wrapped in gold foil and featuring a red ribbon and a bell ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | November 2014

Offsite drilling is becoming increasing prevalent in the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas. Consequently, many in the industry were closely following a dispute between two neighboring operators in the Eagle Ford Shale area in which one operator opposed a neighboring operator’s plans to use offsite drilling. On October 29, 2014, the San Antonio Court of Appeals ruled that the plaintiff lease owner, Lightning Oil Co ...
