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Carey | July 2024

On June 28, 2024, Exempt Resolution No. 1,160 of May 31, 2024 was published in the Official Gazette, which approved the “Technical Guideline of the Public Health Institute that establishes the requirements for the application for modifications to the sanitary registration of biological products (M-MOBI)” ...

Shoosmiths LLP | July 2024

The much-anticipated Court of Appeal judgment in C.G.Fry & Son Ltd v SSLUHC [2024] EWCA Civ 730 was handed down on Friday 28 June 2024. It dismissed the appeal on all three grounds. The case was centred on the widespread issue of developments being required to demonstrate that they are ‘nutrient neutral’, so as not to add nutrient load on designated habitats ...

Shoosmiths LLP | June 2024

As we have previously commented, once COVID came along force majeure became, understandably, a hot topic but case law on the subject was light.  We are now however starting to see a trickle of cases emerging which consider force majeure. In RTI Ltd v MUR Shipping BV however, the Supreme Court has now handed down a significant judgment that clarifies the rights and obligations of contracting parties under a force majeure clause ([2024] UKSC 18) ...

Carey | June 2024

On June 17, 2024, the Chilean Comptroller General of the Republic ("Comptroller") approved DS No. 13 of 2022, of the Ministry of Energy ("Decree"), which (i) amends the regulation of gas installers; and (ii) approves the Safety Regulation of Hydrogen Installations (the "Regulation"). Following the approval by the Comptroller, the decree will enter into force once it has been published in the Official Gazette, notwithstanding the transitory provisions regulated therein ...

Buchalter | June 2024

June 18, 2024 By: Anne Marie Ellis Buchalter can assist by providing you with recommendations for testing laboratories, detailed analysis of state and federal PFAS regulations, create compliance programs tailored to meet regulatory requirements, assist in the preparation of necessary documentation including certificates of compliance, review and draft supplier contracts to include PFAS compliance and liability provisions, review your product lines, work with suppliers to understand PFAS usage,

Lavery Lawyers | June 2024

On December 20, 2022, the federal government's Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations1 (the ?Regulations?) gradually came into force, with the effect, as the name suggests, of prohibiting (or restricting, in certain cases) the manufacture, import and sale of certain single-use plastics that pose a threat to the environment ...

Carey | June 2024

On May 30, 2024, the Comptroller General of the Republic  (“Comptroller”) approved Supreme Decree No. 70 (“Decree”), which amends, mainly, (i) the Supreme Decree No. 62, of 2006, of the Ministry of Economy, Development and Reconstruction (“DS 62”), which approves the Regulation of Power Transfers between Generating Companies established in the General Law of Electric Services, and (ii) the Supreme Decree No ...

Krogerus | May 2024

Our Energy practice group has been following the progress of the legislative project which aims to clarify the requirements and processes for offshore wind power in the Finnish exclusive economic zone ("EEZ"). On 23 May 2024, the Finnish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment ("Ministry") held a third stakeholder meeting to inform and discuss in detail the draft government proposal, which has just been submitted for consultation ...

Carey | May 2024

On May 17, 2024, Law No. 21,664, which amends the Chilean Sanitary Code to define the concept of meat and prohibit the use of this designation for products that are not of animal origin, was published in the Official Gazette. This law introduces a new Paragraph III to Title II of Book Four of the Sanitary Code, called “Of Meat” ...

ALRUD Law Firm | May 2024

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Most of the products imported to Russia are subject to strict regulations under Russian and EAEU1 laws. They are regulated by: The general legislation of Federal Law No. 184-FZ dated 27 December 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, which is applied in the absence of special regulation; Special technical regulations for certain types of goods, e.g ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

Last month, Shoosmiths hosted a second event with leading industry body,  Regen on REMA, The UK’s Review of Electricity Market Arrangements – Second Consultation, which closed [this week ]. The event featured insights from Dan Osgood, the director of energy markets and analysis at Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, as well as a number of expert panel discussions around the key parts of the consultation ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

Cabinet Office has developed and published a standard Carbon Reduction Contract Schedule which provides standard terms and conditions to support contract-specific decarbonisation objectives to be set and delivered and provides a framework to monitor and assess the Suppliers’ decarbonisation performance ...

Shoosmiths LLP | May 2024

Shoosmiths’ energy & infrastructure partner Chris Pritchett hosted a panel discussion at the Solar and Storage Live London last week, focussing on the often-overlooked elements of the low carbon transport transition, namely accessibility, regional parity, and the regulatory and industry code barriers to rolling out some of the solutions that this transition so desperately needs ...

In July 2023, the World Seafood Center opened its new facility at Oslo Airport, the world’s largest refrigerated terminal for handling of fresh seafood. Large quantities of seafood are being exported from Norway every day from this terminal ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2024

On 12 April, the Cabinet Office published the second tranche of its official guidance documents on the Procurement Act. The guidance documents cover: The National Procurement Policy statement (‘NPPS’); Technical Specifications; Pipeline Notices; Planned Procurement Notices; and Preliminary Market Engagement. Each guidance document clearly sets out the key points and the policy intent in respect of these discrete parts of the Procurement Act ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2024

The EU published a report on 18 April 2024, ‘Much More than a Market’.1  The reasons behind the call for the report are the EU’s concerns that just over 30 years after its creation there are important aspects of the Single Market that are not complete, and that the world is very different to what it was 30 years ago ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2024

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has launched a campaign highlighting the risks of food labelled as vegan to people with allergies.  Research from the FSA has shown that 62% of consumers with an animal-based allergy were confident that products labelled as ‘vegan’ were safe to eat. The FSA says this confidence is incorrect and is putting people at risk ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | March 2024

The CRMA seeks to encourage Member States towards undertaking Strategic Mineral Projects, focusing on essential minerals like Copper, Titanium, Nickel (battery grade), Lithium (battery grade), and Rare Earth Elements for magnets. The overarching objective is to enhance the EU’s extraction capacity and become less dependent on suppliers from outside the EU ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2024

There are three main challenges to increasing competition in the availability of enroute charging stations, especially at motorway service area (MSA) sites, and the common theme is cost. The main challenges are: High costs for connecting to the electricity network, which acts as a key barrier to charge point operators (CPOs) investing at MSA sites. Limited competition at MSA sites, which is linked to the high costs for connecting to the electricity network ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2024

Ahead of International Data Centre Day on 20 March 2024 we consider what we believe to be some of the most important trends that are likely to have an impact on the data centre industry over the next 12 months:  1 ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2024

Governments around the world are thinking about encouraging  data sharing on a larger scale by using regulation. In the EU we have the EU Data Act, which will take effect in 2025 so is fast coming around the corner. It’s a juggernaut, and once it hits things may never be quite the same again. So what effect will it have? A recent CJEU ruling illustrates some of the problems it is likely to cause ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2024

Episode 8 of the Journey Through a Contract series highlights the key considerations when a business is entering into a contract with a consumer. This podcast examines the key considerations parties should give to contractual rights and obligations as they flow through a supply chain. A supply chain can consist of a number of different contracts, including those with raw material suppliers and manufacturers at the start, to distributors and customers at the end ...
